#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Genotype to phenotpye mapping tutorials using LIMIX # We here provide tutorials for common tasks in genotype to phenotye analysis, ranging from raw data processing to complex genetic analyses. # # Table of Contents # # 1. Preprocessing and Quality control # * [Loading data](preprocessing_QC/loading_files.ipynb) # * [Genotype Quality control](preprocessing_QC/genotype_QC.ipynb) # 2. Linear regression and false discovery rates # * [Linear regression and multiple testing](linear_regression_FDR/QTL_mapping1.ipynb) # 3. Linear mixed models and population structure # * [Linear mixed models, example applications](LMM_singletrait/LMM_example.ipynb) # * [Simulating GWAS data, population structure and step-wise association analysis](LMM_singletrait/LMM_simulation.ipynb) # 4. Multiple trait analyses # * [Multitrait modelling, examples](LMM_multitrait/LMM_multitrait_example.ipynb) # 5. eQTL mapping # * [Basic eQTL mapping and variance component modelling](eQTL/eQTL_basics.ipynb) # 6. Multi-trait set test (mtSet) # * [Set test for joint analysis of multiple traits](mtSet/Multi_trait_set_test.ipynb) # 7. Interaction set test (iSet) # * [Set tests for gene-context interactions](iSet/Interaction_set_test.ipynb) # 8. Non linear mixed models # * [Mixed random forest](Mixed_RF/Mixed_RF_example.ipynb) # In[ ]: