#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # #

Getting Started

# # This notebook illustrates the [key concepts](https://openfisca.org/doc/key-concepts/index.html) of OpenFisca that you will find in the documentation. #

Table of Contents

# # ## Calculate a variable # Do some imports. # In[1]: from pprint import pprint # data pretty printer from openfisca_core.simulation_builder import SimulationBuilder from openfisca_france import FranceTaxBenefitSystem # Initialize the French [Tax and Benefit system](https://openfisca.org/doc/key-concepts/tax_and_benefit_system.html): it launches the entire legislation. # In[2]: tax_benefit_system = FranceTaxBenefitSystem() # Initialize a test case: first step to give a persons situations for which you want to calculate taxes or benefits. # Here we start with the persons: we have one parent and two children. # In[3]: TEST_CASE = { 'individus': { 'parent1': { 'age': {'2015-01': 30}, 'salaire_de_base': {'2015': 20000} }, 'enfant1': { 'age': {'2015-01': 12} }, 'enfant2': { 'age': {'2015-01': 18} } } } # Define the role of those persons as members of `foyers_fiscaux` (tax households), `menages` (social households) and `familles` (families) groups. # These groups come with the tax and benefit system. # In[4]: TEST_CASE['foyers_fiscaux'] = { 'foyer_fiscal1': { 'declarants': ['parent1'], 'personnes_a_charge': ['enfant1', 'enfant2'] } } TEST_CASE['menages'] = { 'menage1': { 'personne_de_reference': ['parent1'], 'enfants': ['enfant1', 'enfant2'] } } TEST_CASE['familles'] = { 'famille1': { 'parents': ['parent1'], 'enfants': ['enfant1', 'enfant2'] } } # display full test case pprint(TEST_CASE) # And use this test case to create a [simulation](https://openfisca.org/doc/key-concepts/simulation.html#simulation-the-framework-of-computation): the OpenFisca frame for calculating taxes or benefits. # In[5]: simulation_builder = SimulationBuilder() simulation = simulation_builder.build_from_entities(tax_benefit_system, TEST_CASE) # Calculate a variable: `af` (family allowance) for example. # In[6]: simulation.calculate('af', '2015-01') # ## Test the impact of a reform # A reform represents a modified version of the real Tax and Benefit legislation* # # Reforms are gather in the module [`Reform`](https://github.com/openfisca/openfisca-france/tree/master/openfisca_france/reforms) of OpenFisca. # # You have then to import the module extension corresponding to the reform of your concern. # # Here we choose the fiscal reform of Landais, Piketty and Saez on the income tax ( http://www.revolution-fiscale.fr/la-reforme-proposee ). # # It is already implemented in OpenFisca under the name `landais_piketty_saez` . # In[7]: from openfisca_france.reforms import landais_piketty_saez # Create a modified version of the tax and benefit system, affected by the changes introduced by the reform # In[8]: reform = landais_piketty_saez.landais_piketty_saez(tax_benefit_system) # Create the test case you want to test. # In[9]: REFORM_TEST_CASE = { 'individus': { 'parent1': { 'age': {'2013-01': 40}, 'salaire_de_base': {'2013': 50000} } }, 'foyers_fiscaux': { 'foyer_fiscal1': { 'declarants': ['parent1'] } }, 'menages': { 'menage1': { 'personne_de_reference': ['parent1'], } }, 'familles': { 'famille1': { 'parents': ['parent1'], } } } # With the reform: # In[10]: # Indicate that you want to perfom the reform on this test case simulation_builder = SimulationBuilder() # Simulate the reform reform_simulation = simulation_builder.build_from_entities(reform, REFORM_TEST_CASE) # Choose the variable you want to calcul : here the disposable income, "revenu_disponible" reform_simulation.calculate('revenu_disponible', '2013') # Without the reform: the baseline (counterfactual) # In[11]: # Indicate that you want to perfom the standard system on the same test case simulation_builder = SimulationBuilder() baseline_simulation = simulation_builder.build_from_entities(tax_benefit_system, REFORM_TEST_CASE) # Choose the variable you want to calcul baseline_simulation.calculate('revenu_disponible', '2013') # In[12]: get_ipython().run_cell_magic('javascript', '', "$.getScript('https://kmahelona.github.io/ipython_notebook_goodies/ipython_notebook_toc.js')\n") # In[ ]: