#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # measuring the relaxation time with the idling gate # In order to demonstrate the simulation of decoherence noise, we build an example that simulates a Ramsey experiment as a quantum circuit run on a noisy `Processor`. # The Ramsey experiment consists of a qubit that is initialized in the excited state, undergoes a $\pi/2$ rotation around the $x$ axis, idles for a time $t$, and is finally measured after another $\pi/2$ rotation: # In[1]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import scipy from qutip import sigmaz, basis, sigmax, fidelity from qutip_qip.operations import hadamard_transform from qutip_qip.pulse import Pulse from qutip_qip.device import LinearSpinChain from qutip_qip.circuit import QubitCircuit pi = np.pi num_samples = 500 amp = 0.1 f = 0.5 t2 = 10 / f # Define a processor. proc = LinearSpinChain( num_qubits=1, sx=amp/2, t2=t2) ham_idle = 2*pi * sigmaz()/2 * f resonant_sx = 2*pi * sigmax() - \ ham_idle / (amp/2) proc.add_drift(ham_idle, targets=0) proc.add_control( resonant_sx, targets=0, label="sx0") # Define a Ramsey experiment. def ramsey(t, proc): qc = QubitCircuit(1) qc.add_gate("RX", 0, arg_value=pi/2) qc.add_gate("IDLE", 0, arg_value=t) qc.add_gate("RX", 0, arg_value=pi/2) proc.load_circuit(qc) result = proc.run_state( init_state=basis(2, 0), e_ops = sigmaz() ) return result.expect[0][-1] idle_tlist = np.linspace(0., 30., num_samples) measurements = np.asarray([ramsey(t, proc) for t in idle_tlist]) rx_gate_time = 1/4/amp # pi/2 total_time = 2*rx_gate_time + idle_tlist[-1] tlist = np.linspace(0., total_time, num_samples) peak_ind = scipy.signal.find_peaks(measurements)[0] decay_func = lambda t, t2, f0: f0 * np.exp(-1./t2 * t) (t2_fit, f0_fit), _ = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(decay_func, idle_tlist[peak_ind], measurements[peak_ind]) print("T2:", t2) print("Fitted T2:", t2_fit) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (5, 3), dpi=100) ax.plot(idle_tlist[:], measurements[:], '-', label="Simulation", color="slategray") ax.plot(idle_tlist, decay_func(idle_tlist, t2_fit, f0_fit), '--', label="Theory", color="slategray") ax.set_xlabel(r"Idling time $t$ [$\mu$s]") ax.set_ylabel("Ramsey signal", labelpad=2) ax.set_ylim((ax.get_ylim()[0], ax.get_ylim()[1])) ax.set_position([0.18, 0.2, 0.75, 0.75]) ax.grid() # In the above block, we use the linear spin chain processor just for its compiler and do not use any of its default Hamiltonians. # Instead, we define an always-on drift Hamiltonian $\sigma^z$ with frequency $f=0.5$MHz, an on-resonant $\sigma^x$ drive with an amplitude of $0.1/2$MHz and the coherence time $T_2=10/f$. # For different idling time $t$, we record the expectation value with respect to the observable $\sigma^z$ as the solid curve. # As expected, the envelope follows an exponential decay characterized by $T_2$ (dashed curve). # Notice that, because $\pi/2$-pulses are simulated as a physical process, the fitted decay does not start from 1. # This demonstrates a way to include state preparation error into the simulation. # In[2]: import qutip_qip print("qutip-qip version:", qutip_qip.version.version) from qutip.ipynbtools import version_table version_table()