#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ![alt text](https://github.com/callysto/callysto-sample-notebooks/blob/master/notebooks/images/Callysto_Notebook-Banner_Top_06.06.18.jpg?raw=true) # # Helpful Links for Students and Teachers # ### Callysto Project # # Callysto Home Page https://callysto.ca/ # # Callysto Developer Guide https://callysto.ca/developer-guide/ # # Callysto Training Manual https://training.callysto.ca/ # # Getting Started with Callysto http://bit.ly/ws-getting-started # # ### Learning Python for Free! # # Waterloo CS Circles https://cscircles.cemc.uwaterloo.ca/ # # Code Academy https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-python # # Google's Python Class https://developers.google.com/edu/python/ # # Python Cheatsheet https://ehmatthes.github.io/pcc/cheatsheets/README.html # ### Using Jupyter Notebooks # # Using the Jupyter Notebook http://intro.syzygy.ca/the-basic-elements/ # # Michael Lamoureux's Short Demos http://bit.ly/cally-shorts2 # # Markdown Cheatsheet https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet # # # # ## A Brief Overview # # Python is arguably the world's most popular programming language, especially in industry. Python was designed to be both simple and powerful. # # You are reading a Jupyter Notebook, which is an *interactive* Python environment. This means that you can run all of the code examples you find below, and also create your own code. # # Each chunk of code or text in this notebook is written in a **block**. # # There are two main types of blocks in Jupyter Notebooks: Code and Markdown # # **Code blocks** are blocks that can be executed. You can **run** a code block by clicking it, and then either pressing the "Run" button in the top bar, or by pressing `Shift + Enter`. # # **Try this!** Here are some code blocks for you to run! # In[8]: print("Hello, everyone") # In[7]: 2*1000+1*10+9 # In[9]: x=100 x+5 # **Markdown blocks** allow you to write formatted text with a simple markdown language called [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown). # # You can double-click any of the text blocks in this document, **like this one**, to see the markdown "source" code that produced it. Just **run** it to render it again. # # For more information on using Markdown, take a look at the links above. # ![alt text](https://github.com/callysto/callysto-sample-notebooks/blob/master/notebooks/images/Callysto_Notebook-Banners_Bottom_06.06.18.jpg?raw=true)