#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Scapy # ##### Suraj Deshmukh (surajssd009005@gmail.com) # ##### http://deshmukhsuraj.wordpress.com/ # #### @surajssd009005 # ## What is Scapy? # - An interactive tool; that lets you send, sniff, craft and manipulate packets # - Craft and decode packets of wide number of protocols # - You can do network scans, traceroutes, arpspoofs, so almost all tasks of nmap and tcpdump # # ## Why use Scapy(and not other tools)? # - Scapy is a very flexible tool to use(you'll know when you do hands-on). # - Uses Python as a tool usage language, hence easier to use. # - Break open tool designer's perspective. # ### Tool designer's perspective # - Computers are good at decoding but not so good at interpreting. # - So a programmer while designing tool makes his tool mimic interpretation. # - e.g. When a packet is sent on a TCP port with SYN flag and response comes back as SYN-ACK then port is open # - They show the result in a way what original author thought was appropriate, though it is helpful for beginners. # - So much information is lost in the process. # - But computer networks has so many protocols, so permutation of doing things increase # - So somebody would like to play in some unique way with protocols what nobody has ever thought about # - But playing with networks is not as easy job # - Need to write 100's of lines of C code # #### enter Scapy... # - just a single line to send packet of your choice # ## In a Nutshell # # ## Lets start some packets rolling... # In[7]: from scapy.all import * # ## Basics # In[8]: ip = IP() ip.show() # In[9]: ip.ttl = 100 ip.show() # In[10]: ip.dst = '' ip.show() # ## Encapsulating Layers # In[11]: ip = IP(dst='') icmp = ICMP() pkt = ip/icmp pkt # In[12]: pkt = IP(dst='www.google.com')/TCP(dport=80) pkt # In[13]: pkt = Ether()/IP()/TCP() pkt # ## Send and Receive Packets # In[14]: send(IP()/ICMP()) # In[18]: p = sr1(IP(dst='')/ICMP()) p # In[19]: ans, unans = sr(IP(dst='')/TCP(dport=[53, 80])) ans.show() # ## Ping # In[20]: ip = IP() ip.show() # In[21]: # default gateway ip.dst = '' ip.show() # In[22]: icmp = ICMP() icmp.show() # In[23]: # send and receive, stops after receiving a single reply # store the reply in variable named 'gateway' gateway = sr1(ip/icmp) gateway # In[24]: gateway.show() # ## Traceroute # In[25]: # Traceroute works by sending packets each time with decreasing 'ttl' value reply = sr1(IP(dst='www.google.com', ttl=1)/UDP()) reply.show() # In[26]: reply.src # In[27]: ans, unans = traceroute(["www.google.com","www.yahoo.com","www.bing.com"],maxttl=20) # In[28]: ans.show() # In[29]: ans.graph() # ## Sniff # In[31]: a = sniff(iface='wlan0', count=10, filter='ip') a.summary() # In[32]: sniff(iface="wlan0", prn=lambda x: x.summary(), count=10) # ## Capture and Store Packets # In[33]: pkts = sniff(iface="wlan0", prn=lambda x: x.summary(), count=20) # In[34]: wrpcap('temp.pcap', pkts) # In[35]: pkts = rdpcap("temp.pcap")