#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # VarEmbed Tutorial # # Varembed is a word embedding model incorporating morphological information, capturing shared sub-word features. Unlike previous work that constructs word embeddings directly from morphemes, varembed combines morphological and distributional information in a unified probabilistic framework. Varembed thus yields improvements on intrinsic word similarity evaluations. Check out the original paper, [arXiv:1608.01056](https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.01056) accepted in [EMNLP 2016](http://www.emnlp2016.net/accepted-papers.html). # # Varembed is now integrated into [Gensim](https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/) providing ability to load already trained varembed models into gensim with additional functionalities over word vectors already present in gensim. # # # This Tutorial # # In this tutorial you will learn how to train, load and evaluate varembed model on your data. # # # Train Model # # The authors provide their code to train a varembed model. Checkout the repository [MorphologicalPriorsForWordEmbeddings](https://github.com/rguthrie3/MorphologicalPriorsForWordEmbeddings) for to train a varembed model. You'll need to use that code if you want to train a model. # # # Load Varembed Model # # Now that you have an already trained varembed model, you can easily load the varembed word vectors directly into Gensim.
# For that, you need to provide the path to the word vectors pickle file generated after you train the model and run the script to [package varembed embeddings](https://github.com/rguthrie3/MorphologicalPriorsForWordEmbeddings/blob/master/package_embeddings.py) provided in the [varembed source code repository](https://github.com/rguthrie3/MorphologicalPriorsForWordEmbeddings). # # We'll use a varembed model trained on [Lee Corpus](https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/gensim/blob/develop/gensim/test/test_data/lee.cor) as the vocabulary, which is already available in gensim. # # # # # # In[2]: from gensim.models.wrappers import varembed vector_file = '../../gensim/test/test_data/varembed_leecorpus_vectors.pkl' model = varembed.VarEmbed.load_varembed_format(vectors=vector_file) # This loads a varembed model into Gensim. Also if you want to load with morphemes added into the varembed vectors, you just need to also provide the path to the trained morfessor model binary as an argument. This works as an optional parameter, if not provided, it would just load the varembed vectors without morphemes. # In[ ]: morfessor_file = '../../gensim/test/test_data/varembed_leecorpus_morfessor.bin' model_with_morphemes = varembed.VarEmbed.load_varembed_format(vectors=vector_file, morfessor_model=morfessor_file) # This helps load trained varembed models into Gensim. Now you can use this for any of the Keyed Vector functionalities, like 'most_similar', 'similarity' and so on, already provided in gensim. # # In[ ]: model.most_similar('government') # In[ ]: model.similarity('peace', 'grim') # # Conclusion # In this tutorial, we learnt how to load already trained varembed models vectors into gensim and easily use and evaluate it. That's it! # # # Resources # # * [Varembed Source Code](https://github.com/rguthrie3/MorphologicalPriorsForWordEmbeddings) # * [Gensim](https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/) # * [Lee Corpus](https://github.com/RaRe-Technologies/gensim/blob/develop/gensim/test/test_data/lee.cor) #