#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Simon-Mars tensor in Curzon-Chazy spacetime # # This notebook demonstrates a few capabilities of SageMath in computations regarding Curzon-Chazy spacetime. It implements the computation of the Simon-Mars tensor of Curzon-Chazy spacetime used in the article [arXiv:1412.6542](http://arxiv.org/abs/1412.6542). The corresponding tools have been developed within the [SageManifolds](https://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr) project (version 1.3, as included in SageMath 8.3). # # Click [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sagemanifolds/SageManifolds/master/Worksheets/v1.3/SM_Simon-Mars_Curzon-Chazy.ipynb) to download the notebook file (ipynb format). To run it, you must start SageMath with the Jupyter notebook, via the command `sage -n jupyter` # *NB:* a version of SageMath at least equal to 8.2 is required to run this notebook: # In[1]: version() # First we set up the notebook to display mathematical objects using LaTeX rendering: # In[2]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('display', 'latex') # ## Spacetime manifold # # We declare the Curzon-Chazy spacetime as a 4-dimensional Lorentzian manifold: # In[3]: M = Manifold(4, 'M', latex_name=r'\mathcal{M}', structure='Lorentzian') print(M) #

We introduce the coordinates $(t,r,y,\phi)$ with $y$ related to the standard Weyl-Papapetrou coordinates $(t,r,\theta,\phi)$ by $y=\cos\theta$:

# In[4]: X. = M.chart(r't r:(0,+oo) y:(-1,1) ph:(0,2*pi):\phi') print(X) ; X #

Metric tensor


We declare the only parameter of the Curzon-Chazy spacetime, which is the mass $m$ as a symbolic variable:

# In[5]: var('m') #

Without any loss of generality, we set $m$ to some specific value (this amounts simply to fixing some length scale):

# In[6]: m = 12 # Let us set the components of the spacetime metric in the coordinate frame associated with Weyl-Papapetrou coordinates: # In[7]: g = M.metric() g[0,0] = - exp(-2*m/r) g[1,1] = exp(2*m/r-m^2*(1-y^2)/r^2) g[2,2] = exp(2*m/r-m^2*(1-y^2)/r^2)*r^2/(1-y^2) g[3,3] = exp(2*m/r)*r^2*(1-y^2) # In[8]: g[:] #

The Levi-Civita connection $\nabla$ associated with $g$:

# In[9]: nab = g.connection() ; print(nab) #

As a check, we verify that the covariant derivative of $g$ with respect to $\nabla$ vanishes identically:

# In[10]: nab(g).display() #

Killing vector


The default vector frame on the spacetime manifold is the coordinate basis associated with Weyl-Papapetrou coordinates:

# In[11]: M.default_frame() is X.frame() # In[12]: X.frame() #

Let us consider the first vector field of this frame:

# In[13]: xi = X.frame()[0] ; xi # In[14]: print(xi) #

The 1-form associated to it by metric duality is

# In[15]: xi_form = xi.down(g) xi_form.set_name('xi_form', r'\underline{\xi}') print(xi_form) ; xi_form.display() #

Its covariant derivative is

# In[16]: nab_xi = nab(xi_form) print(nab_xi) ; nab_xi.display() #

Let us check that the Killing equation is satisfied:

# In[17]: nab_xi.symmetrize().display() #

Equivalently, we check that the Lie derivative of the metric along $\xi$ vanishes:

# In[18]: g.lie_der(xi).display() #

Thank to Killing equation, $\nabla_g \underline{\xi}$ is antisymmetric. We may therefore define a 2-form by $F := - \nabla_g \xi$. Here we enforce the antisymmetry by calling the function antisymmetrize() on nab_xi:

# In[19]: F = - nab_xi.antisymmetrize() F.set_name('F') print(F) F.display() #

We check that

# In[20]: F == - nab_xi #

The squared norm of the Killing vector is

# In[21]: lamb = - g(xi,xi) lamb.set_name('lambda', r'\lambda') print(lamb) lamb.display() #

Instead of invoking $g(\xi,\xi)$, we could have evaluated $\lambda$ by means of the 1-form $\underline{\xi}$ acting on the vector field $\xi$:

# In[22]: lamb == - xi_form(xi) #

or we could have used index notation in the form $\lambda = - \xi_a \xi^a$:

# In[23]: lamb == - ( xi_form['_a']*xi['^a'] ) #



The Riemann curvature tensor associated with $g$ is

# In[24]: Riem = g.riemann() print(Riem) #

The component $R^0_{\ \, 101} = R^t_{\ \, rtr}$ is

# In[25]: Riem[0,1,0,1] #

while the component $R^2_{\ \, 323} = R^y_{\ \, \phi y \phi}$ is

# In[26]: Riem[2,3,2,3] #

All the non-vanishing components of the Riemann tensor, taking into account the antisymmetry on the last two indices:

# In[27]: Riem.display_comp(only_nonredundant=True) #

The Ricci tensor:

# In[28]: Ric = g.ricci() print(Ric) #

Let us check that the Curzon-Chazy metric is a solution of the vacuum Einstein equation:

# In[29]: Ric.display() #

The Weyl conformal curvature tensor is

# In[30]: C = g.weyl() print(C) #

Let us exhibit two of its components $C^0_{\ \, 123}$ and $C^0_{\ \, 101}$:

# In[31]: C[0,1,2,3] # In[32]: C[0,1,0,1] #

To form the Mars-Simon tensor, we need the fully covariant (type-(0,4) tensor) form of the Weyl tensor (i.e. $C_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu} = g_{\alpha\sigma} C^\sigma_{\ \, \beta\mu\nu}$); we get it by lowering the first index with the metric:

# In[33]: Cd = C.down(g) print(Cd) #

The (monoterm) symmetries of this tensor are those inherited from the Weyl tensor, i.e. the antisymmetry on the last two indices (position 2 and 3, the first index being at position 0):

# In[34]: Cd.symmetries() #

Actually, Cd is also antisymmetric with respect to the first two indices (positions 0 and 1), as we can check:

# In[35]: Cd == Cd.antisymmetrize(0,1) #

To take this symmetry into account explicitely, we set

# In[36]: Cd = Cd.antisymmetrize(0,1) #

Hence we have now

# In[37]: Cd.symmetries() #

Simon-Mars tensor


The Simon-Mars tensor with respect to the Killing vector $\xi$ is a rank-3 tensor introduced by Marc Mars in 1999 (Class. Quantum Grav. 16, 2507). It has the remarkable property to vanish identically if, and only if, the spacetime $(\mathcal{M},g)$ is locally isometric to a Kerr spacetime.


Let us evaluate the Simon-Mars tensor by following the formulas given in Mars' article. The starting point is the self-dual complex 2-form associated with the Killing 2-form $F$, i.e. the object $\mathcal{F} := F + i \, {}^* F$, where ${}^*F$ is the Hodge dual of $F$:

# In[38]: FF = F + I * F.hodge_dual(g) FF.set_name('FF', r'\mathcal{F}') print(FF) ; FF.display() #

Let us check that $\mathcal{F}$ is self-dual, i.e. that it obeys ${}^* \mathcal{F} = -i \mathcal{F}$:

# In[39]: FF.hodge_dual(g) == - I * FF #

Let us form the right self-dual of the Weyl tensor as follows


$$\mathcal{C}_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu} = C_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu} + \frac{i}{2} \epsilon^{\rho\sigma}_{\ \ \ \mu\nu} \, C_{\alpha\beta\rho\sigma}$$


where $\epsilon^{\rho\sigma}_{\ \ \ \mu\nu}$ is associated to the Levi-Civita tensor $\epsilon_{\rho\sigma\mu\nu}$ and is obtained by

# In[40]: eps = g.volume_form(2) # 2 = the first 2 indices are contravariant print(eps) eps.symmetries() #

The right self-dual Weyl tensor is then:

# In[41]: CC = Cd + I/2*( eps['^rs_..']*Cd['_..rs'] ) CC.set_name('CC', r'\mathcal{C}') ; print(CC) # In[42]: CC.symmetries() # In[43]: CC[0,1,2,3] #

The Ernst 1-form $\sigma_\alpha = 2 \mathcal{F}_{\mu\alpha} \, \xi^\mu$ (0 = contraction on the first index of $\mathcal{F}$):

# In[44]: sigma = 2*FF.contract(0, xi) #

Instead of invoking the function contract(), we could have used the index notation to denote the contraction:

# In[45]: sigma == 2*( FF['_ma']*xi['^m'] ) # In[46]: sigma.set_name('sigma', r'\sigma') print(sigma) ; sigma.display() #

The symmetric bilinear form $\gamma = \lambda \, g + \underline{\xi}\otimes\underline{\xi}$:

# In[47]: gamma = lamb*g + xi_form * xi_form gamma.set_name('gamma', r'\gamma') print(gamma) ; gamma.display() #

Final computation leading to the Simon-Mars tensor:


The first part of the Simon-Mars tensor is


$$ S^{(1)}_{\alpha\beta\gamma} = 4 \mathcal{C}_{\mu\alpha\nu\beta} \, \xi^\mu \, \xi^\nu \, \sigma_\gamma$$

# In[48]: S1 = 4*( CC.contract(0,xi).contract(1,xi) ) * sigma print(S1) #

The second part is the tensor


$$ S^{(2)}_{\alpha\beta\gamma} = - \gamma_{\alpha\beta} \, \mathcal{C}_{\rho\gamma\mu\nu} \, \xi^\rho \, \mathcal{F}^{\mu\nu}$$


which we compute by using the index notation to denote the contractions:

# In[49]: FFuu = FF.up(g) xiCC = CC['_.r..']*xi['^r'] S2 = gamma * ( xiCC['_.mn']*FFuu['^mn'] ) print(S2) # In[50]: S2.symmetries() #

The Mars-Simon tensor with respect to $\xi$ is obtained by antisymmetrizing $S^{(1)}$ and $S^{(2)}$ on their last two indices and adding them:

$$ S_{\alpha\beta\gamma} = S^{(1)}_{\alpha[\beta\gamma]} + S^{(2)}_{\alpha[\beta\gamma]}$$
# #

We use the index notation for the antisymmetrization:

# In[51]: S1A = S1['_a[bc]'] S2A = S2['_a[bc]'] #

An equivalent writing would have been (the last two indices being in position 1 and 2):

# In[52]: # S1A = S1.antisymmetrize(1,2) # S2A = S2.antisymmetrize(1,2) #

The Simon-Mars tensor is

# In[53]: S = S1A + S2A S.set_name('S') ; print(S) S.symmetries() # In[54]: S.display() # In[55]: S.display_comp() #

Hence the Simon-Mars tensor is not zero: the Curzon-Chazy spacetime is not locally isomorphic to the Kerr spacetime.


Computation of the Simon-Mars scalars


First we form the "square" of the Simon-Mars tensor:

# In[56]: Su = S.up(g) print(Su) # In[57]: SS = S['_ijk']*Su['^ijk'] print(SS) # In[58]: SS.display() # In[59]: SSE=SS.expr() #

Then we take the real and imaginary part of this compex scalar field. Because this spacetime is spherically symmetric, we expect that the imaginary part vanishes.

# In[60]: SS1 = real(SSE) ; SS1 # In[61]: SS2 = imag(SSE) ; SS2 #

Furthermore we scale those scalars by the ADM mass of the Curzon-Chazy spacetime, which corresponds to $m$:

# In[62]: SS1ad = m^6*SS1 ; SS1ad #

And we take the log of this quantity

# In[63]: lSS1ad = log(SS1ad,10) ; lSS1ad #

Then we plot the value of this quantity as a function of $\rho = x = r \sqrt{1-y^2}$ and $z = r y$, thereby producing Figure 10 of arXiv:1412.6542:

# In[64]: var('x z') lSS1xzad = lSS1ad.subs(r=sqrt(x^2+z^2), y = z/sqrt(x^2+z^2)).simplify_full() lSS1xzad # In[65]: S1CC1 = contour_plot(lSS1xzad, (x,-20,20), (z,-20,20), plot_points=200, fill=False, cmap='hsv', linewidths=1, contours=(-14,-13.5,-13,-12.5,-12,-11.5,-11, -10.5,-10,-9.5,-9,-8.5,-8,-7.5,-7, -6.5,-6,-5.5,-5,-4.5,-4,-3.5,-3,-2.5, -2,-1.5,-1,-0.5,0), colorbar=True, colorbar_spacing='uniform', colorbar_format='%1.f', axes_labels=(r"$\rho\,\left[M\right]$", r"$z\,\left[M\right]$"), fontsize=14) S1CC1 # We also a viewer for 3D plots (use `'threejs'` or `'jmol'` for interactive 3D graphics): # In[66]: viewer3D = 'tachyon' # must be 'threejs', 'jmol', 'tachyon' or None (default) # In[67]: plot3d(lSS1xzad, (x,0.12,20), (z,0.12,20), viewer=viewer3D, aspect_ratio=[1,1,0.05], plot_points=100, axes_labels=['rho', 'z', 'log(beta)'])