#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # To start a project, press the button ▶︎****|**** (or Shift+Enter), paying attention to the cursor: it has to be in the cell below. # # Projects you can choose: # # * **basic**, documented in the [*Reference Handbook*](https://terna.github.io/SLAPP3/SLAPP_Reference_Handbook.pdf); # * **basic2classes**, documented in the [*Reference Handbook*](https://terna.github.io/SLAPP3/SLAPP_Reference_Handbook.pdf); # * **basic2D**, documented in the [*Reference Handbook*](https://terna.github.io/SLAPP3/SLAPP_Reference_Handbook.pdf); # * **debug**, documented in the [*Reference Handbook*](https://terna.github.io/SLAPP3/SLAPP_Reference_Handbook.pdf); # * **production**, documented in [Boero et al. (2015)](http://www.palgrave.com/it/book/9781137339805) book; # * **oligopoly**, old version, documented at [https://github.com/terna/oligopoly](https://github.com/terna/oligopoly) where you can find further versions; # * we have also the **school** project, documented in [Boero et al. (2015)](http://www.palgrave.com/it/book/9781137339805) book, but within [Binder](http://mybinder.org) it raises an error, being *turtle* based (turtle Python class reqires tkinter, not consistent with Jupyter "%matplotlib inline" magic command); to run it, you have to download and install locally SLAPP, from [https://github.com/terna/SLAPP3](https://github.com/terna/SLAPP3). # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('run', 'runShell.py') # - To launch a new projet use again the ▶︎****|**** button (or Shift+Enter), but only after restarting the kernel with the ⟳ button. Choosing **Kernel/Restart & Clear Output** you also have a clean restart.