#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Problem 1 # Import the NumPy library under the alias `np`. # In[ ]: # # Problem 2 # Add `2` to every element of the following NumPy array. # In[ ]: arr = np.array([2,3,4,9,7,5,8,2]) # # Problem 3 # Double the value of every element in `arr` by adding it to itself. # In[ ]: # # Problem 4 # Create an array of zeros by subtracting `arr` from itself. # In[ ]: # # Problem 5 # Multiply every element in `arr` by 6. # In[ ]: # # Problem 6 # Divide every element in `arr` by 4. # In[ ]: # # Problem 7 # Create an array of ones by dividing every element in `arr` by itself. # In[ ]: # # Problem 8 # Calculate the square root of every element in `arr`. Do not use the `**` operator. # In[ ]: