import mailbox import email import json MBOX = 'resources/ch06-mailboxes/data/northpole.mbox' # A routine that makes a ton of simplifying assumptions # about converting an mbox message into a Python object # given the nature of the northpole.mbox file in order # to demonstrate the basic parsing of an mbox with mail # utilities def objectify_message(msg): # Map in fields from the message o_msg = dict([ (k, v) for (k,v) in msg.items() ]) # Assume one part to the message and get its content # and its content type part = [p for p in msg.walk()][0] o_msg['contentType'] = part.get_content_type() o_msg['content'] = part.get_payload() return o_msg # Create an mbox that can be iterated over and transform each of its # messages to a convenient JSON representation mbox = mailbox.UnixMailbox(open(MBOX, 'rb'), email.message_from_file) messages = [] while 1: msg = if msg is None: break messages.append(objectify_message(msg)) print json.dumps(messages, indent=1) import sys import urllib2 import time import os import envoy # pip install envoy URL = "" DOWNLOAD_DIR = "resources/ch06-mailboxes/data" # Downloads a file and displays a download status every 5 seconds def download(url, download_dir): file_name = url.split('/')[-1] u = urllib2.urlopen(url) f = open(os.path.join(download_dir, file_name), 'wb') meta = file_size = int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0]) print "Downloading: %s Bytes: %s" % (file_name, file_size) file_size_dl = 0 block_sz = 8192 last_update = time.time() while True: buffer = if not buffer: break file_size_dl += len(buffer) f.write(buffer) download_status = r"%10d MB [%3.2f%%]" % (file_size_dl / 1000000.0, file_size_dl * 100.0 / file_size) download_status = download_status + chr(8)*(len(download_status)+1) if time.time() - last_update > 5: print download_status, sys.stdout.flush() last_update = time.time() f.close() return # Extracts a gzipped tarfile. e.g. "$ tar xzf filename.tgz" def tar_xzf(f): # Call out to the shell for a faster decompression. # This will still take a while because Vagrant synchronizes # thousands of files that are extracted to the host machine r ="tar xzf %s -C %s" % (f, DOWNLOAD_DIR)) print r.std_out print r.std_err f = download(URL, DOWNLOAD_DIR) print "Download complete: %s" % (f,) tar_xzf(f) print "Decompression complete" print "Data is ready" import re import email from time import asctime import os import sys from dateutil.parser import parse # pip install python_dateutil # XXX: Download the Enron corpus to resources/ch06-mailboxes/data # and unarchive it there. MAILDIR = 'resources/ch06-mailboxes/data/enron_mail_20110402/' + \ 'enron_data/maildir' # Where to write the converted mbox MBOX = 'resources/ch06-mailboxes/data/enron.mbox' # Create a file handle that we'll be writing into... mbox = open(MBOX, 'w') # Walk the directories and process any folder named 'inbox' for (root, dirs, file_names) in os.walk(MAILDIR): if root.split(os.sep)[-1].lower() != 'inbox': continue # Process each message in 'inbox' for file_name in file_names: file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name) message_text = open(file_path).read() # Compute fields for the From_ line in a traditional mbox message _from ="From: ([^\r]+)", message_text).groups()[0] _date ="Date: ([^\r]+)", message_text).groups()[0] # Convert _date to the asctime representation for the From_ line _date = asctime(parse(_date).timetuple()) msg = email.message_from_string(message_text) msg.set_unixfrom('From %s %s' % (_from, _date)) mbox.write(msg.as_string(unixfrom=True) + "\n\n") mbox.close() import sys import mailbox import email import quopri import json import time from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup from dateutil.parser import parse MBOX = 'resources/ch06-mailboxes/data/enron.mbox' OUT_FILE = MBOX + '.json' def cleanContent(msg): # Decode message from "quoted printable" format, but first # re-encode, since decodestring will try to do a decode of its own msg = quopri.decodestring(msg.encode('utf-8')) # Strip out HTML tags, if any are present. # Bail on unknown encodings if errors happen in BeautifulSoup. try: soup = BeautifulSoup(msg) except: return '' return ''.join(soup.findAll(text=True)) # There's a lot of data to process, and the Pythonic way to do it is with a # generator. See # Using a generator requires a trivial encoder to be passed to json for object # serialization. class Encoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, o): return list(o) # The generator itself... def gen_json_msgs(mb): while 1: msg = if msg is None: break yield jsonifyMessage(msg) def jsonifyMessage(msg): json_msg = {'parts': []} for (k, v) in msg.items(): json_msg[k] = v.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') # The To, Cc, and Bcc fields, if present, could have multiple items. # Note that not all of these fields are necessarily defined. for k in ['To', 'Cc', 'Bcc']: if not json_msg.get(k): continue json_msg[k] = json_msg[k].replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '').replace('\r', '')\ .replace(' ', '').decode('utf-8', 'ignore').split(',') for part in msg.walk(): json_part = {} if part.get_content_maintype() != 'text': print >> sys.stderr, "Skipping MIME content in JSONification ({0})".format(part.get_content_maintype()) continue json_part['contentType'] = part.get_content_type() content = part.get_payload(decode=False).decode('utf-8', 'ignore') json_part['content'] = cleanContent(content) json_msg['parts'].append(json_part) # Finally, convert date from asctime to milliseconds since epoch using the # $date descriptor so it imports "natively" as an ISODate object in MongoDB then = parse(json_msg['Date']) millis = int(time.mktime(then.timetuple())*1000 + then.microsecond/1000) json_msg['Date'] = {'$date' : millis} return json_msg mbox = mailbox.UnixMailbox(open(MBOX, 'rb'), email.message_from_file) # Write each message out as a JSON object on a separate line # for easy import into MongoDB via mongoimport f = open(OUT_FILE, 'w') for msg in gen_json_msgs(mbox): if msg != None: f.write(json.dumps(msg, cls=Encoder) + '\n') f.close() print "All done" import envoy # This data is checked-in to the repository and is a compressed # version of the output from Example 3 F = 'resources/ch06-mailboxes/data/enron.mbox.json.bz2' r ="bunzip2 %s" % (F,)) print r.std_out print r.std_err import envoy # pip install envoy r ='mongoimport') print r.std_out print r.std_err import os import sys import envoy data_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'resources/ch06-mailboxes/data/enron.mbox.json') # Run a command just as you would in a terminal on the virtual machine to # import the data file into MongoDB. r ='mongoimport --db enron --collection mbox ' + \ '--file %s' % data_file) # Print its standard output print r.std_out print sys.stderr.write(r.std_err) # We can even simulate a MongoDB shell using envoy to execute commands. # For example, let's get some stats out of MongoDB just as though we were working # in a shell by passing it the command and wrapping it in a printjson function to # display it for us. def mongo(db, cmd): r ="mongo %s --eval 'printjson(%s)'" % (db, cmd,)) print r.std_out if r.std_err: print r.std_err mongo('enron', 'db.mbox.stats()') import json import pymongo # pip install pymongo from bson import json_util # Comes with pymongo # Connects to the MongoDB server running on # localhost:27017 by default client = pymongo.MongoClient() # Get a reference to the enron database db = client.enron # Reference the mbox collection in the Enron database mbox = db.mbox # The number of messages in the collection print "Number of messages in mbox:" print mbox.count() print # Pick a message to look at... msg = mbox.find_one() # Display the message as pretty-printed JSON. The use of # the custom serializer supplied by PyMongo is necessary in order # to handle the date field that is provided as a datetime.datetime # tuple. print "A message:" print json.dumps(msg, indent=1, default=json_util.default) import json import pymongo # pip install pymongo from bson import json_util # Comes with pymongo from datetime import datetime as dt client = pymongo.MongoClient() db = client.enron mbox = db.mbox # Create a small date range here of one day start_date = dt(2001, 4, 1) # Year, Month, Day end_date = dt(2001, 4, 2) # Year, Month, Day # Query the database with the highly versatile "find" command, # just like in the MongoDB shell. msgs = [ msg for msg in mbox.find({"Date" : { "$lt" : end_date, "$gt" : start_date } }).sort("date")] # Create a convenience function to make pretty-printing JSON a little # less cumbersome def pp(o, indent=1): print json.dumps(msgs, indent=indent, default=json_util.default) print "Messages from a query by date range:" pp(msgs) import json import pymongo # pip install pymongo from bson import json_util # Comes with pymongo client = pymongo.MongoClient() db = client.enron mbox = db.mbox senders = [ i for i in mbox.distinct("From") ] receivers = [ i for i in mbox.distinct("To") ] cc_receivers = [ i for i in mbox.distinct("Cc") ] bcc_receivers = [ i for i in mbox.distinct("Bcc") ] print "Num Senders:", len(senders) print "Num Receivers:", len(receivers) print "Num CC Receivers:", len(cc_receivers) print "Num BCC Receivers:", len(bcc_receivers) senders = set(senders) receivers = set(receivers) cc_receivers = set(cc_receivers) bcc_receivers = set(bcc_receivers) # Find the number of senders who were also direct receivers senders_intersect_receivers = senders.intersection(receivers) # Find the senders that didn't receive any messages senders_diff_receivers = senders.difference(receivers) # Find the receivers that didn't send any messages receivers_diff_senders = receivers.difference(senders) # Find the senders who were any kind of receiver by # first computing the union of all types of receivers all_receivers = receivers.union(cc_receivers, bcc_receivers) senders_all_receivers = senders.intersection(all_receivers) print "Num senders in common with receivers:", len(senders_intersect_receivers) print "Num senders who didn't receive:", len(senders_diff_receivers) print "Num receivers who didn't send:", len(receivers_diff_senders) print "Num senders in common with *all* receivers:", len(senders_all_receivers) # In a Mongo shell, you could try this query for the same effect: # db.mbox.find({"To" : {"$regex" : /.**/i} }, # {"To" : 1, "_id" : 0}) senders = [ i for i in mbox.distinct("From") if i.lower().find("") > -1 ] receivers = [ i for i in mbox.distinct("To") if i.lower().find("") > -1 ] cc_receivers = [ i for i in mbox.distinct("Cc") if i.lower().find("") > -1 ] bcc_receivers = [ i for i in mbox.distinct("Bcc") if i.lower().find("") > -1 ] print "Num Senders:", len(senders) print "Num Receivers:", len(receivers) print "Num CC Receivers:", len(cc_receivers) print "Num BCC Receivers:", len(bcc_receivers) import json import pymongo # pip install pymongo from bson import json_util # Comes with pymongo client = pymongo.MongoClient() db = client.enron mbox = db.mbox aliases = ["", "", "", "", ""] # More possibilities? to_msgs = [ msg for msg in mbox.find({"To" : { "$in" : aliases } })] from_msgs = [ msg for msg in mbox.find({"From" : { "$in" : aliases } })] print "Number of message sent to:", len(to_msgs) print "Number of messages sent from:", len(from_msgs) import json import pymongo # pip install pymongo from bson import json_util # Comes with pymongo import re # The basis of our query FROM = "" client = pymongo.MongoClient() db = client.enron mbox = db.mbox # Get the recipient lists for each message recipients_per_message = db.mbox.aggregate([ {"$match" : {"From" : re.compile(r".*{0}.*".format(FROM), re.IGNORECASE)}}, {"$project" : {"From" : 1, "To" : 1} }, {"$group" : {"_id" : "$From", "recipients" : {"$addToSet" : "$To" } } } ])['result'][0]['recipients'] # Collapse the lists of recipients into a single list all_recipients = [recipient for message in recipients_per_message for recipient in message] # Calculate the number of recipients per sent message and sort recipients_per_message_totals = \ sorted([len(recipients) for recipients in recipients_per_message]) # Demonstrate how to use $unwind followed by $group to collapse # the recipient lists into a single list (with no duplicates # per the $addToSet operator) unique_recipients = db.mbox.aggregate([ {"$match" : {"From" : re.compile(r".*{0}.*".format(FROM), re.IGNORECASE)}}, {"$project" : {"From" : 1, "To" : 1} }, {"$unwind" : "$To"}, {"$group" : {"_id" : "From", "recipients" : {"$addToSet" : "$To"}} } ])['result'][0]['recipients'] print all_recipients print "Num total recipients on all messages:", len(all_recipients) print "Num recipients for each message:", recipients_per_message_totals print "Num unique recipients", len(unique_recipients) import json import pymongo # pip install pymongo from bson import json_util # Comes with pymongo client = pymongo.MongoClient() db = client.enron mbox = db.mbox # Create an index if it doesn't already exist mbox.ensure_index([("$**", "text")], name="TextIndex") # Get the collection stats (collstats) on a collection # named "mbox" print json.dumps(db.command("collstats", "mbox"), indent=1) # Use the db.command method to issue a "text" command # on collection "mbox" with parameters, remembering that # we need to use json_util to handle serialization of our JSON print json.dumps(db.command("text", "mbox", search="raptor", limit=1), indent=1, default=json_util.default) import json import pymongo # pip install pymongo from bson import json_util # Comes with pymongo client = pymongo.MongoClient() db = client.enron mbox = db.mbox results = mbox.aggregate([ { # Create a subdocument called DateBucket with each date component projected # so that these fields can be grouped on in the next stage of the pipeline "$project" : { "_id" : 0, "DateBucket" : { "year" : {"$year" : "$Date"}, "month" : {"$month" : "$Date"}, "day" : {"$dayOfMonth" : "$Date"}, "hour" : {"$hour" : "$Date"}, } } }, { "$group" : { # Group by year and date by using these fields for the key. "_id" : {"year" : "$DateBucket.year", "month" : "$DateBucket.month"}, # Increment the sum for each group by 1 for every document that's in it "num_msgs" : {"$sum" : 1} } }, { "$sort" : {"_id.year" : 1, "_id.month" : 1} } ]) print results from prettytable import PrettyTable pt = PrettyTable(field_names=['Year', 'Month', 'Num Msgs']) pt.align['Num Msgs'], pt.align['Month'] = 'r', 'r' [ pt.add_row([ result['_id']['year'], result['_id']['month'], result['num_msgs'] ]) for result in results['result'] ] print pt import sys import oauth2 as oauth import oauth2.clients.imap as imaplib # See # XoauthDotPyRunThrough for details on obtaining and # running to get the credentials OAUTH_TOKEN = '' # XXX: Obtained with OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET = '' # XXX: Obtained with GMAIL_ACCOUNT = '' # XXX: Your Gmail address - url = '' % (GMAIL_ACCOUNT, ) # Standard values for Gmail's Xoauth consumer = oauth.Consumer('anonymous', 'anonymous') token = oauth.Token(OAUTH_TOKEN, OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET) conn = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('') conn.debug = 4 # Set to the desired debug level conn.authenticate(url, consumer, token)'INBOX') # Access your INBOX data import sys import mailbox import email import quopri import json import time from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup from dateutil.parser import parse # What you'd like to search for in the subject of your mail. # See Section 6.4.4 of # for more SEARCH options. Q = "Alaska" # XXX # Recycle some routines from Example 6-3 so that you arrive at the # very same data structure you've been using throughout this chapter def cleanContent(msg): # Decode message from "quoted printable" format msg = quopri.decodestring(msg) # Strip out HTML tags, if any are present. # Bail on unknown encodings if errors happen in BeautifulSoup. try: soup = BeautifulSoup(msg) except: return '' return ''.join(soup.findAll(text=True)) def jsonifyMessage(msg): json_msg = {'parts': []} for (k, v) in msg.items(): json_msg[k] = v.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') # The To, Cc, and Bcc fields, if present, could have multiple items. # Note that not all of these fields are necessarily defined. for k in ['To', 'Cc', 'Bcc']: if not json_msg.get(k): continue json_msg[k] = json_msg[k].replace('\n', '').replace('\t', '')\ .replace('\r', '').replace(' ', '')\ .decode('utf-8', 'ignore').split(',') for part in msg.walk(): json_part = {} if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart': continue json_part['contentType'] = part.get_content_type() content = part.get_payload(decode=False).decode('utf-8', 'ignore') json_part['content'] = cleanContent(content) json_msg['parts'].append(json_part) # Finally, convert date from asctime to milliseconds since epoch using the # $date descriptor so it imports "natively" as an ISODate object in MongoDB. then = parse(json_msg['Date']) millis = int(time.mktime(then.timetuple())*1000 + then.microsecond/1000) json_msg['Date'] = {'$date' : millis} return json_msg # Consume a query from the user. This example illustrates searching by subject. (status, data) =, '(SUBJECT "%s")' % (Q, )) ids = data[0].split() messages = [] for i in ids: try: (status, data) = conn.fetch(i, '(RFC822)') messages.append(email.message_from_string(data[0][1])) except Exception, e: print e print 'Print error fetching message %s. Skipping it.' % (i, ) print len(messages) jsonified_messages = [jsonifyMessage(m) for m in messages] # Separate out the text content from each message so that it can be analyzed. content = [p['content'] for m in jsonified_messages for p in m['parts']] # Content can still be quite messy and contain line breaks and other quirks. filename = os.path.join('resources/ch06-mailboxes/data', GMAIL_ACCOUNT.split("@")[0] + '.gmail.json') f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(json.dumps(jsonified_messages)) f.close() print >> sys.stderr, "Data written out to",