knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) library("opensensmapr") library("dplyr") library("lubridate") library("units") library("sf") library("leaflet") library("readr") library("jsonlite") library("here") library("maps") online <- TRUE # access online API or use local data backup? analysis_date <- lubridate::as_datetime("2018-01-01 00:00:00") if(online) { # retrieve data from openSenseMap API all_boxes <- osem_boxes() pm25_boxes <- osem_boxes( exposure = 'outdoor', date = analysis_date, # ±4 hours phenomenon = 'PM2.5' ) # update local data all_json <- toJSON(all_boxes, digits = NA, pretty = TRUE) write(all_json, file = here("data/all_boxes.json")) pm25_json <- toJSON(pm25_boxes, digits = NA, pretty = TRUE) write(pm25_json, file = here("data/pm25_boxes.json")) } else { # load data from file and fix column types all_boxes_file <- fromJSON(here("data/all_boxes.json")) all_boxes <- type_convert(all_boxes_file, col_types = cols( exposure = col_factor(levels = NULL), model = col_factor(levels = NULL), grouptag = col_factor(levels = NULL))) class(all_boxes) <- c("sensebox", class(all_boxes)) pm25_boxes_file <- fromJSON(here("data/pm25_boxes.json")) pm25_boxes <- type_convert(pm25_boxes_file, col_types = cols( exposure = col_factor(levels = NULL), model = col_factor(levels = NULL), grouptag = col_factor(levels = NULL))) class(pm25_boxes) <- c("sensebox", class(pm25_boxes)) } knitr::kable(data.frame(nrow(all_boxes), nrow(pm25_boxes)), col.names = c( "# senseBoxes", paste("# senseBoxes with PM2.5 measurements around", format(analysis_date, "%Y-%m-%d %T %Z")))) plot(pm25_boxes) ms <- st_sfc(st_point(c(7.62571, 51.96236))) st_crs(ms) <- 4326 pm25_boxes_sf <- st_as_sf(pm25_boxes, remove = FALSE, agr = "identity") names(pm25_boxes_sf) <- c(names(pm25_boxes), "geometry") pm25_boxes_sf <- cbind(pm25_boxes_sf, dist_to_ms = st_distance(ms, pm25_boxes_sf)) max_dist <- set_units(7, km) # km from city center ms_boxes <- pm25_boxes_sf[pm25_boxes_sf$dist_to_ms < max_dist,c("X_id", "name")] ms_boxes sense_icon <- awesomeIcons( icon = 'cube', iconColor = '#ffffff', library = 'fa', markerColor = 'green' ) leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% addAwesomeMarkers(data = ms_boxes, popup = ~paste0("Name: ", name, "
Id: ", "", X_id, ""), label = ~name, icon = sense_icon) if(online) { class(ms_boxes) <- c("sensebox", class(ms_boxes)) ms_data <- osem_measurements(ms_boxes, phenomenon = "PM2.5", from = lubridate::as_datetime("2017-12-31 20:00:00"), to = lubridate::as_datetime("2018-01-01 04:00:00"), columns = c("value", "createdAt", "lat", "lon", "boxId", "boxName", "exposure", "sensorId", "phenomenon", "unit", "sensorType")) # update local data data_json <- toJSON(ms_data, digits = NA, pretty = TRUE) write(data_json, file = here("data/ms_data.json")) } else { # load data from file and fix column types ms_data_file <- fromJSON(here("data/ms_data.json")) ms_data <- type_convert(ms_data_file, col_types = cols( sensorId = col_factor(levels = NULL), unit = col_factor(levels = NULL))) class(ms_data) <- c("sensebox", class(ms_data)) } summary(ms_data %>% select(value,sensorId,unit)) plot(value~createdAt, ms_data, type = "p", pch = '*', cex = 2, # new year's style col = factor(ms_data$sensorId), xlab = NA, ylab = unique(ms_data$unit), main = "Particulates measurements (PM2.5) on New Year 2017/2018", sub = paste(nrow(ms_boxes), "stations in Münster, Germany\n", "Data by licensed under", "Public Domain Dedication and License 1.0")) top_measurements <- ms_data %>% arrange(desc(value)) top_boxes <- top_measurements %>% distinct(sensorId, .keep_all = TRUE) knitr::kable(x = top_boxes %>% select(value, createdAt, boxName) %>% head(n = 3), caption = "Top 3 boxes") knitr::kable(top_boxes %>% filter(value == max(top_boxes$value)) %>% select(sensorId, boxName), col.names = c("Top sensor identifier", "Top box name")) top_boxes_sf <- top_boxes %>% filter(value == max(top_boxes$value)) %>% st_as_sf(coords = c('lon', 'lat'), crs = 4326) bbox <- sf::st_bbox(top_boxes_sf) world <- map("world", plot = FALSE, fill = TRUE) %>% sf::st_as_sf() %>% sf::st_geometry() plot(world, xlim = round(bbox[c(1,3)], digits = 1), ylim = round(bbox[c(2,4)], digits = 1), axes = TRUE, las = 1) plot(top_boxes_sf, add = TRUE, col = "red", cex = 2) title("senseBox stations in Münster with highest PM2.5 measurements") fireworks_icon <- makeIcon( # icon source: iconUrl = "320px-Fireworks_2.png", iconWidth = 160) leaflet(data = top_boxes_sf) %>% addTiles() %>% addMarkers(popup = ~as.character(boxName), label = ~as.character(boxName), icon = fireworks_icon) devtools::session_info()