#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Running germ selection on multiple processors # The code below should be put into a script and run using mpiexec. It's primary function is to pass a MPI Comm object to `pygsti.algorithms.germselection.build_up_breadth`. # In[1]: from __future__ import print_function import time import pygsti from pygsti.modelpacks import smq2Q_XYICNOT from pygsti.algorithms import germselection as germsel from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD def do_greedy_germsel(target_model, forced_germs, candidate_counts, seedStart, outFilename, comm): #candidate_counts is a dict of keys = germ lengths, values = # of germs at that length tStart = time.time() candidate_germs = [] for i,(germLength, count) in enumerate(candidate_counts.items()): if count == "all upto": candidate_germs.extend( pygsti.circuits.list_all_circuits_without_powers_and_cycles( target_model.operations.keys(), max_length=germLength) ) else: candidate_germs.extend( pygsti.circuits.list_random_circuits_onelen( target_model.operations.keys(), germLength, count, seed=seedStart+i)) available_germs = pygsti.tools.remove_duplicates( forced_germs + candidate_germs ) print("%d available germs" % len(available_germs)) germs = germsel.find_germs_breadthfirst(target_model, available_germs, randomization_strength=1e-3, num_copies=3, seed=1234, op_penalty=10.0, score_func='all', tol=1e-6, threshold=1e5, pretest=False, force=forced_germs, verbosity=5, comm=comm, mem_limit=0.5*(1024**3)) if comm is None or comm.Get_rank() == 0: print("Germs (%d) = \n" % len(germs), "\n".join(map(str,germs))) print("Total time = %mdl" % (time.time()-tStart)) pickle.dump(germs,open(outFilename,"wb")) return germs #2Q case target_model = smq2Q_XYICNOT.target_model() forced_germs = pygsti.circuits.to_circuits([(gl,) for gl in target_model.operations.keys()]) #singletons candidate_counts = { 3:"all upto", 4:30, 5:20, 6:20, 7:20, 8:20} # germLength:num_candidates seedStart = 4 do_greedy_germsel(target_model, forced_germs, candidate_counts, seedStart, "germs_EXAMPLE.pkl", comm) # Above is **keyboard-interrupted on purpose**, as this output was produced with a single processor and it would have taken a very long time. # # In[ ]: