#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ![alt text](https://github.com/callysto/callysto-sample-notebooks/blob/master/notebooks/images/Callysto_Notebook-Banner_Top_06.06.18.jpg?raw=true) # #
Sound Demo 2


Michael Lamoureux
# In[1]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') from matplotlib.pyplot import * from numpy import * ## for numerical functions from IPython.display import Audio ## to output audio # ## What is sound? # # Rapid changes, or **vibrations** in air pressure are heard in our ears as sound. # # A computer creates sound by sending a list of numbers to a speaker, which then **vibrates**. # ## Random numbers # # A list of random numbers, will create a sound. # # What do you think is will sound like? # # # In[2]: Fs = 44100 random_sd = random.randn(Fs) # In[4]: ## Random sound Audio(data=random_sd, rate=Fs) # We can plot a few of those numbers, using a plotting command. # In[5]: plot(random_sd[0:200]); # ## Periodic vibrations # # A vibration that has a periodic vibration will sound like a tone to us. # # The sine function has a periodic cycle, and can be used to represent such a tone. # # In[6]: Fs, Len, f1 = 44100, 3, 440 ## sample rate, length in second, frequency t = linspace(0,Len,Fs*Len) ## time variable # In[7]: sine_sd = sin(2*pi*440*t) Audio(data=sine_sd, rate=Fs) # We can plot this sine sound, using a plotting command. # In[8]: plot(sine_sd[0:500]); # By clipping the tops of the sine wave, we get a square wave. # # # In[9]: square_sd = minimum(.1, maximum(-.1,sine_sd)) plot(square_sd[0:500]); # In[11]: ## What does a square wave sound like? Audio(data=square_sd, rate=Fs) # The Sine and Square waves have the same **pitch** (frequency) but different **timbres**. # ## Beats # # Playing two tones at similar frequencies results in **beats**. # # This is useful for tuning instruments! # In[12]: sine2_sd = sin(2*pi*440*t) - sin(2*pi*442*t) Audio(data=sine2_sd, rate=Fs) # We can plot to see the beats, or variations in amplitude. # # Note we plot the whole 3 seconds of the sound. Two beats per second. # In[11]: plot(t,sine2_sd); # ## A chirp # # Bats use a chirp, or tones that rapidly increase in frequency, to use as sonar. # # We can use a chirp to explore the range of frequencies that we can hear. # # Humans (with very good ears) can hear from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. # In[14]: f = 20000/(2*Len) chirp_sd = sin(2*pi*f*t**2) ## t**2 creates the increasing freq's. Audio(data=chirp_sd, rate=Fs) # ## Count the pulses # # We test how well you hear, by testing various frequencies. # # # In[73]: freq = 10000 n = random.randint(1,5) test_sd = sin(2*pi*freq*t)*sin(pi*n*t/Len) Audio(data=test_sd,rate=Fs,autoplay=True) # In[74]: n # ## More on chirps. # # We can vary the parameters, to vary the sounds # In[13]: Fs = 44100 Len = 3 t = linspace(0,Len,Fs*Len) fmax = 15000 chirp2_sd = sin(pi*(fmax/Len)*t**2) Audio(data=chirp2_sd, rate=Fs,autoplay=True) #
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# # ![alt text](https://github.com/callysto/callysto-sample-notebooks/blob/master/notebooks/images/Callysto_Notebook-Banners_Bottom_06.06.18.jpg?raw=true)