import os import dateutil import json import networkx as nx # read it in with NX import igraph as ig # process it in Igraph import numpy as np import pandas as pd import statsmodels.api as sm import scipy.stats as sps from sklearn import linear_model from patsy import dmatrices, dmatrix !mkdir -p data if not os.path.exists('data/'): !curl -o "data/#1"{} if not os.path.exists('data/GAMES.csv'): !unzip -d data data/ armchair_games = pd.read_csv('data/GAMES.csv', index_col=0) games2012 = pd.read_csv('data/nfl2012.csv') teams = sorted(armchair_games['H'].unique()) # These just happen to line up except for Seattle/SF team_names = {name: team for name, team in zip(sorted(games2012['Loser'].unique()), teams)} team_names['San Francisco 49ers'] = 'SF' team_names['Seattle Seahawks'] = 'SEA' games2012['H'] = games2012.apply(lambda x: x['Loser'] if x['Unnamed: 5'] == '@' else x['Winner'] , axis=1) games2012['V'] = games2012.apply(lambda x: x['Winner'] if x['Unnamed: 5'] == '@' else x['Loser'] , axis=1) games2012['H'] = games2012['H'].apply(team_names.get) games2012['V'] = games2012['V'].apply(team_names.get) games2012['PTSH'] = games2012.apply(lambda x: x['PtsL'] if x['Unnamed: 5'] == '@' else x['PtsW'] , axis=1) games2012['PTSV'] = games2012.apply(lambda x: x['PtsW'] if x['Unnamed: 5'] == '@' else x['PtsL'] , axis=1) games2012['SEAS'] = 2012 max_gid = int(armchair_games.index.astype(int).max()) games2012.index = range(max_gid+1, max_gid+1+games2012.shape[0]) = 'GID' games2012 = games2012.rename(columns={'Week': 'WEEK'})[['SEAS', 'WEEK', 'H', 'V', 'PTSH', 'PTSV']] games = pd.concat([armchair_games, games2012]) games.to_csv('web/') teams = sorted(games['H'].unique()) team_ids = {team: i for i, team in enumerate(teams)} def make_graph(df): """Turn a set of games into a graph representation.""" # convert teams to ints for igraph edges = [] for gid, row in df.iterrows(): if row['PTSH'] > row['PTSV']: winner = row['H'] loser = row['V'] else: winner = row['V'] loser = row['H'] edges.append((team_ids[loser], team_ids[winner])) return ig.Graph(edges=edges, directed=True, vertex_attrs={'name': teams}) def make_matrix(df, elements=lambda x: (1, 0) if x['PTSH'] > x['PTSV'] else (0, 1)): """Turn a set of games into a matrix representation.""" k = len(teams) mat = np.zeros((k, k)) for ix, row in df.iterrows(): a, b = elements(row) mat[team_ids[row['H']], team_ids[row['V']]] = a mat[team_ids[row['V']], team_ids[row['H']]] = b return mat def make_model_matrix(df): dummies = {team: (df['H'] == team).astype( - (df['V'] == team).astype( for team in teams} df2 = pd.DataFrame(dummies) df2['win'] = (df['PTSH'] > df['PTSV']).astype( y, X = dmatrices('win ~ 0 + %s' % ' + '.join(teams), df2) return y, X import requests from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as Soup def fetch_power_rankings(year, week): """Get the rankings from ESPN for a given year/week.""" url = '' % (year, week) page = requests.get(url) soup = Soup(page.content) raw = [(int(td.text), td.parent.findAll('a')[0].get('href')) for td in soup.findAll(attrs={'class': 'pr-rank'})] ranks = {} for rank, url in raw: ranks[url.split('/')[-2].upper()] = rank ranks['WAS'] = ranks.pop('WSH') return ranks if not os.path.exists('data/espn.rankings.json'): espn_rankings = {} for year in range(2002, 2013): espn_rankings[year] = {} for week in (9, 18): espn_rankings[year][week] = fetch_power_rankings(year, week) with open('data/espn.rankings.json', 'w') as f: espn_rankings = json.dump(espn_rankings, f) else: with open('data/espn.rankings.json') as f: espn_rankings = json.load(f) def espn_rank(df): week = df['WEEK'].max() season = df['SEAS'].max() return espn_rankings[str(season)][str(week+1)] g12 = games[(games['SEAS'] == 2012)*(games['WEEK'] < 18)] def rank_to_vector(rank): return np.array([rank[team] for team in teams]) def zero_one_loss(df, rank): homebetter = < homewin = df.PTSH > df.PTSV return (homewin * homebetter + (1-homewin)*(1-homebetter)).sum() / float(df.shape[0]) def misrank_loss(df, rank): winner_rank = loser_rank = return ((winner_rank > loser_rank)*(winner_rank - loser_rank)).sum() def eval_espn_similarity(rank_func, year, week): week8 = games[(games['SEAS'] == year)*(games['WEEK'] <= week)] ours = rank_to_vector(rank_func(week8)) theirs = rank_to_vector(espn_rankings[str(year)][str(week+1)]) return sps.kendalltau(ours, theirs)[0] def eval_description(rank_func, year): season = games[(games['SEAS'] == year)*(games['WEEK'] < 18)] rank = rank_func(season) return zero_one_loss(season, rank) def eval_in_season_prediction(rank_func, year): first_half = games[(games['SEAS'] == year)*(games['WEEK'] < 9)] second_half = games[(games['SEAS'] == year)*(games['WEEK'] < 18)*(games['WEEK'] >= 9)] rank = rank_func(first_half) return zero_one_loss(second_half, rank) def eval_postseason_prediction(rank_func, year): in_season = games[(games['SEAS'] == year)*(games['WEEK'] < 18)] post_season = games[(games['SEAS'] == year)*(games['WEEK'] >= 18)] rank = rank_func(in_season) return zero_one_loss(post_season, rank) def wins(df): winner = df.apply(lambda x: x['H'] if x['PTSH'] > x['PTSV'] else x['V'], axis=1) w = {team: 31 for team in df['H'].unique()} for rank, (team, ws) in enumerate(w.iteritems()): w[team] = rank return w def pythagorean_wins(df, beta=2.37): home = df.groupby('H')[['PTSH', 'PTSV']].sum().rename(columns={'PTSH': 'PTSFOR', 'PTSV': 'PTSAG'}, index={'H': 'TEAM'}) away = df.groupby('V')[['PTSH', 'PTSV']].sum().rename(columns={'PTSV': 'PTSFOR', 'PTSH': 'PTSAG'}, index={'V': 'TEAM'}) newdf = pd.concat([home, away]).groupby(level=0).sum() winrate = newdf['PTSFOR']**beta / (newdf['PTSFOR']**beta + newdf['PTSAG']**beta) return dict((winrate*-1).rank().astype(int).iteritems()) def pagerank(g, damping=1): values = g.pagerank(damping=damping) g_pr = {vert['name']: val for vert, val in zip(g.vs, values)} return g_pr #{key: i for i, (key, v) in enumerate(sorted(g_pr.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1]))} def power_iteration(m, iters=10000, x0=None): if x0 == None: x0 = np.ones(m.shape[0]) x0 /= np.linalg.norm(x0, 1) for i in range(iters): x0 =,x0) x0 /= np.linalg.norm(x0,1) scores = {team: x0[i] for team, i in team_ids.iteritems()} return {team: rank for rank, (team, score) in enumerate(sorted(scores.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))} def eigen_rank(df): m = make_matrix(df) return power_iteration(m) def eigen_rank_scores(df): """Uses points scored instead of dummy variables for wins""" m = make_matrix(df, elements=lambda x: (x['PTSH'], x['PTSV'])) return power_iteration(m) def score_transform(s1, s2): x = (s1 + 1.0) / (s1 + s2 + 2.0) return 0.5 + 0.5 * np.sign(x - 0.5) * np.sqrt(np.abs(2*x - 1)) def eigen_rank_scores_nonlinear(df): """Uses a transformed version of score with gives less credit for blowouts See Keener (1993). """ m = make_matrix(df, elements=lambda x: (score_transform(x['PTSH'], x['PTSV']), score_transform(x['PTSV'], x['PTSH']))) return power_iteration(m) def logit_rank(df, c=1.0): y, X = make_model_matrix(df) clf = linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=c, penalty='l2', tol=1e-6, fit_intercept=False), y) return {team: rank for rank, (team, score) in enumerate(sorted(zip(teams, clf.coef_[0]), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True))} def optimal_rank(df): g = make_graph(df) feedback_arcs = g.feedback_arc_set(method='exact') g.delete_edges(feedback_arcs) g_sort = g.topological_sorting() return {g.vs[ix]['name']: i for i, ix in enumerate(reversed(g_sort))} rankers = { 'wins': wins, 'pythagorean wins': pythagorean_wins, 'eigenvector': eigen_rank, 'eigenvector2': eigen_rank_scores_nonlinear, 'btl': logit_rank, 'optimal': optimal_rank, 'espn': espn_rank, } evaluations = { 'descriptive': eval_description, 'predict_in_season': eval_in_season_prediction, 'predict_postseason': eval_postseason_prediction, 'espn_similarity8': lambda rank, year: eval_espn_similarity(rank, year, 8), 'espn_similarity17': lambda rank, year: eval_espn_similarity(rank, year, 17) } results = [] for name, ranker in rankers.iteritems(): for eval_name, evaluation in evaluations.iteritems(): for year in range(2002, 2013): metric = evaluation(ranker, year) results.append({ 'rank': name, 'eval': eval_name, 'year': year, 'value': metric, }) resdf = pd.DataFrame(results) resdf.set_index(['eval', 'year', 'rank'], inplace=True) results2 = [] for name, ranker in rankers.iteritems(): for year in range(2002, 2013): df = games[(games.SEAS == year)*(games.WEEK < 18)] rank = ranker(df) for rank, (team, value) in enumerate(sorted(rank.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1])): results2.append({ 'method': name, 'year': year, 'rank': rank+1 }) all_rankings = pd.DataFrame(results2) all_rankings.to_csv('web/all.rankings.csv') all_rankings.method.unique() figsize(12, 8) fig = resdf.ix['descriptive'].unstack()['value'].plot() savefig('web/slides/img/desc.perf.png') fig = resdf.ix['espn_similarity8'].unstack()['value'].plot() savefig('web/slides/img/espn8.perf.png') fig = resdf.ix['espn_similarity17'].unstack()['value'].plot() savefig('web/slides/img/espn17.perf.png') fig = resdf.ix['predict_in_season'].unstack()['value'].plot() savefig('web/slides/img/season.perf.png') fig = resdf.ix['predict_postseason'].unstack()['value'].plot() savefig('web/slides/img/postseason.perf.png') def emit_table(rank, fn): ranked = [t for t, r in sorted(rank.iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1])] with open(fn, 'w') as f: f.write('') for i in range(8): f.write('') for j in range(4): ix = i + j*8 f.write('' % (ix+1, ranked[ix])) f.write('') f.write('
') emit_table(pythagorean_wins(g12), 'web/slides/pythagorean.html') emit_table(eigen_rank_scores_nonlinear(g12), 'web/slides/eigenvector.html') emit_table(logit_rank(g12), 'web/slides/btl.html') emit_table(optimal_rank(g12), 'web/slides/optimal.html') n = A.shape[1] w,v = np.linalg.eig(A) abs(np.real(v[:n,0]) / np.linalg.norm(v[:n,0],1)) A = np.matrix("[0 1 2 0; 1 0 1 1; 0 1 0 0; 2 1 2 0]") mat = A.copy() for i in range(100): mat = print