#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Glitching an Image # # Glitching can be achieved in many different ways, including by opening an image file in a text editor and making random changes to the data, or by opening an image file in something like [Audacity](https://www.audacityteam.org/) and running sound filters on the data. # # The code below is by Mathieu Guimond-Morganti, and can be found on Github [here](https://github.com/guimondmm/prism-sort-glitch). His script allows you to take an input picture file (jpg) and specify parameters by which the data in that file will be manipulated. It works by isolating rows and columns of the data and doing a broken sort of the data (see also [this](http://datamoshing.com/2016/06/16/how-to-glitch-images-using-pixel-sorting/)). # # Run the code below to see it glitch this photograph of the Euphronios Krater: # # ![the Euphronios Krater](pic01.jpg) # In[2]: #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Prism Sort glitch algorithm v0.1.3. Copyright 2016 Mathieu Guimond-Morganti This program is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/. Usage: %(interpreter)s %(scriptfile)s inputfile [options] -a, --angle=NUM : rotates the glitch effect by this many degrees (default: 0, i.e. vertical) -b, --blocks=NUM : number of blocks (default: 9) affects the overlapping of the glitch effect (higher = more intense) -d, --dither : makes result more noisy, and less blocky -f, --fuzzyedges : in combination with a rotation, will leave a fuzzy black border around the image -h, --help : displays this help message -H, --horizontal : processes the image horizontally (same as -a 90) -i, --intensity=NUM : intensity (recommended: -2~2; default: 0) will not go lower than (3 - number of blocks) -I, --interpol=NUM : rotation interpolation (default: 0 = bicubic, sharp) (1 = bilinear, smooth; 2 = nearest, aliased) -J, --jpeg=NUM : saves as JPEG at the specified quality (recommended: 75~95) -n, --numoutput=NUM : number of output files to be generated (default: 1) the output files are in the format: _out. files are overwritten without warning! -P, --png : saves as PNG (default) -r, --resize=NUM : resize factor (e.g. 2 divides side by sqrt(2); optional) -s, --sound : play alert sound when done (silent by default) -V, --vertical : processes the image vertically (default; same as -a 0) """ # Images glitched using this algorithm should be licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0 # as well, with proper attribution, as I believe they constitute # "adapted material" as covered under the terms of the license. # The reason for this humble request is to encourage people to further # experiment with this algorithm or its variants, as well as remix # other people's artwork. # # I don't want this project to be solely "open source"; # I want it to be "open art" as well. # If no one credits the use of this algorithm, fewer people will use it. # And a world without glitch art would be sad :'( # # Finally, if you feel generous or you want to get in touch, # my email is guimondmm at gmail dot com from __future__ import print_function # prevent Python 2 crash, unsupported! from random import random, randrange from math import sqrt, radians as rad, cos, sin from platform import system import sys import getopt import subprocess try: BOLD = "\x1B[0;1m" # ANSI escape code for bold or bright text NORM = "\x1B[0m" # ANSI escape code to reset text to normal # verify which version of Python is running the script assert(sys.version_info.major >= 3) except AssertionError: print(BOLD+"\nThis script requires Python 3."+NORM) print("Install it (if needed), then try the command: "+BOLD, "py -3" if system() == "Windows" else "python3", __file__+NORM+"\n") sys.exit(69) try: # check for prerequisites: Python 3.x, the Pillow module, # and its dependencies ($ pip3 install Pillow) # http://pillow.readthedocs.org/en/3.1.x/installation.html from PIL import Image, ImageOps except ImportError: # try to install Pillow automatically print("\nThis Python 3 script requires the "+BOLD+"Pillow"+NORM+" module " "and its dependencies.\nPlease wait...", end="") try: # install is the output of the command in bytes install = subprocess.Popen(["pip3", "install", "Pillow"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] except FileNotFoundError as e: # if pip3 is not in PATH install = bytes(str(e), "ascii") if b'Successfully installed' in install: print("\r"+BOLD+"Pillow was automatically installed."+NORM, "\nPlease try running the script again.\n") else: # manual instructions print("\r"+BOLD+"You need to install Pillow manually."+NORM) print("Try the command: "+BOLD, "pip3 install Pillow"+NORM) print("or visit"+BOLD, "http://pillow.readthedocs.org/en/3.1.x/installation.html" "\n"+NORM) sys.exit(69) # default parameters IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT = None, None # will be initialized later RESIZE_FACT = 1 # each dimension will be resized by sqrt(RESIZE_FACT) BLOCKS = 9 # size of a block is each dimension of the picture divided by this NUM_OUTPUT = 1 # how many different images to output DITHER = False # randomizes the glitch so it looks noisier but less blocky INTENSITY = 0 # tweaks the probability of line corruption ROTATION = 0 # defaults to vertical JPEG = None # save as .jpg if 0 < JPEG < 100 FUZZY_EDGES = False # if True, don't crop the output as much INTERPOLATION = 0 # for rotation; 0 = bicubic, 1 = bilinear, 2 = nearest BELL = '' # silent by default L = [] # empty list def printHelp(): """Print the script's usage message, formatted from docstring, and exit.""" print(__doc__ % {'interpreter': 'py -3' if system() == 'Windows' else 'python3', 'scriptfile': __file__}) sys.exit(64) def openImage(file, resize=1): """Open an image file, and resize it as needed. Args: file (str): the relative path of the image resize (int): a resize factor for the image's dimensions (default: 1) Returns: Image, int, int: an Image object, its width, its height """ try: image = Image.open("pic01.jpg") except FileNotFoundError: print("No such file: '"+file+"'. Please double-check the command-line " "syntax.") sys.exit(66) # because don't want to manipulate JPEGs directly: image = image.convert('RGB') if resize != 1: # makes image smaller for speed image = image.resize((int(image.size[0]/sqrt(resize)), int(image.size[1]/sqrt(resize))), Image.LANCZOS) width, height = int(image.size[0]), int(image.size[1]) return image, width, height def probability(p): """Determine if a certain event occurs. Args: p (float): the probability of that event Returns: bool. """ return True if random() < p else False def partialSort(numList): """Sort a list partially and randomly. Args: numList (list): the list to sort Returns: list: the partially sorted list """ ls = list(numList) a = randrange(len(ls) - 1) # lower bound b = randrange(a + 1, len(ls)) # upper bound if probability(0.5): if probability(0.95): ls = ls[0:a] + sorted(ls[a:b]) + ls[b:] # middle else: ls = sorted(ls[0:b]) + ls[b:] # beginning else: if probability(0.95): ls = ls[0:a] + list(reversed(sorted(ls[a:b]))) + ls[b:] # middle else: ls = ls[0:a] + list(reversed(sorted(ls[a:]))) # end return ls def progress(counter=0, total=None, done=False): """Display a rudimentary progression counter. Args: counter (int): keeps track of progression (default: 0) total (int): the maximum number of iterations (default: None) done (bool): whether a task is done or not (default: False) """ if done: print('.' * 10, "Done!", end="") print("" if not L else " \U0001F60A\x1B[0m" if system() == "\x44\x61\x72\x77\x69\x6E" else " \x3A\x29\x1B[0m") elif total is not None: print("" if not L else "\x1B["+str(31+(counter-1) % 6)+";1m", end="") print(counter, "/", total) # fraction else: out = int((counter/2)/(IMAGE_WIDTH if IMAGE_WIDTH >= IMAGE_HEIGHT else IMAGE_HEIGHT) * 10) print(out * '.' + (10 - out) * ' ', end="\r") # animated dots def pixSort(image, startW=0, startH=0, endW=IMAGE_WIDTH, endH=IMAGE_HEIGHT, p=0.8): """Glitch a region of an image using a purposefully broken pixel sort. Args: image (Image): an Image object startW (int): starting W-coordinate of the region (default: 0) startH (int): starting H-coordinate of the region (default: 0) endW (int): ending W-coordinate of the region (default: IMAGE_WIDTH) endH (int): ending H-coordinate of the region (default: IMAGE_HEIGHT) p (float): the probability of a line being glitched (default: 0.8) Returns: Image: the glitched Image object """ for y in range(startH, endH): # for each line of the pic progress(y) if probability(p): line = [] for x in range(startW, endW): try: # make list of every pixel RGB value on the line as tuple line.append(image.getpixel((y, x))) except IndexError: # if out of bounds of the picture break # backup of the line before sort, to unglitch a channel later originalLine = list(line) # if we broke out of the previous loop we might get out of bounds try: line = partialSort(line) except ValueError: pass # My code is bad, and I should feel bad. # restore one of the original channels at random (looks colourful) if probability(p * 0.75): colour = randrange(3) # 0 = R, 1 = G, 2 = B for px in range(len(line)): line[px] = ((originalLine[px][0] if colour == 0 else line[px][0]), (originalLine[px][1] if colour == 1 else line[px][1]), (originalLine[px][2] if colour == 2 else line[px][2])) # make the actual changes to the image object for x in range(len(line)): try: image.putpixel((y + (randrange(1, 3) if probability(0.1) and DITHER else 1), startW + x), (line[x])) except IndexError: # out of bounds of the picture break return image def glitch(image, blocks=9, rotation=0): """Glitch an Image object at a specific angle and intensity. Args: image (Image): an Image object blocks (int): affects size/intensity of overlapping blocks (default: 9) rotation (int): an angle of rotation (default: 0) Returns: Image: the glitched Image object """ # the script works with overlapping rectangles of the following size: wBlock, hBlock = int(IMAGE_WIDTH/blocks), int(IMAGE_HEIGHT/blocks) # rotate the picture if rotation != 0: image = image.rotate(rotation, resample=(Image.BILINEAR if INTERPOLATION == 1 else Image.NEAREST if INTERPOLATION == 2 else Image.BICUBIC), expand=True) if rotation == 0 or abs(rotation) == 90: # adds a black border image = ImageOps.expand(image, border=(wBlock if wBlock >= hBlock else hBlock), fill=0) # glitch loop currentHeight = 0 # the loops continue a bit outside the original image's bounds # in order to produce the distinctive "fuzzy edges" look, # hence the lengthy conditionals. while (currentHeight + hBlock * 2/3 <= (IMAGE_HEIGHT if IMAGE_HEIGHT >= IMAGE_WIDTH else IMAGE_WIDTH)*2): currentWidth = 0 while (currentWidth + wBlock * 2/3 <= (IMAGE_WIDTH if IMAGE_WIDTH >= IMAGE_HEIGHT else IMAGE_HEIGHT)*2): image = pixSort(image, currentHeight, currentWidth, currentHeight + hBlock, currentWidth + wBlock, # I pulled the following formula out of my a**, # but empirically it seemed to yield the best # p values for blocks between 5 and 11. p=(1 - (blocks**2 / (blocks + 1)**2) ** randrange(blocks - 4 + INTENSITY, blocks - 1 + INTENSITY))) currentWidth += int(wBlock * 2/3) if blocks > 1 else wBlock currentHeight += int(hBlock * 2/3) if blocks > 1 else hBlock # undo the rotation if rotation != 0: image = image.rotate(-rotation, resample=(Image.BILINEAR if INTERPOLATION == 1 else Image.NEAREST if INTERPOLATION == 2 else Image.BICUBIC), expand=True) return image def main(): """Main loop; Open and save the picture file.""" try: iteration = 0 while iteration < NUM_OUTPUT: progress(iteration + 1, total=NUM_OUTPUT) # opening the file and glitching it im = openImage(FILENAME, RESIZE_FACT)[0] im = glitch(im, BLOCKS, ROTATION) # cropping the image to original size, except if fuzzy edges, # in which case a black border is left around the picture. trig = (abs(sin(rad(ROTATION))) if abs(sin(rad(ROTATION))) > abs(cos(rad(ROTATION))) else abs(cos(rad(ROTATION)))) # for fuzzy edges left = int((im.width - # the current image width IMAGE_WIDTH - # the original image width (0 if not FUZZY_EDGES else IMAGE_WIDTH/BLOCKS*trig))/2) # less crop top = int((im.height - IMAGE_HEIGHT - (0 if not FUZZY_EDGES else IMAGE_HEIGHT/BLOCKS*trig))/2) right = int(IMAGE_WIDTH + (im.width - IMAGE_WIDTH + (0 if not FUZZY_EDGES else IMAGE_WIDTH/BLOCKS*trig))/2) bottom = int(IMAGE_HEIGHT + (im.height - IMAGE_HEIGHT + (0 if not FUZZY_EDGES else IMAGE_HEIGHT/BLOCKS*trig))/2) # Pillow uses (left, top, right, bottom) coordinates, # which define a rectangle region to keep. im = im.crop(box=(left, top, right, bottom)) # saving the output if JPEG is None: im.save(FILENAME.split('.')[0]+'_out'+str(iteration)+".png") else: im.save(FILENAME.split('.')[0]+'_out'+str(iteration)+".jpg", optimize=True, quality=JPEG, subsampling=0) # see Pillow doc for jpeg options iteration += 1 progress(done=True) print(BELL) # blank line if silent except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nCancelled."+NORM if not L else "\n\x1B[0m\U0001F308" if system() == "\x44\x61\x72\x77\x69\x6E" else "\n\x3A\x27\x28\x1B[0m") sys.exit(70) # reading command-line parameters and launching the main loop if __name__ == "__main__": try: if sys.argv[1] in ('-h', '--help'): printHelp() FILENAME = sys.argv[1] opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[2:], # list of valid flags "hHVdPfsi:r:b:n:J:a:I:", ["interpol=", "fuzzyedges", "vertical", "help", "blocks=", "numoutput=", "resize=", "dither", "intensity=", "horizontal", "angle=", "jpeg=", "sound", "png", "\x67\x61\x79"]) # IndexError if FILENAME unspecified except (IndexError, getopt.GetoptError): printHelp() for opt, arg in opts: try: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): # usage message printHelp() elif opt in ('-b', '--blocks'): # affects size & num of glitches BLOCKS = int(arg) elif opt in ('-n', '--numoutput'): # number of files generated NUM_OUTPUT = int(arg) elif opt in ('-r', '--resize'): # resize each side by sqrt(arg) RESIZE_FACT = int(arg) elif opt in ('-d', '--dither'): # effect more noisy, less blocky DITHER = True elif opt in ('-i', '--intensity'): # intensity affects probability INTENSITY = int(arg) elif opt in ('-H', '--horizontal'): # rotate by 90 degrees ROTATION = 90 elif opt in ('-V', '--vertical'): # useless by default ROTATION = 0 elif opt in ('\x2D\x2D\x67\x61\x79'): # puts some joy in your life L.append('') elif opt in ('-J', '--jpeg'): # output in jpeg with given quality JPEG = int(arg) elif opt in ('-P', '--png'): # useless by default JPEG = None elif opt in ('-a', '--angle'): # rotation by this angle ROTATION = int(arg) elif opt in ('-f', '--fuzzyedges'): # leaves a black frame FUZZY_EDGES = True elif opt in ('-I', '--interpol'): # resizing always uses Lanczos! INTERPOLATION = int(arg) elif opt in ('-s', '--sound'): # ding! BELL = '\a' except ValueError: printHelp() # failsafe for intensity, otherwise yields poor results INTENSITY = INTENSITY if BLOCKS + INTENSITY >= 3 else 3 - BLOCKS IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT = openImage(FILENAME, RESIZE_FACT)[1:] main() # In[3]: # let's take a look at it from IPython.display import Image Image(filename='-f_out0.png') # This line: # # ``` # try: # image = Image.open("pic01.jpg") # ``` # # originally read like this: # # ``` # try: # image = Image.open(file) # ``` # # In which case, this code can be its own command line program - we call it from the terminal (which we access from a notebook using `!` and we feed it the filename of the image we want to mess around with). Try it now- run the following codeblock, and then download the results to see what you've got! # In[13]: get_ipython().system('python prismsort.py pic01.jpg -n 5 -r 3 -a 45 -i -2 --fuzzyedges --jpeg 95') # This creates 5 randomly glitched versions of that photo that are 1/3rd the size of the original, with a diagonal pattern at a 45° angle, and a slightly reduced intensity, with fuzzy (feathered) edges, and saves them in JPEG at 95% quality. # # In[ ]: # Let's take a look at them; the filenames range from pic01_out0.jpg to pic01_out4.jpg. # rerun or copy the line below with the different file names to display each picture Image(filename='pic01_out0.jpg') # The parameters that you can call are: # # ``` # -a, --angle=NUM : rotates the glitch effect by this many degrees # (default: 0, i.e. vertical) # -b, --blocks=NUM : number of blocks (default: 9) # affects the overlapping of the glitch effect # (higher = more intense) # -d, --dither : makes result more noisy, and less blocky # -f, --fuzzyedges : in combination with a rotation, will leave a fuzzy black # border around the image # -h, --help : displays this help message # -H, --horizontal : processes the image horizontally (same as -a 90) # -i, --intensity=NUM : intensity (recommended: -2~2; default: 0) # will not go lower than (3 - number of blocks) # -I, --interpol=NUM : rotation interpolation (default: 0 = bicubic, sharp) # (1 = bilinear, smooth; 2 = nearest, aliased) # -J, --jpeg=NUM : saves as JPEG at the specified quality # (recommended: 75~95) # -n, --numoutput=NUM : number of output files to be generated (default: 1) # the output files are in the format: # _out. # files are overwritten without warning! # -P, --png : saves as PNG (default) # -r, --resize=NUM : resize factor (e.g. 2 divides side by sqrt(2); optional) # -s, --sound : play alert sound when done (silent by default) # -V, --vertical : processes the image vertically (default; same as -a 0) # # ``` # # Now get glitching! # In[ ]: