#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

Part 2: Introduction to Storm


Matthias Volk

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# ## Storm # A modern probabilistic model checker # - **State-of-the-art**: best performance at [QComp 2020](http://qcomp.org/competition/2020/index.html) # - **Modular**: dedicated solvers for each task, interchange libraries # - Written in **C++**, **Python interface** via [stormpy](https://moves-rwth.github.io/stormpy/) # - **Open-source**, developed since 2012, over 170,000 lines of code # # ### Getting Storm # - Native support for *Linux* and *macOS* (homebrew formula) # - Virtual machine and Docker containers (also for *Windows*) # ## Getting Storm for this presentation # We use a [Docker container](https://www.docker.com/) based on [Jupyter Notebook](https://jupyter.org/) throughout this presentation. # #### Installation steps: # 1. Install [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/get-docker/) for your OS # 2. Download (>1 GB) and start the container: # ```bash # docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --name stormpyter movesrwth/stormpyter:discotec2020 # ``` # 3. Open the Jupyter website indicated in the command line: # []( # 4. Open file **discotec_storm.ipynb** # 5. The presentation should start automatically # ## Hands-on presentation # # - This is an interactive presentation. You can **execute all commands by yourself**! # - Navigate with *spacebar* and *shift+spacebar* # - All interactive commands can be executed with *shift+enter* # - Switch between presentation and notebook with *alt+r* # # # ### Example # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('storm') # You should see the Storm version information. # # You can even **change the code**! Try adding the flag `--version`. # ## Dining philosophers #
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Source: Benjamin D. Esham / Wikimedia Commons
# - Formulated in 1965 by Edsger Dijkstra # - Philosophers become hungry from thinking # - Every *hungry* philosophers wants to *eat* # - Before eating, pick up *left* and *right fork* # ## Dining philosophers # # #### Problem # No fully distributed and symmetric *deterministic* algorithm is possible (Lehmann, Rabin 1981) # - Deadlock if all philosophers first pick up left fork # # # #### Solution # ➜ Use *randomized* algorithm # # Algorithm by Lehmann and Rabin (POPL'81) # - Random choice whether first picking left or right fork # # # ## Randomized dining philosophers (Lehmann, Rabin) # # 1. thinking # 2. hungry: # 1. flip coin to choose first fork # 2. try to pick up first fork # 3. if successful continue, else keep trying # 4. try to pick up second fork # 5. if successful continue, otherwise put down first fork and think again # 3. eating # 4. put down left and right fork and think again # ``` # s=0 -> (s'=0); //stay thinking # s=0 -> (s'=1); //trying # // draw randomly # s=1 -> 0.5 : (s'=2) + 0.5 : (s'=3); # s=2 & lfree -> (s'=4); //pick up left # s=2 & !lfree -> (s'=2); //left not free # ... # ``` # ``` # // Finished eating # s=9 -> (s'=10); //put down left # s=10 -> (s'=0); //go back to thinking # ``` # Source: [Prism Website]("https://www.prismmodelchecker.org/casestudies/phil.php") # ## Prism file for randomized dining philosophers # Prism file specifying algorithm for 3 processes # todo: add picture with prism code # # # Source: [Prism Website](https://www.prismmodelchecker.org/casestudies/phil.php) # ## Building model with Storm # # Read prism file for 3 philosophers with Storm: # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('storm --prism examples/phil3.nm --buildfull') # ## Model checking # # - Model: randomized dining philosophers # - Properties: # - Starvation freedom # - Mutual exclusion for forks # - Average waiting time # - ... # ## Model checking DTMC # - Assume scheduling of processes follows uniform distribution # ➜ Yields discrete-time Markov chain (DTMC) # "*Probability that no philosopher is ever hungry*" # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('storm --prism examples/phil3.pm --prop \'P=? [G !"hungry"]\' |tail -n+12') # ## Model checking DTMC # "*Percentage of time spent eating*" # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('storm --prism examples/phil3.pm --prop \'S=? ["eat"]\' |tail -4') # ## Model checking DTMC # Liveness: "*If a philosopher is hungry then eventually some philosopher eats"* # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('storm --prism examples/phil3.pm --prop \'filter(forall, P>=1 [F "eat"], "hungry")\' |tail -4') # ## Model checking MDP # - Allow arbitrary scheduling of processes now # ➜ Yields Markov decision process (MDP) containing non-determinism # "*(Minimal/Maximal) Probability that no philosopher is ever hungry*" # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('storm --prism examples/phil3.nm --prop \'Pmin=? [G !"hungry"];Pmax=? [G !"hungry"]\' |tail -n+12') # ## Model checking MDP # Liveness: "*If a philosopher is hungry then eventually some philosopher eats"* # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('storm --prism examples/phil3.nm --prop \'filter(forall, P>=1 [F "eat"], "hungry")\' |tail -3') # ## Model checking MDP # **Problem**: unfair schedulers avoid scheduling hungry philosophers # **Solution**: use adapted algorithm without fairness assumptions (Duflot, Fribourg, Picaronny, 2004) # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('storm --prism examples/phil-nofair3.nm --prop \'filter(forall, P>=1 [F "eat"], "hungry")\' |tail -3') # ## Model checking deterministic algorithm # Consider (wrong) *deterministic* algorithm where always left fork is picked first. # **Before**: `s=1 -> 0.5 : (s'=2) + 0.5 : (s'=3);` # **After**: `s=1 -> 1 : (s'=2);` # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('storm --prism examples/phil-nofair-det3.nm --prop \'filter(forall, P>=1 [F "eat"], "hungry")\' |tail -3') # ## Computing waiting times for philosophers # "*Probability that a hungry philosopher eats within 10 steps*" # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('storm --prism examples/phil-nofair3.nm --prop \'filter(min, Pmin=? [F<=10 "eat"], "hungry");filter(avg, Pmin=? [F<=10 "eat"], "hungry")\' |tail -7') # ## Computing waiting times for philosophers # "*Expected number of steps (in the worst-case) that a hungry philosopher needs to take before eating*" # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('storm --prism examples/phil-nofair3.nm --prop \'filter(max, Rmax=? [F "eat"], "hungry")\' |tail -3') # ## Modularity of Storm # #
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# # - Use different input formats # - Modularity allows to use different solvers and libraries # ## Input formats # - Storm supports a variety of input formats: # - [Prism language](https://www.prismmodelchecker.org/manual/ThePRISMLanguage/Introduction) # - [Jani modelling language](http://www.jani-spec.org/) # - Explicit format # - Generalized stochastic Petri nets # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('storm --jani examples/phil-nofair3.jani -jprop |tail -7') # ## Computing exact values # - Floating point arithmetic and convergence criteria might not be precise # ➜ use exact (rational) numbers and sound algorithms off-the-shelf # - Drawback: performance might decrease # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('storm --prism examples/phil-nofair3.nm --prop \'filter(max, Rmax=? [F "eat"], "hungry")\' |tail -2') # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('storm --prism examples/phil-nofair3.nm --prop \'filter(max, Rmax=? [F "eat"], "hungry")\' --exact |tail -2') # ## Engines in Storm # Storm supports different model representations: # - **Sparse matrix**: # - Model building is time and memory intensive # - Fast numerical computations # - **Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD)**: # - Fast and memory efficient model building if model is structured # - Slower numerical computations # - **Hybrid** approach: # - Build with BDD, use sparse matrix for numerical computations # - ... # ## Engines in Storm # In[ ]: get_ipython().system("storm --engine sparse --prism examples/phil-nofair5.nm --prop 'Pmax=? [F no_eat>1]' |tail -n+7") # In[ ]: get_ipython().system("storm --engine dd --prism examples/phil-nofair5.nm --prop 'Pmax=? [F no_eat>1]' --ddlib cudd |tail -n+7") # ## Bisimulation minimization # - Reduces state-space size without loosing information # - Exploits symmetries # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('storm --bisimulation --prism examples/phil-nofair3.nm --prop \'filter(forall, P>=1 [F "eat"], "hungry")\' |tail -n+7') # ## Summary # - Basic introduction to **Storm command-line interface** # - Correctness of **dining philosophers** algorithm # - Storm supports broad range of **models and properties** # - Different **engines** allow tailored analysis per model and property # # ### Next: # **Stormpy**: Python bindings for Storm # ➜ Easy and rapid prototyping for probabilistic model checking # In[ ]: