#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Performing Quantum Measurements in QuTiP # # * EuroSciPy 2019 # * Simon Cross # ### Outline # # * Why this weird quantum mechanics anyway? # * Simulating a simple classical system. # * What is a classical bit? # * What is a qubit? # * Measuring a qubit. # * Simulating a simple quantum experiment in QuTiP. # ### Meta goals # # * Use QuTiP to try things out. # * Try understand what we're doing! # # Imports: Our tools # In[1]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') from collections import namedtuple import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import qutip from qutip import Qobj, Bloch, basis, ket, tensor # In[2]: qutip.about() # Define LaTeX commands: # * $\newcommand{\ket}[1]{\left|{#1}\right\rangle}$ $\ket{0}$ # * $\newcommand{\bra}[1]{\left\langle{#1}\right|}$ $\bra{1}$ # * $\newcommand{\abs}[1]{\lvert{#1}\rvert}$ $\abs{x}$ # # The Stern-Gerlach Experiment # # Why this weird quantum mechanics anyway? # ### Apparatus # #
# # Great drawing from: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/spin.html # See also: # # * https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/physics-experiment/app5.html. # * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stern%E2%80%93Gerlach_experiment#History # # for more on the history of the Stern-Gerlach experiment. # Why did they decide to do this? # # It had become generally accepted that atoms could behave as tiny magnets. # # In the classical model of the atom, electrons orbit the nucleus. A charge orbiting in a circle generates a magnetic field -- so atoms should act like tiny magnets and be deflected by an inhomogenous magnetic field. # # Stern had the idea that this deflection would help better measure and understand the magnetic moment of the atoms & Gerlach brought the experimental expertise. # \begin{align} # F_z & = \mu_z \frac{\partial B}{\partial z} \\ # & = ( \hat{\mu} \cdot \hat{z} ) |\mu| \frac{\partial B}{\partial z} \\ # & \propto \hat{\mu} \cdot \hat{z} # \end{align} # Here $\hat \mu$ is the magnetic moment (strength and direction of the atom's magnetic field) and $\hat z$ is the direction in which the magnetic field varies (and which the measurement is made in). # # The assumptions that the magnitude of the the atoms magnetic moment $\abs{\mu}$ and the inhomogeneity of the magnetic field are constant allow us to make the last statement that $F_z$ is proportional to the dot product of $\hat \mu$ and $\hat z$. # # Now for fun, let's display the $\hat \mu$ and $\hat z$ vectors using QuTiP's `Bloch` class. For now consider this class just a handy way to plot vectors -- we will be learning more about what it is later on. # In[3]: z = np.array([0, 0, 1]) mu = np.array([0, 1, 1]) / np.sqrt(2) bloch = Bloch() bloch.zlabel=("z", "") bloch.add_vectors([z, mu]) bloch.show() # # Let's simulate the Stern-Gerlach in Python! # # Simulating a simple classical system. # In[4]: # Simulation of expected results in the classical case Direction = namedtuple("Direction", ["theta", "phi"]) def random_direction(): """ Generate a random direction. """ # See http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SpherePointPicking.html r = 0 while r == 0: x, y, z = np.random.normal(0, 1, 3) r = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) phi = np.arctan2(y, x) theta = np.arccos(z / r) return Direction(theta=theta, phi=phi) # In[5]: def classical_state(d): """ Prepare a spin state given a direction. """ x = np.sin(d.theta) * np.cos(d.phi) y = np.sin(d.theta) * np.sin(d.phi) z = np.cos(d.theta) return np.array([x, y, z]) # In[6]: classical_up = np.array([0, 0, 1]) def classical_spin(c): """ Measure the z-component of the spin. """ return classical_up.dot(c) # In[7]: def classical_stern_gerlach(n): """ Simulate the Stern-Gerlach experiment """ directions = [random_direction() for _ in range(n)] atoms = [classical_state(d) for d in directions] spins = [classical_spin(c) for c in atoms] return atoms, spins # In[8]: def plot_classical_results(atoms, spins): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18.0, 8.0)) fig.suptitle("Stern-Gerlach Experiment: Classical Outcome", fontsize="xx-large") ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d') ax2 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) b = Bloch(fig=fig, axes=ax1) b.vector_width = 1 b.vector_color = ["#ff{:x}0ff".format(i, i) for i in range(10)] b.zlabel = ["$z$", ""] b.add_vectors(atoms) b.render(fig=fig, axes=ax1) ax2.hist(spins) ax2.set_xlabel("Z-component of spin") ax2.set_ylabel("# of atoms") # In[9]: atoms, spins = classical_stern_gerlach(1000) plot_classical_results(atoms, spins) # # The actual results # # # In[10]: def plot_real_vs_actual(spins): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18.0, 8.0)) fig.suptitle("Stern-Gerlach Experiment: Real vs Actual", fontsize="xx-large") ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) ax2 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) ax1.hist([np.random.choice([1, -1]) for _ in spins]) ax1.set_xlabel("Z-component of spin") ax1.set_ylabel("# of atoms") ax2.hist(spins) ax2.set_xlabel("Z-component of spin") ax2.set_ylabel("# of atoms") # In[11]: plot_real_vs_actual(spins) # # Uh-oh. # # This really is a system with two outcomes. # # If we align all the spins perpendicular to the z-axis: # # * Our classical simulator would show no force on any of the atoms. # * The actual result would be the same as for the random spin case. # # If we align all the spins with the z-axis: # # * Our classical simulator would show always 1. # * The actual result would match that of the classical simulator. # ## It's like tossing a biased coin. # # Classical bit # # Something we're familiar with. # ### Classical bit # # A *classical bit* (bit) is classical system with *two states* and *two outcomes*. # # * States: `0` and `1` # * Outcomes: `0` and `1` # ### Classical bit # # A *classical bit* (bit) is classical system with *two states* and *two outcomes*. # # * We can label these two states `0` and `1`. # * Measuring state `0` produces an outcome which we will also label `0`. # * Measuring state `1` produces an outcome which we will also label `1`. # * These are the only two states. # * Measuring the same state always produces the same outcome. # # The state is like a Python object. Measurement is an operation that acts on the state and returns an outcome. # # Bit is a portmanteau of *binary digit*. # # Examples: # # * A coin can lie on a surface in two different ways. We measure it by looking at it. We call the outcomes `heads` and `tails`. # * A digital signal can have one of two different voltages. We measure it by measuring the voltage. We call the outcomes `high` and `low` (or `1` and `0`). # # With two bits there are four outcomes. With three bits there are eight outcomes. With `n` bits there are `2^n` outcomes. # # We need `n` bits to represent `n` bits. # In[12]: class ClassicalBit: def __init__(self, outcome): self.outcome = outcome b0 = heads = ClassicalBit(outcome=0) b1 = tails = ClassicalBit(outcome=1) def measure_cbit(cbit): return cbit.outcome print("State:\n", b0) print("Outcome:", measure_cbit(b0)) # # Quantum bit # # Putting the puzzle pieces together. # ### Quantum bit # # A *quantum bit* (qubit) is quantum system with two *basis states* and *two outcomes*. # # * Basis states: `|0>` and `|1>` # * Outcomes: `0` and `1` # # *Basis* means "we will construct more states from these later". # ### Quantum Bit # # A *quantum bit* (qubit) is quantum system with two two *basis states* and two outcomes. # # * We can label these two basis states `|0>` and `|1>`. # * Measuring state `|0>` produces an outcome which we will label `0`. # * Measuring state `|1>` produces an outcome which we will label `1`. # * There are other states called *superpositions* which we label `a|0> + b|1>`. # * `a` and `b` are complex numbers. # * Measuring a state produces outcome `0` with probability `|a|^2` and outcome `1` with probability `|b|^2`. # # Qubit is a portmanteau of *quantum bit* (it's portmanatees all the way down). # # Examples: # # * A coin can lie on a surface in two different ways. We measure it by looking at it. We call the outcomes `heads` and `tails`. # * A digital signal can have one of two different volates. We measure it by measuring the voltage. We call the outcomes `high` and `low` (or `1` and `0`). # # With two qubits there are four outcomes. With three qubits there are eight outcomes. With `n` qubits there are `2^n` outcomes. # # We `2^n` (minus 1) complex numbers to represent `n` qubits. # In[13]: b0 = ket("0") # |0> b1 = ket("1") # |1> print("State:\n", b1) # In[14]: def measure_qbit(qbit): if qbit == ket("0"): return 0 if qbit == ket("1"): return 1 raise NotImplementedError("No clue yet. :)") print("Outcome:", measure_qbit(b1)) # # What about the "in between" states? # # The tricky part. :) # # We want probabilistic outcomes # # Let's try something simple for the other states: # # * $a \ket{0} + b \ket{1}$ # * Probability of outcome $0$: $a$ # * Probability of outcome $1$: $b$ # We need: # # * $a + b = 1$ # * $1 >= a >= 0$ # * $1 >= b >= 0$ # In[15]: def plot_real_a_b(): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18.0, 8.0)) fig.suptitle("Probabilities: Real $a$ and $b$", fontsize="xx-large") ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.plot([0, 1], [1, 0]) ax.set_xlabel("$a$") ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 1.5) ax.set_ylabel("$b$") ax.set_ylim(-0.5, 1.5) # In[16]: plot_real_a_b() # # Hmm. That didn't work. # # Let's try something slightly more complicated: # # * $a \ket{0} + b \ket{1}$ # * $a, b \in \mathbb{C}$ # * Probability of outcome $0$: $\abs{a}^2$ # * Probability of outcome $1$: $\abs{b}^2$ #
# # Complex numbers summary # # * $a = x + y \cdot j$ # * Length: $\sqrt{x^2 + y^2}$ # * Angle ($\theta$): $arctan(y / x)$ # * Python: # * Length: `np.abs(a)` # * Angle ($\theta$): `np.angle(a)` # # Complex numbers in terms of length and angle # # * $a = m \cdot cos(t) + m \cdot sin(t) \cdot j$ # * $a = m \cdot e ^ {t \cdot j}$ # * Length: $m$ # * Angle: $t$ # # Global phase # # * 4 real parameters, minus one from $\abs{a}^2 + \abs{b}^2 = 1$ # * Still one too many. # * Let's remove one! # * Declare that only the relative angles of $a$ and $b$ are important. # This means we can rotate the two vectors on the complex plane as long as we don't change the angle between them. Note that this doesn't change the magnitude of a or b (and thus doesn't change the probabilities). # # The qubit states # # * General state: `a|0> + b|1>` # * where $a$ and $b$ are complex numbers # * $\abs{a}^2 + \abs{b}^2 = 1$ # * global phase is irrelevant: # * $a = a \cdot e^{t \cdot j}, b = b \cdot e^{t \cdot j}$ # * Outcome: # * `0` with probability $\abs{a}^2$ # * `1` with probability $\abs{b}^2$ # ### Bloch sphere # # This leaves only two real numbers: # # * The relative magnitudes of `|a|` and `|b|`. # * The relative angle between `a` and `b`. # # Both of these form circles -- and the together the two circles form a sphere! # # Named after Felix Block (also the first director of CERN!) # Wow, this looks a lot like a direction in space! Making progress! # # How to sound smart at parties # # * SU(2) is isomorphic to SO(3) # * `SU(2)` - the state space of qubits, aka the bloch sphere. # * `SO(3)` - the space of directions in 3D, aka a sphere. # * The state space of possible qubits is a sphere. # # QuTiP has nice tools for visualising Bloch spheres # In[17]: b = Bloch() b.show() # In[18]: b = Bloch() up = ket("0") down = ket("1") b.add_states([up, down]) b.show() # In[19]: x = (up + down).unit() y = (up + (0 + 1j) * down).unit() z = up b = Bloch() b.add_states([x, y, z]) b.show() # In[20]: def plot_bloch(fig, ax, title, states, color_template): """ Plot some states on the bloch sphere. """ b = Bloch(fig=fig, axes=ax) ax.set_title(title, y=-0.01) b.vector_width = 1 b.vector_color = [color_template.format(i * 10) for i in range(len(states))] b.add_states(states) b.render(fig=fig, axes=ax) # In[21]: def plot_multi_blochs(plots): """ Plot multiple sets of states on bloch spheres. """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18.0, 8.0)) fig.suptitle("Bloch Sphere", fontsize="xx-large") n = len(plots) axes = [plt.subplot(1, n, i + 1, projection='3d') for i in range(n)] for i, (title, states, color_template) in enumerate(plots): plot_bloch(fig, axes[i], title, states, color_template) # In[22]: up = ket("0") down = ket("1") # magnitude_circle = [Qobj([[a], [np.sqrt(1 - a**2)]]) for a in np.linspace(0, 1, 20)] magnitude_circle = [ (a * up + np.sqrt(1 - a**2) * down) for a in np.linspace(0, 1, 20) ] # angular_circle = [Qobj([[np.sqrt(0.5)], [np.sqrt(0.5) * np.e ** (1j * theta)]]) for theta in np.linspace(0, np.pi, 20)] angular_circle = [ (np.sqrt(0.5) * up + np.sqrt(0.5) * down * np.e ** (1j * theta)) for theta in np.linspace(0, np.pi, 20) ] # In[23]: plot_multi_blochs([ ["Changing relative magnitude", magnitude_circle, "#ff{:02x}ff"], ["Changing relative angle", angular_circle, "#{:02x}ffff"], ]) # # Measuring a general state # In[24]: def measure_qbit(qbit): a = qbit.full()[0][0] # a b = qbit.full()[1][0] # b if np.random.random() <= np.abs(a) ** 2: return 0 else: return 1 # In[25]: # |a|**2 + |b|**2 == 1 a = (1 + 0j) / np.sqrt(2) b = (0 + 1j) / np.sqrt(2) qbit = a * ket("0") + b * ket("1") print("State:\n", qbit) print("Outcome:", measure_qbit(qbit)) # In[26]: qbit = (1 * ket("0")) + (1j * ket("1")) qbit = qbit.unit() print("State:\n", qbit) print("Outcome:", measure_qbit(qbit)) # ### Other measures # # * Was there really anything special about $\ket{0}$ and $\ket{1}$? # * No! :D # * Except they pointed in opposite directions. # * Can we make other measurements? # * Yes! # In[27]: def component(qbit, direction): component_op = direction.dag() a = component_op * qbit return a[0][0] def measure_qbit(qbit, direction): a = component(qbit, direction) if np.random.random() <= np.abs(a) ** 2: return 0 else: return 1 # In[28]: up, down = ket("0"), ket("1") x, y, z = (up + down).unit(), (up + (0 + 1j) * down).unit(), up print("State:\n", x) print("Outcomes:", [measure_qbit(x, direction=up) for _ in range(10)]) # # Let's simulate the Stern-Gerlach with QuTiP! # # Simulating a simple ~~classical~~ quantum system. # In[29]: def quantum_state(d): """ Prepare a spin state given a direction. """ return np.cos(d.theta / 2) * up + np.exp(1j * d.phi) * np.sin(d.theta / 2) * down # In[30]: up = ket('0') def quantum_spin(q): """ Measurement the z-component of the spin. """ a_up = (up.dag() * q).tr() prob_up = np.abs(a_up) ** 2 return 1 if np.random.uniform(0, 1) <= prob_up else -1 # In[31]: def quantum_stern_gerlach(n): """ Simulate the Stern-Gerlach experiment """ directions = [random_direction() for _ in range(n)] atoms = [quantum_state(d) for d in directions] spins = [quantum_spin(q) for q in atoms] return atoms, spins # In[32]: def plot_quantum_results(atoms, spins): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18.0, 8.0)) fig.suptitle("Stern-Gerlach Experiment: Quantum Outcome", fontsize="xx-large") ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 1, projection='3d') ax2 = plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) b = Bloch(fig=fig, axes=ax1) b.vector_width = 1 b.vector_color = ["#{:x}0{:x}0ff".format(i, i) for i in range(10)] b.add_states(atoms) b.render(fig=fig, axes=ax1) ax2.hist(spins) ax2.set_xlabel("Z-component of spin") ax2.set_ylabel("# of atoms") # In[33]: atoms, spins = quantum_stern_gerlach(1000) plot_quantum_results(atoms, spins) # # Further reading # # 1. QuTiP documentation [ https://qutip.org/ ] # # 2. Quantum Computing for the Determined by Michael Nielsen # [ https://michaelnielsen.org/blog/quantum-computing-for-the-determined/ ] # # 3. Quantum Computing StackExchange # [ https://quantumcomputing.stackexchange.com/ ] # # 4. History of the Stern-Gerlach experiment # [ https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/physics-experiment/app5.html ] # # 5. Picking a random point on a sphere # [ http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SpherePointPicking.html ] # # The End