#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ![NeuronUnit Logo](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/scidash/assets/master/logos/neuronunit/NeuronUnitBlack2.png) # # Chapter 5 # Back to [Chapter 5](chapter5.ipynb) # # Obtaining an appropriate execution Environment # ## ie docker-stacks/neuronunit-optimization: # # Force use of development local repository. The repository must be the russell_dev branch of https://github.com/russelljjarvis/neuronunit # and the docker build is: `docker-stacks/neuronunit-optimization`, there are more graceful ways of achieving this. # # If you lack `docker-stacks/neuronunit-optimization` try: # # ``` # $git clone -b dev https://github.com/scidash/docker-stacks.git # $cd docker-stacks # $sudo bash build-all``` # # The best way will be to integrate this doc chapter5 and its supporting code # from https://github.com/russelljjarvis/neuronunit -> https://github.com/scidash/neuronunit # # # Invocation of the jupyter note book: # # On my local machine the development repo of neuronunit is located here: # # ``` # $HOME/git # # I navigate to that directory and execute: # # $docker run -p 8888:8888 -v \ # `pwd`:/home/jovyan/mnt scidash/neuronunit-optimization \ # jupyter notebook --ip= --NotebookApp.token=\"\" \ # --NotebookApp.disable_check_xsrf=True # ``` # In[1]: import sys import os THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath('chapter5.ipynb')) this_nu = os.path.join(THIS_DIR,'../') sys.path.insert(0,this_nu) import neuronunit # In[2]: from neuronunit.tests import get_neab from neuronunit.tests import utilities #as outils from neuronunit.tests import model_parameters as modelp from neuronunit.models.reduced import ReducedModel import numpy as np outils = utilities.Utilities1(get_neab) model = ReducedModel(get_neab.LEMS_MODEL_PATH,name='vanilla',backend='NEURON') model.load_model() outils.model = model # In[3]: class Test: def _optimize(self, model,modelp): ''' The implementation of optimization, consisting of implementation details. Inputs a model, and model parameter ranges to expore Private method for programmer designer. Outputs the optimal model, its attributes and the low error it resulted in. ''' from neuronunit.optimization import nsga_serial gap = nsga.GAparams(model) # The number of generations is 3 gap.NGEN = 3 # The population of genes is 12 gap.MU = 12 gap.BOUND_LOW = [ np.min(i) for i in modelp.model_params.values() ] gap.BOUND_UP = [ np.max(i) for i in modelp.model_params.values() ] # call the actual Genetic Algorithm with Optimization parameters: number of generation (NGEN = 3) # and gene population size (MU = 12) vmpop, pop, invalid_ind, pf = nsga.main(gap.NGEN,gap.MU,model,modelp); attributes = [ i.attrs for i in vmpop ] rheobases = [ i.rheobase for i in vmpop ] scores = [ i.score for i in vmpop ] parameters = [ i.attrs for i in vmpop ] data_tuples = (vmpop, parameters, scores, pop, invalid_ind, pf, rheobases) return pop, data_tuples def _get_optimization_parameters(self, data_tuples): # Your specific unpacking of tuples that _optimize returns # vmpop, parameters, scores, pop, invalid_ind, pf, rheobases) _ , parameters , scores, _ , _ , _ , _ = zip(*data_tuples) return parameters,scores def optimize(self, model, modelp): ''' # The Class users version of optimize # where details are hidden in _optimizae # Inputs: # a Izhihikitch model specified in NML, but implemented with a NEURONbackend type # from neuronunit. Modelp a formatated dictionary of model parameters # where keys are Izhikitich parameters, and values are parameter ranges. # Outputs: # the optimal model, the scores as pandas data frame. # data_tuples: other data about models from the converged gene population # like resulting rheobase values from the converged genes, pandas score arrays # the genes corresponding to attributes of the pareto front (in a raw format). ''' # Do optimization including repeated calls to judge models, data_tuples = self._optimize(model,modelp) parameters, scores = self._get_optimization_parameters(data_tuples) # this a way of looking at solved model parameters, ie candidate solutions from # the pareto front. # scores is a list of pandas dataframes for the converged gene population. # It might be good to convert it into one big panda table if I knew how. return model, scores, data_tuples t = Test() model,scores,data_tuples = t.optimize(model,modelp) # In[ ]: modelp import pandas as pd models = data_tuples[1] sc = pd.DataFrame(scores[0]) for j,i in enumerate(models): i.name = attributes[j] sc # In[ ]: data = [ models[0].name ] model_values0 = pd.DataFrame(data) model_values0 # In[ ]: rheobases=data_tuples[5][0] # In[ ]: data = [ models[0].name ] model_values0 = pd.DataFrame(data) model_values0 # In[ ]: rheobases[0] # In[ ]: sc1 = pd.DataFrame(scores[1]) sc1 # In[ ]: rheobases[1] # In[ ]: data=[ models[1].name ] model_values1 = pd.DataFrame(data) model_values1 # In[ ]: models[1].name # The code below is used to get the differences between values obtained via brute force, and those obtained otherwise. # It displays the differences in parameter values as pandas data tables. # # I have knowingly violated Github conventions by adding data (a pickled file, as well as sources to the repository). # The justification being that ground_error (the ground truth to compare against Genetic Algorithm outputs). # Takes a prohibitively long time to generate, and therefore detracts from notebooking philosophy. # In[ ]: import pickle import pandas as pd try: ground_error = pickle.load(open('big_model_evaulated.pickle','rb')) except: # The exception code is only skeletal, it would not actually work, but its the right principles. print('{0} it seems the error truth data does not yet exist, lets create it now '.format(str(False))) ground_error = list(futures.map(outils.func2map, ground_truth)) pickle.dump(ground_error,open('big_model_evaulated.pickle','wb')) # ground_error_nsga=list(zip(vmpop,pop,invalid_ind)) # pickle.dump(ground_error_nsga,open('nsga_evaulated.pickle','wb')) sum_errors = [ i[0] for i in ground_error ] composite_errors = [ i[1] for i in ground_error ] attrs = [ i[2] for i in ground_error ] rheobase = [ i[3] for i in ground_error ] indexs = [i for i,j in enumerate(sum_errors) if j==np.min(sum_errors) ][0] indexc = [i for i,j in enumerate(composite_errors) if j==np.min(composite_errors) ][0] #assert indexs == indexc vmpop = data_tuples[0] df_0 = pd.DataFrame([ (k,v,vmpop[0].attrs[k],float(v)-float(vmpop[0].attrs[k])) for k,v in ground_error[indexc][2].items() ]) df_1 = pd.DataFrame([ (k,v,vmpop[1].attrs[k],float(v)-float(vmpop[1].attrs[k])) for k,v in ground_error[indexc][2].items() ]) # In[ ]: #These are the differences in attributes found via brute force versus the genetic algorithm. For the top two candidates. df_0 # In[ ]: df_1 # In[ ]: # In[ ]: