#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Manifold tutorial # # This notebook provides a short introduction to differentiable manifolds in SageMath. The tools described below have been implemented through the [SageManifolds](https://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr) project. # This notebook is valid for version 9.2 or higher of SageMath: # In[1]: version() # First we set up the notebook to display mathematical objects using LaTeX rendering: # In[2]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('display', 'latex') # ## Defining a manifold # # As an example let us define a differentiable manifold of dimension 3 over $\mathbb{R}$: # In[3]: M = Manifold(3, 'M', latex_name=r'\mathcal{M}', start_index=1) # - The first argument, `3`, is the manifold dimension; it can be any # positive integer. # - The second argument, `'M'`, is a string defining the manifold's name; it may be # different from the symbol set on the left-hand side of the = sign (here `M`): the latter # stands for the Python variable that refers to the manifold object in the computer # memory, while the string `'M'` is the mathematical symbol chosen for the manifold. # - The optional argument `latex_name=r'\mathcal{M}'` sets the LaTeX # symbol to display the manifold. Note the letter 'r' in front on the first quote: # it indicates that the string is a *raw* one, so that the backslash character # in `\mathcal` is considered as an ordinary character (otherwise, the backslash is # used to escape some special characters). If the argument `latex_name` is not # provided by the user, it is set to the string used as the second argument (here `'M'`) # - The optional argument `start_index=1` defines the range of indices to be used for # tensor components on the manifold: setting it to 1 means that indices will range # in $\{1,2,3\}$. The default value is `start_index=0`. # # Note that the default base field is $\mathbb{R}$. If we would have used the optional # argument `field='complex'`, we would have defined a manifold over $\mathbb{C}$. See the # [list of all options](http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/manifolds/sage/manifolds/manifold.html#sage.manifolds.manifold.Manifold) for more details. # # If we ask for M, it is displayed via its LaTeX symbol: # In[4]: M # If we use the function `print()` instead, we get a short description of the object: # In[5]: print(M) # Via the function `type()`, we get the type of the Python object corresponding to M (here the Python class `DifferentiableManifold_with_category`): # In[6]: print(type(M)) # We can also ask for the category of M and see that it is the category of smooth manifolds over $\mathbb{R}$: # In[7]: category(M) # The indices on the manifold are generated by the method `irange()`, to be used in loops: # In[8]: [i for i in M.irange()] # If the parameter `start_index` had not been specified, the default range of the indices would have been $\{0,1,2\}$ instead: # In[9]: M0 = Manifold(3, 'M', latex_name=r'\mathcal{M}') [i for i in M0.irange()] # ## Defining a chart on the manifold # # Let us assume that the manifold $\mathcal{M}$ can be covered by a single chart (other cases are discussed below); the chart is declared as follows: # In[10]: X. = M.chart() # The writing `.` in the left-hand side means that the Python variables `x`, `y` and `z` are set to the three coordinates of the chart. This allows one to refer subsequently to the coordinates by their names. # # In this example, the function `chart()` has no arguments, which implies that the coordinate symbols will be `x`, `y` and `z` (i.e. exactly the characters set in the `<...>` operator) and that each coordinate range is $(-\infty,+\infty)$. For other cases, an argument must be passed to `chart()`ย  to specify the coordinate symbols and range, as well as the LaTeX symbol of a coordinate if the latter is different from the coordinate name (an example will be provided below). #

The chart is displayed as a pair formed by the open set covered by it (here the whole manifold) and the coordinates:

# In[11]: print(X) # In[12]: X # The coordinates can be accessed individually, by means of their indices, following the convention defined by `start_index=1` in the manifold's definition: # In[13]: X[1] # In[14]: X[2] # In[15]: X[3] # The full set of coordinates is obtained by means of the operator `[:]`: # In[16]: X[:] # Thanks to the operator `` used in the chart declaration, each coordinate can be accessed directly via its name: # In[17]: z is X[3] # Coordinates are SageMath symbolic expressions: # In[18]: print(type(z)) # ### Functions of the chart coordinates # # Real-valued functions of the chart coordinates (mathematically speaking, *functions defined on the chart codomain*) are generated via the method `function()` acting on the chart: # In[19]: f = X.function(x+y^2+z^3) f # In[20]: f.display() # In[21]: f(1,2,3) # They belong to the class `ChartFunction` (actually the subclass `๐™ฒ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š›๐š๐™ต๐šž๐š—๐šŒ๐š๐š’๐š˜๐š—๐š๐š’๐š—๐š_๐š ๐š’๐šh_๐šŒ๐šŠ๐š๐šŽ๐š๐š˜๐š›๐šข.๐šŽ๐š•๐šŽ๐š–๐šŽ๐š—t_๐šŒ๐š•๐šŠ๐šœ๐šœ`): # In[22]: print(type(f)) # and differ from SageMath standard symbolic functions by automatic simplifications in all operations. For instance, adding the two symbolic functions # In[23]: f0(x,y,z) = cos(x)^2; g0(x,y,z) = sin(x)^2 # results in # In[24]: f0 + g0 # while the sum of the corresponding functions in the class `ChartFunction` is automatically simplified: # In[25]: f1 = X.function(cos(x)^2); g1 = X.function(sin(x)^2) f1 + g1 # To get the same output with symbolic functions, one has to invoke the method `simplify_trig()`: # In[26]: (f0 + g0).simplify_trig() # Another difference regards the display; if we ask for the symbolic function `f0`, we get # In[27]: f0 # while if we ask for the chart function `f1`, we get only the coordinate expression: # In[28]: f1 # To get an output similar to that of `f0`, one should call the method `display()`: # In[29]: f1.display() # Note that the method `expr()` returns the underlying symbolic expression: # In[30]: f1.expr() # In[31]: print(type(f1.expr())) # ### Introducing a second chart on the manifold # # Let us first consider an open subset of $\mathcal{M}$, for instance the complement $U$ of the region defined by $\{y=0, x\geq 0\}$ (note that `(y!=0, x<0)` stands for $y\not=0$ OR $x<0$; the condition $y\not=0$ AND $x<0$ would have been written `[y!=0, x<0]` instead): # In[32]: U = M.open_subset('U', coord_def={X: (y!=0, x<0)}) # Let us call `X_U` the restriction of the chart `X` to the open subset $U$: # In[33]: X_U = X.restrict(U) X_U #

We introduce another chart on $U$, with spherical-type coordinates $(r,\theta,\phi)$:

# In[34]: Y. = U.chart(r'r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi') Y # The method `chart()` is now used with an argument; it is a string, which contains specific LaTeX symbols, hence the prefix 'r' to it (for *raw* string). It also contains the coordinate ranges, since they are different from the default value, which is $(-\infty, +\infty)$. For a given coordinate, the various fields are separated by the character ':' and a space character separates the coordinates. Note that for the coordinate $r$, there are only two fields, since the LaTeX symbol has not to be specified. The LaTeX symbols are used for the outputs: # In[35]: th, ph # In[36]: Y[2], Y[3] # The declared coordinate ranges are now known to Sage, as we may check by means of the command `assumptions()`: # In[37]: assumptions() #

They are used in simplifications:

# In[38]: simplify(abs(r)) # In[39]: simplify(abs(x)) # no simplification occurs since x can take any value in R #

After having been declared, the chart Y can be fully specified by its relation to the chart X_U, via a transition map:

# In[40]: transit_Y_to_X = Y.transition_map(X_U, [r*sin(th)*cos(ph), r*sin(th)*sin(ph), r*cos(th)]) transit_Y_to_X # In[41]: transit_Y_to_X.display() # The inverse of the transition map can be specified by means of the method `set_inverse()`: # In[42]: transit_Y_to_X.set_inverse(sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2), atan2(sqrt(x^2+y^2),z), atan2(y, x)) # A check of the provided inverse is performed by composing it with the original transition map, on the left and on the right respectively. As indicated, the reported failure for `th` and `ph` is actually due to a lack of simplification of expressions involving `arctan2`. # We have then # In[43]: transit_Y_to_X.inverse().display() #

At this stage, the manifold's atlas (the "user atlas", not the maximal atlas!) contains three charts:

# In[44]: M.atlas() # The first chart defined on the manifold is considered as the manifold's default chart (this can be changed by the method `set_default_chart()`): # In[45]: M.default_chart() #

Each open subset has its own atlas (since an open subset of a manifold is a manifold by itself):

# In[46]: U.atlas() # In[47]: U.default_chart() # We can draw the chart $Y$ in terms of the chart $X$ via the command `Y.plot(X)`, which shows the lines of constant coordinates from the $Y$ chart in a "Cartesian frame" based on the $X$ coordinates: # In[48]: Y.plot(X) # The method `plot()` allows for many options, to control the number of coordinate lines to be drawn, their style and color, as well as the coordinate ranges (cf. the [list of all options](http://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/manifolds/sage/manifolds/chart.html#sage.manifolds.chart.RealChart.plot)): # In[49]: Y.plot(X, ranges={r:(1,2), th:(0,pi/2)}, number_values=4, color={r:'blue', th:'green', ph:'red'}, aspect_ratio=1) #

Conversly, the chart $X|_{U}$ can be plotted in terms of the chart $Y$ (this is not possible for the whole chart $X$ since its domain is larger than that of chart $Y$):

# In[50]: graph = X_U.plot(Y) show(graph, axes_labels=['r','theta','phi']) # ## Points on the manifold # # A point on $\mathcal{M}$ is defined by its coordinates in a given chart: # In[51]: p = M.point((1,2,-1), chart=X, name='p') print(p) p #

Since $X=(\mathcal{M}, (x,y,z))$ is the manifold's default chart, its name can be omitted:

# In[52]: p = M.point((1,2,-1), name='p') print(p) p #

Of course, $p$ belongs to $\mathcal{M}$:

# In[53]: p in M #

It is also in $U$:

# In[54]: p in U #

Indeed the coordinates of $p$ have $y\not=0$:

# In[55]: p.coord(X) #

Note in passing that since $X$ is the default chart on $\mathcal{M}$, its name can be omitted in the arguments of coord():

# In[56]: p.coord() #

The coordinates of $p$ can also be obtained by letting the chart acting of the point (from the very definition of a chart!):

# In[57]: X(p) #

Let $q$ be a point with $y = 0$ and $x \geq 0$:

# In[58]: q = M.point((1,0,2), name='q') #

This time, the point does not belong to $U$:

# In[59]: q in U #

Accordingly, we cannot ask for the coordinates of $q$ in the chart $Y=(U, (r,\theta,\phi))$:

# In[60]: try: q.coord(Y) except ValueError as exc: print("Error: " + str(exc)) #

but we can for point $p$:

# In[61]: p.coord(Y) # In[62]: Y(p) #

Points can be compared:

# In[63]: q == p # In[64]: p1 = U.point((sqrt(3)*sqrt(2), pi-atan(sqrt(5)), atan(2)), chart=Y) p1 == p #

In SageMath's terminology, points are elements, whose parents are the manifold on which they have been defined:

# In[65]: p.parent() # In[66]: q.parent() # In[67]: p1.parent() # ## Scalar fields # # A **scalar field** is a differentiable map $U \to \mathbb{R}$, where $U$ is an open subset of $\mathcal{M}$. # # A scalar field is defined by its expressions in terms of charts covering its domain (in general more than one chart is necessary to cover all the domain): # In[68]: f = U.scalar_field({X_U: x+y^2+z^3}, name='f') print(f) # The coordinate expressions of the scalar field are passed as a Python dictionary, with the charts as keys, hence the writing `{X_U: x+y^2+z^3}`. # Since in the present case, there is only one chart in the dictionary, an alternative writing is # In[69]: f = U.scalar_field(x+y^2+z^3, chart=X_U, name='f') print(f) # Since `X_U` is the domain's default chart, it can be omitted in the above declaration: # In[70]: f = U.scalar_field(x+y^2+z^3, name='f') print(f) # As a mapping $U\subset\mathcal{M}\longrightarrow\mathbb{R}$, a scalar field acts on points, not on coordinates: # In[71]: f(p) # The method `display()` provides the expression of the scalar field in terms of a given chart: # In[72]: f.display(X_U) # If no argument is provided, the method `display()` shows the coordinate expression of the scalar field in all the charts defined on the domain (except for *subcharts*, i.e. the restrictions of some chart to a subdomain): # In[73]: f.display() # Note that the expression of $f$ in terms of the coordinates $(r,\theta,\phi)$ has not been provided by the user but has been automatically computed by means of the change-of-coordinate formula declared above in the transition map. # In[74]: f.display(Y) # In each chart, the scalar field is represented by a function of the chart coordinates (an object of the type `ChartFunction` described above), which is accessible via the method `coord_function()`: # In[75]: f.coord_function(X_U) # In[76]: f.coord_function(X_U).display() # In[77]: f.coord_function(Y) # In[78]: f.coord_function(Y).display() #

The "raw" symbolic expression is returned by the method expr():

# In[79]: f.expr(X_U) # In[80]: f.expr(Y) # In[81]: f.expr(Y) is f.coord_function(Y).expr() #

A scalar field can also be defined by some unspecified function of the coordinates:

# In[82]: h = U.scalar_field(function('H')(x, y, z), name='h') print(h) # In[83]: h.display() # In[84]: h.display(Y) # In[85]: h(p) # remember that p is the point of coordinates (1,2,-1) in the chart X_U #

The parent of $f$ is the set $C^\infty(U)$ of all smooth scalar fields on $U$, which is a commutative algebra over $\mathbb{R}$:

# In[86]: CU = f.parent() CU # In[87]: print(CU) # In[88]: CU.category() # The base ring of the algebra is the field $\mathbb{R}$, which is represented here by SageMath's Symbolic Ring (`SR`): # In[89]: CU.base_ring() # Arithmetic operations on scalar fields are defined through the algebra structure: # In[90]: s = f + 2*h print(s) # In[91]: s.display() # ## Tangent spaces # # The tangent vector space to the manifold at point $p$ is obtained as follows: # In[92]: Tp = M.tangent_space(p) Tp # In[93]: print(Tp) # $T_p\, \mathcal{M}$ is a 2-dimensional vector space over $\mathbb{R}$ (represented here by SageMath's Symbolic Ring (`SR`)): # In[94]: print(Tp.category()) # In[95]: Tp.dim() #

$T_p\, \mathcal{M}$ is automatically endowed with vector bases deduced from the vector frames defined around the point:

# In[96]: Tp.bases() #

For the tangent space at the point $q$, on the contrary, there is only one pre-defined basis, since $q$ is not in the domain $U$ of the frame associated with coordinates $(r,\theta,\phi)$:

# In[97]: Tq = M.tangent_space(q) Tq.bases() #

A random element:

# In[98]: v = Tp.an_element() print(v) # In[99]: v.display() # In[100]: u = Tq.an_element() print(u) # In[101]: u.display() #

Note that, despite what the above simplified writing may suggest (the mention of the point $p$ or $q$ is omitted in the basis vectors), $u$ and $v$ are different vectors, for they belong to different vector spaces:

# In[102]: v.parent() # In[103]: u.parent() #

In particular, it is not possible to add $u$ and $v$:

# In[104]: try: s = u + v except TypeError as exc: print("Error: " + str(exc)) # ## Vector Fields # # Each chart defines a vector frame on the chart domain: the so-called **coordinate basis**: # In[105]: X.frame() # In[106]: X.frame().domain() # this frame is defined on the whole manifold # In[107]: Y.frame() # In[108]: Y.frame().domain() # this frame is defined only on U # The list of frames defined on a given open subset is returned by the method `frames()`: # In[109]: M.frames() # In[110]: U.frames() # In[111]: M.default_frame() # Unless otherwise specified (via the command `set_default_frame()`), the default frame is that associated with the default chart: # In[112]: M.default_frame() is M.default_chart().frame() # In[113]: U.default_frame() is U.default_chart().frame() #

Individual elements of a frame can be accessed by means of their indices:

# In[114]: e = U.default_frame() e2 = e[2] e2 # In[115]: print(e2) #

We may define a new vector field as follows:

# In[116]: v = e[2] + 2*x*e[3] print(v) # In[117]: v.display() #

A vector field can be defined by its components with respect to a given vector frame. When the latter is not specified, the open set's default frame is of course assumed:

# In[118]: v = U.vector_field(name='v') # vector field defined on the open set U v[1] = 1+y v[2] = -x v[3] = x*y*z v.display() # Since version 8.8 of SageMath, it is possible to initialize the components of the vector field while declaring it, so that the above is equivalent to # In[119]: v = U.vector_field(1+y, -x, x*y*z, name='v') # valid only in SageMath 8.8 and higher v.display() #

Vector fields on $U$ are Sage element objects, whose parent is the set $\mathfrak{X}(U)$ of vector fields defined on $U$:

# In[120]: v.parent() #

The set $\mathfrak{X}(U)$ is a module over the commutative algebra $C^\infty(U)$ of scalar fields on $U$:

# In[121]: print(v.parent()) # In[122]: print(v.parent().category()) # In[123]: v.parent().base_ring() #

A vector field acts on scalar fields:

# In[124]: f.display() # In[125]: s = v(f) print(s) # In[126]: s.display() # In[127]: e[3].display() # In[128]: e[3](f).display() #

Unset components are assumed to be zero:

# In[129]: w = U.vector_field(name='w') w[2] = 3 w.display() #

A vector field on $U$ can be expanded in the vector frame associated with the chart $(r,\theta,\phi)$:

# In[130]: v.display(Y.frame()) # By default, the components are expressed in terms of the default coordinates $(x,y,z)$. To express them in terms of the coordinates $(r,\theta,\phi)$, one should add the corresponding chart as the second argument of the method `display()`: # In[131]: v.display(Y.frame(), Y) # In[132]: for i in M.irange(): show(e[i].display(Y.frame(), Y)) # The components of a tensor field w.r.t. the default frame can also be obtained as a list, thanks to the operator `[:]`: # In[133]: v[:] # An alternative is to use the method `display_comp()`: # In[134]: v.display_comp() # To obtain the components w.r.t. another frame, one may go through the method `comp()` and specify the frame: # In[135]: v.comp(Y.frame())[:] #

However a shortcut is to provide the frame as the first argument of the square brackets:

# In[136]: v[Y.frame(), :] # In[137]: v.display_comp(Y.frame()) #

Components are shown expressed in terms of the default's coordinates; to get them in terms of the coordinates $(r,\theta,\phi)$ instead, add the chart name as the last argument in the square brackets:

# In[138]: v[Y.frame(), :, Y] # or specify the chart in `display_comp()`: # In[139]: v.display_comp(Y.frame(), chart=Y) # To get some vector component as a scalar field instead of a coordinate expression, use double square brackets: # In[140]: print(v[[1]]) # In[141]: v[[1]].display() # In[142]: v[[1]].expr(X_U) #

A vector field can be defined with components being unspecified functions of the coordinates:

# In[143]: u = U.vector_field(name='u') u[:] = [function('u_x')(x,y,z), function('u_y')(x,y,z), function('u_z')(x,y,z)] u.display() # In[144]: s = v + u s.set_name('s') s.display() # ### Values of vector field at a given point # # The value of a vector field at some point of the manifold is obtained via the method `at()`: # In[145]: vp = v.at(p) print(vp) # In[146]: vp.display() #

Indeed, recall that, w.r.t. chart X_U=$(x,y,z)$,ย  the coordinates of the point $p$ and the components of the vector field $v$ are

# In[147]: p.coord(X_U) # In[148]: v.display(X_U.frame(), X_U) # Note that to simplify the writing, the symbol used to denote the value of the vector field at point $p$ is the same as that of the vector field itself (namely $v$); this can be changed by the method `set_name()`: # In[149]: vp.set_name(latex_name='v|_p') vp.display() #

Of course, $v|_p$ belongs to the tangent space at $p$:

# In[150]: vp.parent() # In[151]: vp in M.tangent_space(p) # In[152]: up = u.at(p) print(up) # In[153]: up.display() # ## 1-forms # # A **1-form** on $\mathcal{M}$ is a field of linear forms. For instance, it can be the *differential of a scalar field*: # In[154]: df = f.differential() print(df) # An equivalent writing is # In[155]: df = diff(f) # The method `display()` shows the expansion on the default coframe: # In[156]: df.display() # In the above writing, the 1-form is expanded over the basis $(\mathrm{d}x, \mathrm{d}y, \mathrm{d}z)$ associated with the chart $(x,y,z)$. This basis can be accessed via the method `coframe()`: # In[157]: dX = X.coframe() dX # The list of all coframes defined on a given manifold open subset is returned by the method `coframes()`: # In[158]: M.coframes() # As for a vector field, the value of the differential form at some point on the manifold is obtained by the method `at()`: # In[159]: dfp = df.at(p) print(dfp) # In[160]: dfp.display() #

Recall that

# In[161]: p.coord() #

The linear form $\mathrm{d}f|_p$ belongs to the dual of the tangent vector space at $p$:

# In[162]: dfp.parent() # In[163]: dfp.parent() is M.tangent_space(p).dual() #

As such, it is acting on vectors at $p$, yielding a real number:

# In[164]: print(vp) vp.display() # In[165]: dfp(vp) # In[166]: print(up) up.display() # In[167]: dfp(up) #

The differential 1-form of the unspecified scalar field $h$:

# In[168]: dh = h.differential() dh.display() #

A 1-form can also be defined from scratch:

# In[169]: om = U.one_form(name='omega', latex_name=r'\omega') print(om) #

It can be specified by providing its components in a given coframe:

# In[170]: om[:] = [x^2+y^2, z, x-z] # components in the default coframe (dx,dy,dz) om.display() # Since version 8.8 of SageMath, it is possible to initialize the components of the 1-form while declaring it, so that the above is equivalent to # In[171]: om = U.one_form(x^2+y^2, z, x-z, name='omega', # valid only in latex_name=r'\omega') # SageMath 8.8 and higher om.display() #

Of course, one may set the components in a frame different from the default one:

# In[172]: om[Y.frame(), :, Y] = [r*sin(th)*cos(ph), 0, r*sin(th)*sin(ph)] om.display(Y.frame(), Y) #

The components in the coframe $(\mathrm{d}x,\mathrm{d}y,\mathrm{d}z)$ are updated automatically:

# In[173]: om.display() #

Let us revert to the values set previously:

# In[174]: om[:] = [x^2+y^2, z, x-z] om.display() #

This time, the components in the coframe $(\mathrm{d}r, \mathrm{d}\theta,\mathrm{d}\phi)$ are those that are updated:

# In[175]: om.display(Y.frame(), Y) #

A 1-form acts on vector fields, resulting in a scalar field:

# In[176]: print(om(v)) om(v).display() # In[177]: print(df(v)) df(v).display() # In[178]: om(u).display() #

In the case of a differential 1-form, the following identity holds:

# In[179]: df(v) == v(f) # 1-forms are Sage *element* objects, whose *parent* is the $C^\infty(U)$-module $\Omega^{1}(U)$ of all 1-forms defined on $U$: # In[180]: df.parent() # In[181]: print(df.parent()) # In[182]: print(om.parent()) # $\Omega^{1}(U)$ is actually the dual of the free module $\mathfrak{X}(U)$: # In[183]: df.parent() is v.parent().dual() # ## Differential forms and exterior calculus # # The **exterior product** of two 1-forms is taken via the method `wedge()` and results in a 2-form: # In[184]: a = om.wedge(df) print(a) a.display() #

A matrix view of the components:

# In[185]: a[:] #

Displaying only the non-vanishing components, skipping the redundant ones (i.e. those that can be deduced by antisymmetry):

# In[186]: a.display_comp(only_nonredundant=True) #

The 2-form $\omega\wedge\mathrm{d}f$ can be expanded on the $(\mathrm{d}r,\mathrm{d}\theta,\mathrm{d}\phi)$ coframe:

# In[187]: a.display(Y.frame(), Y) #

As a 2-form, $A:=\omega\wedge\mathrm{d}f$ can be applied to a pair of vectors and is antisymmetric:

# In[188]: a.set_name('A') print(a(u,v)) a(u,v).display() # In[189]: a(u,v) == - a(v,u) # In[190]: a.symmetries() #

The exterior derivativeย  of a differential form:

# In[191]: dom = om.exterior_derivative() print(dom) dom.display() # Instead of invoking the method `exterior_derivative()`, one can use the function `diff()` (available in SageMath 9.2 or higher): # In[192]: dom = diff(om) # In[193]: da = diff(a) print(da) da.display() #

The exterior derivative is nilpotent:

# In[194]: ddf = diff(df) ddf.display() # In[195]: ddom = diff(dom) ddom.display() # ## Lie derivative # # The Lie derivative of any tensor field with respect to a vector field is computed by the method `lie_derivative()`, with the vector field as the argument: # In[196]: lv_om = om.lie_derivative(v) print(lv_om) lv_om.display() # In[197]: lu_dh = dh.lie_derivative(u) print(lu_dh) lu_dh.display() #

Let us check Cartan identity on the 1-form $\omega$:


$\mathcal{L}_v \omega = v\cdot \mathrm{d}\omega + \mathrm{d}\langle \omega, v\rangle$


and on the 2-form $A$:


$\mathcal{L}_v A = v\cdot \mathrm{d}A + \mathrm{d}(v\cdot A)$

# In[198]: om.lie_derivative(v) == v.contract(diff(om)) + diff(om(v)) # In[199]: a.lie_derivative(v) == v.contract(diff(a)) + diff(v.contract(a)) #

The Lie derivative of a vector field along another one is the commutator of the two vectors fields:

# In[200]: v.lie_derivative(u)(f) == u(v(f)) - v(u(f)) # ## Tensor fields of arbitrary rank # # Up to now, we have encountered tensor fields # # - of type (0,0) (i.e. scalar fields), # - of type (1,0) (i.e. vector fields), # - of type (0,1) (i.e. 1-forms), # - of type (0,2) and antisymmetric (i.e. 2-forms). # # More generally, tensor fields of any type $(p,q)$ can be introduced in SageMath. For instance a tensor field of type (1,2) on the open subset $U$ is declared as follows: # In[201]: t = U.tensor_field(1, 2, name='T') print(t) #

As for vectors or 1-forms, the tensor's components with respect to the domain's default frame are set by means of square brackets:

# In[202]: t[1,2,1] = 1 + x^2 t[3,2,1] = x*y*z #

Unset components are zero:

# In[203]: t.display() # In[204]: t[:] #

Display of the nonzero components:

# In[205]: t.display_comp() #

Double square brackets return the component (still w.r.t. the default frame) as a scalar field, while single square brackets return the expression of this scalar field in terms of the domain's default coordinates:

# In[206]: print(t[[1,2,1]]) t[[1,2,1]].display() # In[207]: print(t[1,2,1]) t[1,2,1] #

A tensor field of type (1,2) maps a 3-tuple (1-form, vector field, vector field) to a scalar field:

# In[208]: print(t(om, u, v)) t(om, u, v).display() #

As for vectors and differential forms, the tensor components can be taken in any frame defined on the manifold:

# In[209]: t[Y.frame(), 1,1,1, Y] # ## Tensor calculus # # The **tensor product** $\otimes$ is denoted by `*`: # In[210]: print(v.tensor_type()) print(a.tensor_type()) # In[211]: b = v*a print(b) b #

The tensor product preserves the (anti)symmetries: since $A$ is a 2-form, it is antisymmetric with respect to its two arguments (positions 0 and 1); as a result, b is antisymmetric with respect to its last two arguments (positions 1 and 2):

# In[212]: a.symmetries() # In[213]: b.symmetries() #

Standard tensor arithmetics is implemented:

# In[214]: s = - t + 2*f* b print(s) # **Tensor contractions** are dealt with by the methods`trace()` and `contract()`: for instance, let us contract the tensor $T$ w.r.t. its first two arguments (positions 0 and 1), i.e. let us form the tensor $c$ of components $c_i = T^k_{\ \, k i}$: # In[215]: c = t.trace(0,1) print(c) # An alternative to the writing `trace(0,1)` is to use the **index notation** to denote the contraction: the indices are given in a string inside the `[]` operator, with `'^'` in front of the contravariant indices and `'_'` in front of the covariant ones: # In[216]: c1 = t['^k_ki'] print(c1) c1 == c # The contraction is performed on the repeated index (here `k`); the letter denoting the remaining index (here `i`) is arbitrary: # In[217]: t['^k_kj'] == c # In[218]: t['^b_ba'] == c #

It can even be replaced by a dot:

# In[219]: t['^k_k.'] == c #

LaTeX notations are allowed:

# In[220]: t['^{k}_{ki}'] == c # as well as Greek letters (only for SageMath 9.2 or higher): # In[221]: t['^ฮผ_ฮผฮฑ'] == c #

The contraction $T^i_{\ j k} v^k$ of the tensor fields $T$ and $v$ is taken as follows (2 refers to the last index position of $T$ and 0 to the only index position of v):

# In[222]: tv = t.contract(2, v, 0) print(tv) #

Since 2 corresponds to the last index position of $T$ and 0 to the first index position of $v$, a shortcut for the above is

# In[223]: tv1 = t.contract(v) print(tv1) # In[224]: tv1 == tv #

Instead of contract(), the index notation, combined with the * operator, can be used to denote the contraction:

# In[225]: t['^i_jk']*v['^k'] == tv #

The non-repeated indices can be replaced by dots:

# In[226]: t['^._.k']*v['^k'] == tv # ## Metric structures # # A **Riemannian metric** on the manifold $\mathcal{M}$ is declared as follows: # In[227]: g = M.riemannian_metric('g') print(g) #

It is a symmetric tensor field of type (0,2):

# In[228]: g.parent() # In[229]: print(g.parent()) # In[230]: g.symmetries() #

The metric is initialized by its components with respect to some vector frame. For instance, using the default frame of $\mathcal{M}$:

# In[231]: g[1,1], g[2,2], g[3,3] = 1, 1, 1 g.display() #

The components w.r.t. another vector frame are obtained as for any tensor field:

# In[232]: g.display(Y.frame(), Y) #

Of course, the metric acts on vector pairs:

# In[233]: print(g(u,v)) g(u,v).display() #

The Levi-Civita connection associated to the metric $g$:

# In[234]: nabla = g.connection() print(nabla) nabla #

The Christoffel symbols with respect to the manifold's default coordinates:

# In[235]: nabla.coef()[:] #

The Christoffel symbols with respect to the coordinates $(r,\theta,\phi)$:

# In[236]: nabla.coef(Y.frame())[:, Y] # A nice view is obtained via the method `display()` (by default, only the nonzero connection coefficients are shown): # In[237]: nabla.display(frame=Y.frame(), chart=Y) # One may also use the method `christoffel_symbols_display()` of the metric, which (by default) displays only the non-redundant Christoffel symbols: # In[238]: g.christoffel_symbols_display(Y) #

The connection acting as a covariant derivative:

# In[239]: nab_v = nabla(v) print(nab_v) nab_v.display() #

Being a Levi-Civita connection, $\nabla_g$ is torsion.free:

# In[240]: print(nabla.torsion()) nabla.torsion().display() #

In the present case, it is also flat:

# In[241]: print(nabla.riemann()) nabla.riemann().display() #

Let us consider a non-flat metric, by changing $g_{rr}$ to $1/(1+r^2)$:

# In[242]: g[Y.frame(), 1,1, Y] = 1/(1+r^2) g.display(Y.frame(), Y) #

For convenience, we change the default chart on the domain $U$ to Y=$(U,(r,\theta,\phi))$:

# In[243]: U.set_default_chart(Y) #

In this way, we do not have to specify Y when asking for coordinate expressions in terms of $(r,\theta,\phi)$:

# In[244]: g.display(Y.frame()) #

We recognize the metric of the hyperbolic space $\mathbb{H}^3$. Its expression in terms of the chart $(U,(x,y,z))$ is

# In[245]: g.display(X_U.frame(), X_U) #

A matrix view of the components may be more appropriate:

# In[246]: g[X_U.frame(), :, X_U] #

We extend these components, a priori defined only on $U$, to the whole manifold $\mathcal{M}$, by demanding the same coordinate expressions in the frame associated to the chart X=$(\mathcal{M},(x,y,z))$:

# In[247]: g.add_comp_by_continuation(X.frame(), U, X) g.display() #

The Levi-Civita connection is automatically recomputed, after the change in $g$:

# In[248]: nabla = g.connection() #

In particular, the Christoffel symbols are different:

# In[249]: nabla.display(only_nonredundant=True) # In[250]: nabla.display(frame=Y.frame(), chart=Y, only_nonredundant=True) #

The Riemann tensor is now

# In[251]: Riem = nabla.riemann() print(Riem) Riem.display(Y.frame()) #

Note that it can be accessed directely via the metric, without any explicit mention of the connection:

# In[252]: g.riemann() is nabla.riemann() #

The Ricci tensor is

# In[253]: Ric = g.ricci() print(Ric) Ric.display(Y.frame()) #

The Weyl tensor is:

# In[254]: C = g.weyl() print(C) C.display() #

The Weyl tensor vanishes identically because the dimension of $\mathcal{M}$ is 3.


Finally, the Ricci scalar is

# In[255]: R = g.ricci_scalar() print(R) R.display() # We recover the fact that $\mathbb{H}^3$ is a Riemannian manifold of constant negative curvature. # ## Tensor transformations induced by a metric # # The most important tensor transformation induced by the metric $g$ is the so-called **musical isomorphism**, or **index raising** and **index lowering**: # In[256]: print(t) # In[257]: t.display() # In[258]: t.display(X_U.frame(), X_U) # Raising the last index (position 2) of $T$ with $g$: # In[259]: s = t.up(g, 2) print(s) # Note that the raised index becomes the *last* one among the contravariant indices, i.e. the tensor $s$ returned by the method `up` is # $$ s^{ab}_{\ \ \ \, c} = g^{bi} T^a_{\ \ ic}$$ # See the [up() documentation](https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/manifolds/sage/manifolds/differentiable/tensorfield.html#sage.manifolds.differentiable.tensorfield.TensorField.up) for more details. #

Raising all the covariant indices of $T$ (i.e. those at the positions 1 and 2):

# In[260]: s = t.up(g) print(s) # Lowering all contravariant indices of $T$ (i.e. the index at position 0): # In[261]: s = t.down(g) print(s) # Note that the lowered index becomes the *first* one among the covariant indices, i.e. the tensor $s$ returned by the method `down` is # $$ s_{abc} = g_{ai} T^i_{\ \ bc}$$ # See the [down() documentation](https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/manifolds/sage/manifolds/differentiable/tensorfield.html#sage.manifolds.differentiable.tensorfield.TensorField.down) for more details. # ## Hodge duality # # The volume 3-form (Levi-Civita tensor) associated with the metric $g$ is # In[262]: epsilon = g.volume_form() print(epsilon) epsilon.display() # In[263]: epsilon.display(Y.frame()) # In[264]: print(f) f.display() # In[265]: sf = f.hodge_dual(g.restrict(U)) print(sf) sf.display() #

We check the classical formula $\star f = f\, \epsilon_g$, or, more precisely, $\star f = f\, \epsilon_g|_U$ (for $f$ is defined on $U$ only):

# In[266]: sf == f * epsilon.restrict(U) #

The Hodge dual of a 1-form is a 2-form:

# In[267]: print(om) om.display() # In[268]: som = om.hodge_dual(g) print(som) som.display() #

The Hodge dual of a 2-form is a 1-form:

# In[269]: print(a) # In[270]: sa = a.hodge_dual(g) print(sa) sa.display() #

Finally, the Hodge dual of a 3-form is a 0-form:

# In[271]: print(da) da.display() # In[272]: sda = da.hodge_dual(g) print(sda) sda.display() #

In dimension 3 and for a Riemannian metric, the Hodge star is idempotent:

# In[273]: sf.hodge_dual(g) == f # In[274]: som.hodge_dual(g) == om # In[275]: sa.hodge_dual(g) == a # In[276]: sda.hodge_dual(g.restrict(U)) == da # ## Getting help # # To get the list of functions (methods) that can be called on a object, type the name of the object, followed by a dot and the TAB key, e.g. `sa.`. # # To get information on an object or a method, use the question mark: # In[277]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('pinfo', 'nabla') # In[278]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('pinfo', 'g.ricci_scalar') # Using a double question mark leads directly to the **Python source code** (SageMath is **open source**, isn't it?): # In[279]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('pinfo2', 'g.ricci_scalar') # ## Going further # # Have a look at the [examples on SageManifolds page](https://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/examples.html), especially the # [2-dimensional sphere](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/sagemanifolds/SageManifolds/blob/master/Notebooks/SM_sphere_S2.ipynb) for usage on a non-parallelizable manifold (each scalar field has to be defined in at least two coordinate charts, the $C^\infty(\mathcal{M})$-module $\mathfrak{X}(\mathcal{M})$ is no longer free and each tensor field has to be defined in at least two vector frames). # # You may also take a look at the [tutorial videos](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnrOCYZpQUuJlnQbQ48zgGk-Ks1t145Yw) by Christian Bรคr.