#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Schwarzschild spacetime # # This notebook illustrates a few capabilities of SageMath in computations regarding Schwarzschild spacetime. The corresponding tools have been developed within the [SageManifolds](http://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr) project. # # Click [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sagemanifolds/SageManifolds/master/Notebooks/SM_Schwarzschild.ipynb) to download the notebook file (ipynb format). To run it, you must start SageMath with the Jupyter interface, via the command `sage -n jupyter` # *NB:* a version of SageMath at least equal to 8.2 is required to run this notebook: # In[1]: version() # First we set up the notebook to display mathematical objects using LaTeX rendering: # In[2]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('display', 'latex') # and we initialize a time counter for benchmarking: # In[3]: import time comput_time0 = time.perf_counter() # ## Spacetime manifold # # We declare the Schwarzschild spacetime as a 4-dimensional Lorentzian manifold: # In[4]: M = Manifold(4, 'M', r'\mathcal{M}', structure='Lorentzian') M # In[5]: print(M) #

The spacetime manifold $\mathcal{M}$ can be split into 4 regions, corresponding to the 4 quadrants in the Kruskal diagram.Let us denote by $\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{I}}$ to $\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{IV}}$ the interiors of these 4 regions. $\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{I}}$ and  $\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{III}}$  are asymtotically flat regions outside the event horizon;  $\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{II}}$ is inside the future event horizon and $\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{IV}}$ is inside the past event horizon.

# In[6]: regI = M.open_subset('R_I', r'\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{I}}') regII = M.open_subset('R_II', r'\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{II}}') regIII = M.open_subset('R_III', r'\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{III}}') regIV = M.open_subset('R_IV', r'\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{IV}}') regI, regII, regIII, regIV #

The parameter $m$ of the Schwarzschild spacetime is declared as a symbolic variable:

# In[7]: m = var('m') ; assume(m>=0) #

Boyer-Lindquist coordinates


The standard Boyer-Lindquist coordinates (also called Schwarzschild coordinates) are defined on $\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{I}}\cup \mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{II}}$

# In[8]: regI_II = regI.union(regII) ; regI_II # In[9]: X. = regI_II.chart(r't r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\phi') print(X) # In[10]: X #

We naturally introduce two subcharts as the restrictions of the chart $X$ to regions $\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{I}}$ and $\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{II}}$ respectively. Since, in terms of the Boyer-Lindquist coordinates, $\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{I}}$ (resp. $\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{II}}$) is defined by $r>2m$ (resp. $r<2m$), we set

# In[11]: X_I = X.restrict(regI, r>2*m) ; X_I # In[12]: X_II = X.restrict(regII, r<2*m) ; X_II #

At this stage, the manifold's atlas has 3 charts:

# In[13]: M.atlas() # In[14]: M.default_chart() #

Three vector frames have been defined on the manifold: the three coordinate frames:

# In[15]: M.frames() # In[16]: print(M.default_frame()) # In[17]: M.default_frame().domain() # ## Metric tensor # # The metric tensor is obtained as follows: # In[18]: g = M.metric() print(g) # One has to set its components in the coordinate frame associated with Schwarzschild coordinates, which is the current manifold's default frame: # In[19]: g[0,0], g[1,1] = -(1-2*m/r), 1/(1-2*m/r) g[2,2], g[3,3] = r^2, (r*sin(th))^2 # In[20]: g.display() #

As an example, let us consider a vector field defined only on $\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{I}}$:

# In[21]: v = regI.vector_field('v') v[0] = 1 v[1] = 1 - 2*m/r # unset components are zero v.display() # In[22]: v.domain() # In[23]: g.domain() #

Since $\mathcal{R}_{\mathrm{I}}\subset \mathcal{M}$, it is possible to apply $g$ to $v$:

# In[24]: s = g(v,v) print(s) # In[25]: s.display() # v is indeed a null vector #

Levi-Civita Connection


The Levi-Civita connection $\nabla$ associated with $g$:

# In[26]: nab = g.connection() print(nab) #

Let us verify that the covariant derivative of $g$ with respect to $\nabla$ vanishes identically:

# In[27]: nab(g) == 0 # In[28]: nab(g).display() #

The nonzero Christoffel symbols of $g$ with respect to Schwarzschild coordinates, skipping those that can be deduced by symmetry:

# In[29]: g.christoffel_symbols_display() #


# #

The Riemann curvature tensor associated with $g$:

# In[30]: R = g.riemann() print(R) #

The Weyl conformal tensor associated with $g$:

# In[31]: C = g.weyl() print(C) # In[32]: C.display() #

The Ricci tensor associated with $g$:

# In[33]: Ric = g.ricci() print(Ric) #

Einstein equation


Let us check that the Schwarzschild metric is a solution of the vacuum Einstein equation:

# In[34]: Ric == 0 # In[35]: Ric.display() # another view of the above #

Contrary to the Ricci tensor, the Riemann tensor does not vanish:

# In[36]: R[:] # In[37]: R.display() #

The nonzero components of the Riemann tensor, skipping those that can be deduced by antisymmetry:

# In[38]: R.display_comp(only_nonredundant=True) # In[39]: Ric[:] #

Since the Ricci tensor is zero, the Weyl tensor is of course equal to the Riemann tensor:

# In[40]: C == R #

Bianchi identity

# #

Let us check the Bianchi identity $\nabla_p R^i_{\ \, j kl} + \nabla_k R^i_{\ \, jlp} + \nabla_l R^i_{\ \, jpk} = 0$:

# In[41]: DR = nab(R) print(DR) # In[42]: from __future__ import print_function # because the print below is valid only in Python3 for i in M.irange(): for j in M.irange(): for k in M.irange(): for l in M.irange(): for p in M.irange(): print(DR[i,j,k,l,p] + DR[i,j,l,p,k] + DR[i,j,p,k,l], end=' ') #

Let us check that if we turn the first $+$ sign into a $-$ one, the Bianchi identity does no longer hold:

# In[43]: for i in M.irange(): for j in M.irange(): for k in M.irange(): for l in M.irange(): for p in M.irange(): print(DR[i,j,k,l,p] - DR[i,j,l,p,k] + DR[i,j,p,k,l], end=' ') #

Kretschmann scalar


Let us first introduce tensor $R^\flat$, of components $R_{ijkl} = g_{ip} R^p_{\ \, jkl}$:

# In[44]: dR = R.down(g) print(dR) #

and tensor $R^\sharp$, of components $R^{ijkl} = g^{jp} g^{kq} g^{lr} R^i_{\ \, pqr}$:

# In[45]: uR = R.up(g) print(uR) #

The Kretschmann scalar is $K := R^{ijkl} R_{ijkl}$:

# In[46]: Kr = 0 for i in M.irange(): for j in M.irange(): for k in M.irange(): for l in M.irange(): Kr += uR[i,j,k,l]*dR[i,j,k,l] Kr # Instead of the above loops, the Kretschmann scalar can also be computed by means of the method `contract()`, asking that the contraction takes place on all indices (positions 0, 1, 2, 3): # In[47]: Kr = uR.contract(0, 1, 2, 3, dR, 0, 1, 2, 3) Kr.expr() #

The contraction can also be performed by means of index notations:

# In[48]: Kr = uR['^{ijkl}']*dR['_{ijkl}'] Kr.expr() #

Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates


Let us introduce new coordinates on the spacetime manifold: the ingoing Eddington-Finkelstein ones:

# In[49]: X_EF. = regI_II.chart(r'v r:(0,+oo) th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\varphi') print(X_EF); X_EF #

The change from Schwarzschild (Boyer-Lindquist) coordinates to the ingoing Eddington-Finkelstein ones:

# In[50]: ch_BL_EF_I = X_I.transition_map(X_EF, [t+r+2*m*ln(r/(2*m)-1), r, th, ph], restrictions2=r>2*m) # In[51]: print(ch_BL_EF_I) ; ch_BL_EF_I # In[52]: ch_BL_EF_I.display() # In[53]: X_EF_I = X_EF.restrict(regI) ; X_EF_I # In[54]: ch_BL_EF_II = X_II.transition_map(X_EF, [t+r+2*m*ln(1-r/(2*m)), r, th, ph], restrictions2=r<2*m) # In[55]: print(ch_BL_EF_II) ; ch_BL_EF_II # In[56]: ch_BL_EF_II.display() # In[57]: X_EF_II = X_EF.restrict(regII) ; X_EF_II #

The manifold's atlas has now 6 charts:

# In[58]: M.atlas() #

The default chart is 'BL':

# In[59]: M.default_chart() # The change from Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates to the Schwarzschild (Boyer-Lindquist) ones, computed as the inverse of `ch_BL_EF`: # In[60]: ch_EF_BL_I = ch_BL_EF_I.inverse() print(ch_EF_BL_I) # In[61]: ch_EF_BL_I.display() # In[62]: ch_EF_BL_II = ch_BL_EF_II.inverse() print(ch_EF_BL_II) # In[63]: ch_EF_BL_II.display() #

At this stage, 6 vector frames have been defined on the manifold: the 6 coordinate frames associated with the various charts:

# In[64]: M.frames() #

The default frame is:

# In[65]: M.default_frame() #

The coframes are the duals of the defined vector frames:

# In[66]: M.coframes() #

If not specified, tensor components are assumed to refer to the manifold's default frame. For instance, for the metric tensor:

# In[67]: g.display() # In[68]: g[:] # The tensor components in the frame associated with Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates in Region I are obtained by providing the frame to the function `display()`: # In[69]: g.display(X_EF_I.frame()) #

They are also returned by the method comp(), with the frame as argument:

# In[70]: g.comp(X_EF_I.frame())[:] #

or, as a schortcut,

# In[71]: g[X_EF_I.frame(),:] #

Similarly, the metric components in the frame associated with Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates in Region II are obtained by

# In[72]: g.display(X_EF_II.frame()) #

Note that their form is identical to that in Region I.

# #

Plot of the Boyer-Lindquist coordinates in terms of the Eddington-Finkelstein ones


Let us perform the plot in Region I:

# In[73]: X_I.plot(X_EF_I, ranges={t:(0,8), r:(2.1,10)}, fixed_coords={th:pi/2,ph:0}, ambient_coords=(r,v), style={t:'--', r:'-'}, parameters={m:1}) #

Tetrad of the static observer


Let us introduce the orthonormal tetrad $(e_\alpha)$ associated with the static observers in Schwarzschild spacetime, i.e. the observers whose worldlines are parallel to the timelike Killing vector in the Region I.


The orthonormal tetrad is defined via a tangent-space automorphism that relates it to the Boyer-Lindquist coordinate frame in Region I:

# In[74]: ch_to_stat = regI.automorphism_field() ch_to_stat[0,0], ch_to_stat[1,1] = 1/sqrt(1-2*m/r), sqrt(1-2*m/r) ch_to_stat[2,2], ch_to_stat[3,3] = 1/r, 1/(r*sin(th)) ch_to_stat[:] # In[75]: e = X_I.frame().new_frame(ch_to_stat, 'e') print(e) #

At this stage, 7 vector frames have been defined on the manifold $\mathcal{M}$:

# In[76]: M.frames() #

The first vector of the tetrad is the static observer 4-velocity:

# In[77]: print(e[0]) # In[78]: e[0].display() #

As any 4-velocity, it is a unit timelike vector:

# In[79]: g(e[0],e[0]).expr() # Equivalently, we may use the method `dot` to get the scalar product (since $g$ is the default metric on $\mathcal{M}$): # In[80]: e[0].dot(e[0]).expr() #

Let us check that the tetrad $(e_\alpha)$ is orthonormal:

# In[81]: for i in M.irange(): for j in M.irange(): print(e[i].dot(e[j]).expr(), end=' ') print("") #

Another view of the above result:

# In[82]: g[e,:] #

or, equivalently,

# In[83]: g.display(e) #

The expression of the 4-velocity $e_0$ and the vector $e_1$ in terms of the frame associated with Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates:

# In[84]: e[0].display(X_EF_I.frame()) # In[85]: e[1].display(X_EF_I.frame()) #

Contrary to vectors of a coordinate frame, the vectors of the tetrad $e$ do not commute: their structure coefficients are not identically zero:

# In[86]: e.structure_coeff()[:] #

Equivalently, the Lie derivative of one vector along another one is not necessarily zero:

# In[87]: e[0].lie_der(e[1]).display(e) #

The curvature 2-form $\Omega^0_{\ \, 1}$ associated with the tetrad $(e_\alpha)$:

# In[88]: g.connection().curvature_form(0,1,e).display(X_I.frame()) #

Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates


Let us now introduce the Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates $(U,V,\theta,\varphi)$ on the spacetime manifold, via the standard transformation expressing them in terms of the Boyer-Lindquist coordinates $(t,r,\theta,\varphi)$:

# In[89]: M0 = regI.union(regII).union(regIII).union(regIV) ; M0 # In[90]: X_KS. = M0.chart(r'U V th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\varphi') X_KS.add_restrictions(V^2 < 1 + U^2) X_KS # In[91]: X_KS_I = X_KS.restrict(regI, [U>0, V-U]) ; X_KS_I # In[92]: ch_BL_KS_I = X_I.transition_map(X_KS_I, [sqrt(r/(2*m)-1)*exp(r/(4*m))*cosh(t/(4*m)), sqrt(r/(2*m)-1)*exp(r/(4*m))*sinh(t/(4*m)), th, ph]) print(ch_BL_KS_I) ch_BL_KS_I.display() # In[93]: X_KS_II = X_KS.restrict(regII, [V>0, V>U, V>-U]) ; X_KS_II # In[94]: ch_BL_KS_II = X_II.transition_map(X_KS_II, [sqrt(1-r/(2*m))*exp(r/(4*m))*sinh(t/(4*m)), sqrt(1-r/(2*m))*exp(r/(4*m))*cosh(t/(4*m)), th, ph]) print(ch_BL_KS_II) ch_BL_KS_II.display() #

Plot of the Boyer-Lindquist coordinates in terms of the Kruskal ones


We draw the Boyer-Lindquist chart in Region I (red) and Region II (green), with lines of constant $r$ being dashed:

# In[95]: graphI = X_I.plot(X_KS, ranges={t:(-12,12), r:(2.001,5)}, number_values={t:17, r:9}, fixed_coords={th:pi/2,ph:0}, ambient_coords=(U,V), style={t:'--', r:'-'}, parameters={m:1}) graphII = X_II.plot(X_KS, ranges={t:(-12,12), r:(0.001,1.999)}, number_values={t:17, r:9}, fixed_coords={th:pi/2,ph:0}, ambient_coords=(U,V), style={t:'--', r:'-'}, color='green', parameters={m:1}) show(graphI+graphII, xmin=-3, xmax=3, ymin=-3, ymax=3, axes_labels=['$U$', '$V$']) #

We may add to the graph the singularity $r=0$ as a Boyer-Lindquist chart plot with $(r,\theta,\phi)$ fixed at $(0, \pi/2, 0)$.  Similarly, we add the event horizon $r=2m$ as a Boyer-Lindquist chart plot with $(r,\theta,\phi)$ fixed at $(2.00001m, \pi/2, 0)$:

# In[96]: graph_r0 = X_II.plot(X_KS, fixed_coords={r:0, th:pi/2, ph:0}, ambient_coords=(U,V), color='yellow', thickness=3, parameters={m:1}) graph_r2 = X_I.plot(X_KS, ranges={t:(-40,40)}, fixed_coords={r:2.00001, th:pi/2, ph:0}, ambient_coords=(U,V), color='black', thickness=2, parameters={m:1}) show(graphI+graphII+graph_r0+graph_r2, xmin=-3, xmax=3, ymin=-3, ymax=3, axes_labels=['$U$', '$V$']) #

Plot of the Eddington-Finkelstein coordinates in terms of the Kruskal ones


We first get the change of coordinates $(v,r,\theta,\phi) \mapsto (U,V,\theta,\phi)$ by composing the change $(v,r,\theta,\phi) \mapsto (t,r,\theta,\phi)$ with $(t,r,\theta,\phi) \mapsto (U,V,\theta,\phi)$:

# In[97]: ch_EF_KS_I = ch_BL_KS_I * ch_EF_BL_I ch_EF_KS_I # In[98]: ch_EF_KS_I.display() # In[99]: ch_EF_KS_II = ch_BL_KS_II * ch_EF_BL_II ch_EF_KS_II # In[100]: graphI_EF = X_EF_I.plot(X_KS, ranges={v:(-12,12), r:(2.001,5)}, number_values={v:17, r:9}, fixed_coords={th:pi/2,ph:0}, ambient_coords=(U,V), style={v:'--', r:'-'}, parameters={m:1}) graphII_EF = X_EF_II.plot(X_KS, ranges={v:(-12,12), r:(0.001,1.999)}, number_values={v:17, r:9}, fixed_coords={th:pi/2,ph:0}, ambient_coords=(U,V), style={v:'--', r:'-'}, color='green', parameters={m:1}) show(graphI_EF+graphII_EF+graph_r0+graph_r2, xmin=-3, xmax=3, ymin=-3, ymax=3, axes_labels=['$U$', '$V$']) #

There are now 9 charts defined on the spacetime manifold:

# In[101]: M.atlas() # In[102]: len(M.atlas()) #

There are 8 explicit coordinate changes (the coordinate change KS $\rightarrow$ BL is not known in explicit form):

# In[103]: M.coord_changes() # In[104]: len(M.coord_changes()) #

There are 10 vector frames (among which 9 coordinate frames):

# In[105]: M.frames() # In[106]: len(M.frames()) #

There are 14 fields of tangent space automorphisms expressing the changes of coordinate bases and tetrad:

# In[107]: len(M.changes_of_frame()) # Thanks to these changes of frames, the components of the metric tensor with respect to the Kruskal-Szekeres can be computed by the method `display()` and are found to be: # In[108]: g.display(X_KS_I.frame()) # In[109]: g[X_KS_I.frame(),:] # In[110]: g.display(X_KS_II.frame()) #

The first vector of the orthonormal tetrad $e$ expressed on the Kruskal-Szekeres frame:

# In[111]: e[0].display(X_KS_I.frame()) #

The Riemann curvature tensor in terms of the Kruskal-Szekeres coordinates:

# In[112]: g.riemann().display(X_KS_I.frame()) # In[113]: g.riemann().display_comp(X_KS_I.frame(), only_nonredundant=True) #

The curvature 2-form $\Omega^0_{\ \, 1}$ associated to the Kruskal-Szekeres coordinate frame:

# In[114]: om = g.connection().curvature_form(0,1, X_KS_I.frame()) print(om) # In[115]: om.display(X_KS_I.frame()) #

Isotropic coordinates


Let us now introduce isotropic coordinates $(t,\bar{r},\theta,\varphi)$ on the spacetime manifold:

# In[116]: regI_III = regI.union(regIII) ; regI_III # In[117]: X_iso. = regI_III.chart(r't ri:(0,+oo):\bar{r} th:(0,pi):\theta ph:(0,2*pi):\varphi') print(X_iso) ; X_iso # In[118]: X_iso_I = X_iso.restrict(regI, ri>m/2) ; X_iso_I #

The transformation from the isotropic coordinates to the Boyer-Lindquist ones:

# In[119]: assume(2*ri>m) # we consider only region I ch_iso_BL_I = X_iso_I.transition_map(X_I, [t, ri*(1+m/(2*ri))^2, th, ph]) print(ch_iso_BL_I) ch_iso_BL_I.display() # In[120]: assume(r>2*m) # we consider only region I ch_iso_BL_I.set_inverse(t, (r-m+sqrt(r*(r-2*m)))/2, th, ph, verbose=True) # In[121]: ch_iso_BL_I.inverse().display() #

At this stage, 11 charts have been defined on the manifold $\mathcal{M}$:

# In[122]: M.atlas() # In[123]: len(M.atlas()) #

12 vector frames have been defined on $\mathcal{M}$: 11 coordinate bases and the tetrad $(e_\alpha)$:

# In[124]: M.frames() # In[125]: len(M.frames()) #

The components of the metric tensor in terms of the isotropic coordinates are given by

# In[126]: g.display(X_iso_I.frame(), X_iso_I) #

The $g_{00}$ component can be factorized:

# In[127]: g[X_iso_I.frame(), 0,0, X_iso_I] # In[128]: g[X_iso_I.frame(), 0,0, X_iso_I].factor() # Let us also factor the other components: # In[129]: for i in range(1,4): g[X_iso_I.frame(), i,i, X_iso_I].factor() # The output of the `display()` command looks nicer: # In[130]: g.display(X_iso_I.frame(), X_iso_I) #

Expression of the tetrad associated with the static observer in terms of the isotropic coordinate basis:

# In[131]: e[0].display(X_iso_I.frame(), X_iso_I) # In[132]: e[1].display(X_iso_I.frame(), X_iso_I) # In[133]: e[2].display(X_iso_I.frame(), X_iso_I) # In[134]: e[3].display(X_iso_I.frame(), X_iso_I) # In[135]: print("Total elapsed time: {} s".format(time.perf_counter() - comput_time0))