#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Ensemble Optimization for Robust Pulses # In[1]: # NBVAL_IGNORE_OUTPUT get_ipython().run_line_magic('load_ext', 'watermark') import os import qutip import numpy as np import scipy import matplotlib import matplotlib.pylab as plt import krotov from qutip import Qobj import pickle get_ipython().run_line_magic('watermark', '-v --iversions') # $\newcommand{tr}[0]{\operatorname{tr}} # \newcommand{diag}[0]{\operatorname{diag}} # \newcommand{abs}[0]{\operatorname{abs}} # \newcommand{pop}[0]{\operatorname{pop}} # \newcommand{aux}[0]{\text{aux}} # \newcommand{opt}[0]{\text{opt}} # \newcommand{tgt}[0]{\text{tgt}} # \newcommand{init}[0]{\text{init}} # \newcommand{lab}[0]{\text{lab}} # \newcommand{rwa}[0]{\text{rwa}} # \newcommand{bra}[1]{\langle#1\vert} # \newcommand{ket}[1]{\vert#1\rangle} # \newcommand{Bra}[1]{\left\langle#1\right\vert} # \newcommand{Ket}[1]{\left\vert#1\right\rangle} # \newcommand{Braket}[2]{\left\langle #1\vphantom{#2} \mid # #2\vphantom{#1}\right\rangle} # \newcommand{Ketbra}[2]{\left\vert#1\vphantom{#2} # \right\rangle \hspace{-0.2em} \left\langle #2\vphantom{#1} \right\vert} # \newcommand{op}[1]{\hat{#1}} # \newcommand{Op}[1]{\hat{#1}} # \newcommand{dd}[0]{\,\text{d}} # \newcommand{Liouville}[0]{\mathcal{L}} # \newcommand{DynMap}[0]{\mathcal{E}} # \newcommand{identity}[0]{\mathbf{1}} # \newcommand{Norm}[1]{\lVert#1\rVert} # \newcommand{Abs}[1]{\left\vert#1\right\vert} # \newcommand{avg}[1]{\langle#1\rangle} # \newcommand{Avg}[1]{\left\langle#1\right\rangle} # \newcommand{AbsSq}[1]{\left\vert#1\right\vert^2} # \newcommand{Re}[0]{\operatorname{Re}} # \newcommand{Im}[0]{\operatorname{Im}} # \newcommand{toP}[0]{\omega_{12}} # \newcommand{toS}[0]{\omega_{23}}$ # # This example revisits the [Optimization of a State-to-State Transfer in a # Lambda System in the RWA](02_example_lambda_system_rwa_complex_pulse.ipynb), # attempting to make the control pulses robustness with respect to variations in # the pulse amplitude, through "ensemble optimization". # ## Control objectives for population transfer in the Lambda system # # As in the original example, we define the Hamiltonian for a Lambda system in # the rotating wave approximation, like this: # # ![Lambda system considered in this notebook](energylevels.png) # # We set up the control fields and the Hamiltonian exactly as before: # In[2]: def Omega_P1(t, args): """Guess for the real part of the pump pulse""" Ω0 = 5.0 return Ω0 * krotov.shapes.blackman(t, t_start=2.0, t_stop=5.0) def Omega_P2(t, args): """Guess for the imaginary part of the pump pulse""" return 0.0 def Omega_S1(t, args): """Guess for the real part of the Stokes pulse""" Ω0 = 5.0 return Ω0 * krotov.shapes.blackman(t, t_start=0.0, t_stop=3.0) def Omega_S2(t, args): """Guess for the imaginary part of the Stokes pulse""" return 0.0 # In[3]: tlist = np.linspace(0, 5, 500) # In[4]: def hamiltonian(E1=0.0, E2=10.0, E3=5.0, omega_P=9.5, omega_S=4.5): """Lambda-system Hamiltonian in the RWA""" # detunings ΔP = E1 + omega_P - E2 ΔS = E3 + omega_S - E2 H0 = Qobj([[ΔP, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, ΔS]]) HP_re = -0.5 * Qobj([[0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) HP_im = -0.5 * Qobj([[0.0, 1.0j, 0.0], [-1.0j, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) HS_re = -0.5 * Qobj([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]) HS_im = -0.5 * Qobj([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0j], [0.0, -1.0j, 0.0]]) return [ H0, [HP_re, Omega_P1], [HP_im, Omega_P2], [HS_re, Omega_S1], [HS_im, Omega_S2], ] # In[5]: H = hamiltonian() # The control objective is the realization of a phase sensitive $\ket{1} # \rightarrow \ket{3}$ transition in the lab frame. Thus, in the rotating frame, # we must take into account an additional phase factor. # In[6]: ket1 = qutip.Qobj(np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0])) ket2 = qutip.Qobj(np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0])) ket3 = qutip.Qobj(np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0])) # In[7]: def rwa_target_state(ket3, E2=10.0, omega_S=4.5, T=5): return np.exp(1j * (E2 - omega_S) * T) * ket3 # In[8]: psi_target = rwa_target_state(ket3) # In[9]: objective = krotov.Objective(initial_state=ket1, target=psi_target, H=H) objectives = [objective] objectives # ## Robustness to amplitude fluctuations # # A potential source of error is fluctuations in the pulse amplitude between # different runs of the experiment. To account for this, the `hamiltonian` # function above include a parameter `mu` that scales the pulse amplitudes by the # given factor. # # We can analyze the result of the [Optimization of a State-to-State Transfer in # a Lambda System in the RWA](02_example_lambda_system_rwa_complex_pulse.ipynb) # with respect to such fluctuations. We load the earlier optimization result from # disk, and verify that the optimized controls produce the $\ket{1} \rightarrow # \ket{3}$ transition as desired. # In[10]: oct_result_unperturbed = krotov.result.Result.load( 'lambda_rwa_oct_result.dump', objectives=[objective] ) # In[11]: proj1 = qutip.ket2dm(ket1) proj2 = qutip.ket2dm(ket2) proj3 = qutip.ket2dm(ket3) # In[12]: opt_unperturbed_dynamics = oct_result_unperturbed.optimized_objectives[ 0 ].mesolve(tlist, e_ops=[proj1, proj2, proj3]) # In[13]: def plot_population(result): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(result.times, result.expect[0], label='1') ax.plot(result.times, result.expect[1], label='2') ax.plot(result.times, result.expect[2], label='3') ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel('time') ax.set_ylabel('population') plt.show(fig) # In[14]: plot_population(opt_unperturbed_dynamics) # Now we can analyze how robust this control is for variations of ±20% of the # pulse amplitude. Numerically, this is achieved by scaling the control # Hamiltonians with a pre-factor $\mu$. # # # # # In[15]: def scale_control(H, *, mu): """Scale all control Hamiltonians by `mu`.""" H_scaled = [] for spec in H: if isinstance(spec, list): H_scaled.append([mu * spec[0], spec[1]]) else: H_scaled.append(spec) return H_scaled # For the analysis, we take the following sample of $\mu$ values: # In[16]: mu_vals = np.linspace(0.75, 1.25, 33) # We measure the success of the transfer via the "population error", i.e., the # deviation from 1.0 of the population in state $\ket{3}$ at final time $T$. # # # # In[17]: def pop_error(obj, mu): res = obj.mesolve(tlist, H=scale_control(obj.H, mu=mu), e_ops=[proj3]) return 1 - res.expect[0][-1] # In[18]: def _f(mu): # parallel_map needs a global function return pop_error(oct_result_unperturbed.optimized_objectives[0], mu=mu) pop_errors_norobust = qutip.parallel_map(_f, mu_vals) # In[19]: def plot_robustness(mu_vals, pop_errors, pop_errors0=None): fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(mu_vals, pop_errors, label='1') if pop_errors0 is not None: ax.set_prop_cycle(None) # reset colors if isinstance(pop_errors0, list): for (i, pop_errors_prev) in enumerate(pop_errors0): ax.plot( mu_vals, pop_errors_prev, ls='dotted', label=("%d" % (-i)) ) else: ax.plot(mu_vals, pop_errors0, ls='dotted', label='0') ax.set_xlabel("relative coupling strength") ax.set_ylabel(r"$1 - \vert \langle \Psi \vert 3 \rangle \vert^2$") ax.axvspan(0.9, 1.1, alpha=0.25, color='red') ax.set_yscale('log') if pop_errors0 is not None: ax.legend() plt.show(fig) # In[20]: plot_robustness(mu_vals, pop_errors_norobust) # The plot shows that as the pulse amplitude deviates from the optimal value, the # error rises quickly: our previous optimization result is not robust. # # The highlighted region of ±10% is our "region of interest" within # which we would like the control to be robust by applying optimal control. # ## Setting the ensemble objectives # They central idea of optimizing for robustness is to take multiple copies of # the Hamiltonian, sampling over the space of variations to which would # like to be robust, and optimize over the average of this ensemble. # # Here, we sample 5 values of $\mu$ (including the unperturbed $\mu=1$) in the # region of interest, $\mu \in [0.9, 1.1]$. # In[21]: ensemble_mu = [1.0, 0.9, 0.95, 1.05, 1.1] # The corresponding perturbed Hamiltonians (excluding $\mu=1$) are # In[22]: ham_ensemble = [scale_control(objective.H, mu=mu) for mu in ensemble_mu[1:]] # The `krotov.objectives.ensemble_objectives` extends the original objective of a # single unperturbed state-to-state transition with one additional objective for # each ensemble Hamiltonian: # In[23]: ensemble_objectives = krotov.objectives.ensemble_objectives( objectives, ham_ensemble ) ensemble_objectives # It is important that all five objectives reference the same four control # pulses, as is the case here. # ## Optimize # We use the same update shape $S(t)$ and $\lambda_a$ value as in the original optimization: # In[24]: def S(t): """Scales the Krotov methods update of the pulse value at the time t""" return krotov.shapes.flattop(t, 0.0, 5, 0.3, func='sinsq') λ = 0.5 pulse_options = { H[1][1]: dict(lambda_a=λ, update_shape=S), H[2][1]: dict(lambda_a=λ, update_shape=S), H[3][1]: dict(lambda_a=λ, update_shape=S), H[4][1]: dict(lambda_a=λ, update_shape=S), } # It will be interesting to see how the optimization progresses for each # individual element of the ensemble. Thus, we write an `info_hook` routine that # prints out a tabular overview of $1 - \Re\Braket{\Psi(T)}{3}_{\Op{H}_i}$ for # all $\Op{H}_i$ in the ensemble, as well as their average (the total functional # $J_T$ that is being minimized) # # # # # In[25]: def print_J_T_per_target(**kwargs): iteration = kwargs['iteration'] N = len(ensemble_mu) if iteration == 0: print( "iteration " + "%11s " % "J_T(avg)" + " ".join([("J_T(μ=%.2f)" % μ) for μ in ensemble_mu]) ) J_T_vals = 1 - kwargs['tau_vals'].real J_T = np.sum(J_T_vals) / N print( ("%9d " % iteration) + ("%11.2e " % J_T) + " ".join([("%11.2e" % v) for v in J_T_vals]) ) # We'll also want to look at the output of ``krotov.info_hooks.print_table``, but # in order to keep the output orderly, we will write that information to a file # `ensemble_oct.log`. # In[26]: log_fh = open("ensemble_oct.log", "w") # To speed up the optimization slightly, we parallelize across the five # objectives with appropriate `parallel_map` functions. # The optimization starts for the same guess pulses as the original [Optimization # of a State-to-State Transfer in a Lambda System in the # RWA](02_example_lambda_system_rwa_complex_pulse.ipynb). Generally, for a # robustness ensemble optimization, this will yield better results than trying to # take the optimized pulses for the unperturbed system as a guess. # # In[27]: oct_result = krotov.optimize_pulses( ensemble_objectives, pulse_options, tlist, propagator=krotov.propagators.expm, chi_constructor=krotov.functionals.chis_re, info_hook=krotov.info_hooks.chain( print_J_T_per_target, krotov.info_hooks.print_table( J_T=krotov.functionals.J_T_re, out=log_fh ), ), check_convergence=krotov.convergence.Or( krotov.convergence.value_below(1e-3, name='J_T'), krotov.convergence.check_monotonic_error, ), parallel_map=( qutip.parallel_map, qutip.parallel_map, krotov.parallelization.parallel_map_fw_prop_step, ), iter_stop=12, ) # After twelve iterations (which were sufficient to produce an error $<10^{-3}$ # in the original optimization), we find the average error over the ensemble to # be still above $>10^{-2}$. However, the error for $\mu = 1$ is only *slightly* # larger than in the original optimization; the lack of success is entirely due # to the large error for the other elements of the ensemble for $\mu \neq 1$. # Achieving robustness is hard! # # We continue the optimization until the *average* error falls below $10^{-3}$: # # In[28]: dumpfile = "./ensemble_oct_result.dump" if os.path.isfile(dumpfile): oct_result = krotov.result.Result.load(dumpfile, objectives) print_J_T_per_target(iteration=0, tau_vals=oct_result.tau_vals[12]) print(" ...") n_iters = len(oct_result.tau_vals) for i in range(n_iters - 10, n_iters): print_J_T_per_target(iteration=i, tau_vals=oct_result.tau_vals[i]) else: oct_result = krotov.optimize_pulses( ensemble_objectives, pulse_options, tlist, propagator=krotov.propagators.expm, chi_constructor=krotov.functionals.chis_re, info_hook=krotov.info_hooks.chain( print_J_T_per_target, krotov.info_hooks.print_table( J_T=krotov.functionals.J_T_re, out=log_fh ), ), check_convergence=krotov.convergence.Or( krotov.convergence.value_below(1e-3, name='J_T'), krotov.convergence.check_monotonic_error, ), parallel_map=( qutip.parallel_map, qutip.parallel_map, krotov.parallelization.parallel_map_fw_prop_step, ), iter_stop=1000, continue_from=oct_result, ) oct_result.dump(dumpfile) # In[29]: oct_result # In[30]: log_fh.close() # Even now, the ideal Hamiltonian ($\mu = 1$) has the lowest error in the # ensemble by a significant margin. However, notice that the error in the $J_T$ # for $\mu = 1$ is actually rising, while the errors for values of $\mu \neq 1$ # are falling by a much larger value! This is a good thing: we sacrifice a little # bit of fidelity in the unperturbed dynamics to an increase in robustness. # # The optimized "robust" pulse looks as follows: # In[31]: def plot_pulse_amplitude_and_phase(pulse_real, pulse_imaginary, tlist): ax1 = plt.subplot(211) ax2 = plt.subplot(212) amplitudes = [ np.sqrt(x * x + y * y) for x, y in zip(pulse_real, pulse_imaginary) ] phases = [ np.arctan2(y, x) / np.pi for x, y in zip(pulse_real, pulse_imaginary) ] ax1.plot(tlist, amplitudes) ax1.set_xlabel('time') ax1.set_ylabel('pulse amplitude') ax2.plot(tlist, phases) ax2.set_xlabel('time') ax2.set_ylabel('pulse phase (π)') plt.show() print("pump pulse amplitude and phase:") plot_pulse_amplitude_and_phase( oct_result.optimized_controls[0], oct_result.optimized_controls[1], tlist ) print("Stokes pulse amplitude and phase:") plot_pulse_amplitude_and_phase( oct_result.optimized_controls[2], oct_result.optimized_controls[3], tlist ) # and produces the dynamics (in the unperturbed system) shown below: # In[32]: opt_robust_dynamics = oct_result.optimized_objectives[0].mesolve( tlist, e_ops=[proj1, proj2, proj3] ) # In[33]: plot_population(opt_robust_dynamics) # ### Robustness analysis # When comparing the robustness of the "robust" optimized pulse to that obtained # from the original optimization for the unperturbed Hamiltonian, we should make # sure that we have converged to a comparable error: We would like to avoid the # suspicion that the ensemble error is below our threshold only because the error # for $\mu = 1$ is so much lower. Therefore, we continue the original unperturbed # optimization for a few more iterations, until we reach the same error $\approx # 1.13 \times 10^{-4}$ that we found as the result of the ensemble optimization, # looking at $\mu=1$ only: # In[34]: print("J_T(μ=1) = %.2e" % (1 - oct_result.tau_vals[-1][0].real)) # In[35]: oct_result_unperturbed_cont = krotov.optimize_pulses( [objective], pulse_options, tlist, propagator=krotov.propagators.expm, chi_constructor=krotov.functionals.chis_re, info_hook=krotov.info_hooks.print_table( J_T=krotov.functionals.J_T_re, show_g_a_int_per_pulse=True, unicode=False, ), check_convergence=krotov.convergence.Or( krotov.convergence.value_below(1.13e-4, name='J_T'), krotov.convergence.check_monotonic_error, ), iter_stop=50, continue_from=oct_result_unperturbed, ) # Now, we can compare the robustness of the optimized pulses from the original # unperturbed optimization (label "-1"), the continued unperturbed optimization # (label "0"), and the ensemble optimization (label "1"): # In[36]: def _f(mu): return pop_error( oct_result_unperturbed_cont.optimized_objectives[0], mu=mu ) pop_errors_norobust_cont = qutip.parallel_map(_f, mu_vals) # In[37]: def _f(mu): return pop_error(oct_result.optimized_objectives[0], mu=mu) pop_errors_robust = qutip.parallel_map(_f, mu_vals) # In[38]: plot_robustness( mu_vals, pop_errors_robust, pop_errors0=[pop_errors_norobust_cont, pop_errors_norobust], ) # We see that without the ensemble optimization, we only lower the error for # exactly $\mu = 1$: the more we converge, the less robust the result. In # contrast, the ensemble optimization results in considerably lower errors (order # of magnitude!) throughout the highlighted "region of interest" and beyond.