#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # MSTICPy Settings # # This notebook takes you through setting up your MSTICPy configuration # for the first time. Some sections are specific to using MSTICPy # with Azure Sentinel. # # You must have msticpy installed to run this notebook: # ``` # %pip install --upgrade msticpy # ``` # # MSTICpy versions >= 1.0.0 # In[1]: from msticpy.config import MpConfigFile, MpConfigEdit # # Checking your settings # You can use MpConfigFile from the command line or as an interactive UI to do this. # # In[2]: mpconfig = MpConfigFile() mpconfig.load_default() mpconfig.view_settings() # ## If you see nothing ... # ...but a pair of curly braces in the settings view above it means # that you should set up a **msticpyconfig.yaml** # ## If you know that you have configured a msticpyconfig file # # You can search for this file using MpConfigFile. Click on **Load file**. # # Once you've done that go to the [Setting the path to your msticpyconfig.yaml](#Setting-the-path-to-your-msticpyconfig.yaml) # # # # Import your Config.json and create a msticpyconfig.yaml [Azure Sentinel] # # Follow these steps: # 1. Run MpConfigFile # 2. Locate your config.json # - click **Load file** button # - Browse - use the controls to navigate to find config.json # - Search - set the starting directory to search and open the **Search** drop-down # - When you see the file click on it and click **Select File** button (below the file browser) # - optionally, click **View Settings** to confirm that this looks right # 3. Convert to convert to msticpyconfig format # - click **View Settings** # 4. Save the file # - type a path into the **Current file** text box # - Click on **Save file** # 5. You can set this file to always load by assigning the path to an environment variable. # See [Setting the path to your msticpyconfig.yaml](#Setting-the-path-to-your-msticpyconfig.yaml) # In[3]: mpconfig # ### This is the equivalent from the command line # ```python # mpconfig = MpConfigFile() # mpconfig.load_from_file("E:\\src\\asi-jupyter\\notebooks\\config.json") # mpconfig.map_json_to_mp_ws() # mpconfig.settings # ``` # # Edit your msticpyconfig settings # # ## Azure Sentinel Workspaces # # If you loaded a config.json file you should see your workspace displayed. If not, # you can add one or more workspaces here. The Name, WorkspaceId and TenantId are # mandatory. The other fields are helpful but not essential. # # Use the Help drop-down panel to find more information about adding workspaces and finding # the correct values for your workspace. # # If this the workspace that you use frequently or all of the time, you may want to set this as the default. # This creates a duplicate entry named "Default" and this is used when you connect to AzureSentinel as # the default workspace to connect to (you can override this by specifying a workspace name at connect time). # # When you've finished, type a file name (usually "msticpyconfig.yaml") into the **Conf File** text box # and click **Save File**, # # You can also try the **Validate Settings** button. This should show that you have a few missing # sections (we'll fill these in later) but should show nothing under the the "Type Validation Results". # In[5]: mpedit = MpConfigEdit(settings=mpconfig) mpedit # # Setting the path to your msticpyconfig.yaml # # This is a good point to set up an environment variable so that # you can keep a single configuration file in a known location and always # load the same settings. (Of course, you're free to use multiple configs # if you need to use different settings for each notebook folder) # # - decide on a location for your `msticpyconfig.yaml` - this could be in "~/.msticpyconfig.yaml" or "%userprofile%/msticpyconfig.yaml" # - copy the `msticpyconfig.yaml` file that you just created to this location. # - set the `MSTICPYCONFIG` environment variable to point to that location: # # ## Windows # Open **Settings** and navigate to **System**->**About** and click on **Advanced System Settings** # ![image.png](attachment:ad05bde6-0765-44de-83f8-d7d6e38030f6.png) # # ## Linux # In your .bashrc (or somewhere else convenient) add: # # `export MSTICPYCONFIG=~/.msticpyconfig.yaml` # # ## Test auto-loading your msticpyconfig.yaml # # - In the cell below replace the "./msticpyconfig2.yaml" with the filename # from the previous step # - Run the cell (Ctrl-Enter or Shift-Enter) # # You should see the settings editor loaded with the settings you created earlier # # > **Note** the environment variable set here is not persistent
# > To make this persistent you need to add it to a startup file like # > .bashrc or your Windows registry. # In[6]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('env', 'MSTICPYCONFIG=./msticpyconfig2.yaml') mpedit = MpConfigEdit() mpedit # # More Settings # ## Adding Threat Intel (TI) Providers # # You will likely want to do lookups of IP Addresses, URLs and other items to check for any Threat Intelligence reports. # To do that you need to add the providers that you want to use. Most TI providers require that you # have an account with them and supply an API key or other authentication items when you connect. # # Most providers have a free use tier (or in cases like AlienVault OTX) are entirely free. # Free tiers for paid providers usually impose a certain number of requests that you # can make in a given time period. # # For account creation, each provider does this slightly differently. # Use the help links in the editor help to find where to go set each of these up. # # Assuming that you have done this, we can configure a provider. Be sure to # store any authentication keys somewhere safe (and memorable). # # We are going to use [VirusTotal](https://www.virustotal.com) (VT) as an example TI Provider. # For this you will need a VirusTotal API key from the # [VirusTotal](https://developers.virustotal.com/v3.0/reference#getting-started) website.
# We also support a range of other threat intelligence providers - you can read about this here [MSTICPy TIProviders](https://msticpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/data_acquisition/TIProviders.html) #

# Taking VirusTotal as our example. # - Click on the **TI Providers** tab # - Select "VirusTotal" from the **New prov** drop-down list # - Click **Add** # # This should show you the values that you need to provide: # - a single item **AuthKey** (this is usually referred to as an "API Key" # # You can paste the key into the **Value** field and click the **Save** button. # # You can opt to store the VT AuthKey as an environment variable. This is a bit more secure than # having it laying around in configuration files. # Assuming that you have set you VT key as an environment variable # ```bash # set VT_KEY=VGhpcyBzaG91bGQgc2hvdyB5b3UgdGhlIHZhbHVlcyB (Windows) # export VT_KEY=VGhpcyBzaG91bGQgc2hvdyB5b3UgdGhlIHZhbHVlcyB (Linux/MAC) # ``` # Flip the **Storage** radio button to **EnvironmentVar** and type the name of the # variable (`VT_KEY` in our example) into the value box. # # You can also use Azure Key Vault to store secrets like these but we will need to # set up the Key Vault settings before this will work. # # Click the **Save File** button to save your changes. # In[7]: mpedit.set_tab("TI Providers") mpedit # ### Test that it works # # This assumes that you have set an enviroment variable pointed at your msticpyconfig.yaml. # Use the MpConfigFile tool to force MSTICPy to reload settings from the disk. # In[ ]: mpconfig.refresh_mp_config() # import the TI module from msticpy.context import TILookup result = TILookup().lookup_ioc('ed01ebfbc9eb5bbea545af4d01bf5f1071661840480439c6e5babe8e080e41aa') TILookup.result_to_df(result) # ## Adding GeoIP Providers # # MSTICPy supports two Geo IP providers - Maxmind GeoIPLite and IP Stack. # The main difference between the two is that Maxmind downloads and uses a local # database, while IPStack is a purely online solution. # # For either you need API keys to either download the free database from MaxMind # or access the IPStack online lookup # # We'll use GeoIPLite as our example. # You can sign up for a free account and API key at https://www.maxmind.com/en/geolite2/signup. # You'll need the API for the following steps. # - Select "GeoIPLite" from the **New Prov** # - Click **Add** # - Paste your Maxmind key into the **Value** field # # Set the maxmind data folder: # - This defaults to "~/.msticpy" # - On Windows this translates to the foldername `%USERPROFILE%/.msticpy`. # - On Linux/Mac this translates to the folder `.msticpy` in your home folder. # - This is where the downloaded GeopIP database will be stored. # - Choose another folder name and location if you prefer. # # > **Note**: as with the TI providers you can opt to store your key # > as an environment variable or keep it in Key Vault. # # In[9]: mpedit.set_tab("GeoIP Providers") mpedit # ### Test that it works # In[ ]: mpconfig.refresh_mp_config() from msticpy.sectools import IPStackLookup geoip = IPStackLookup() geoip.lookup_ip("")[1][0] # In[ ]: mpconfig.refresh_mp_config() from msticpy.sectools import GeoLiteLookup geoip = GeoLiteLookup() geoip.lookup_ip("")[1][0] # # Optional Settings # ## Other data providers - Splunk, Azure CLI, LocalData, Mordor # # ### Azure API and Azure Sentinel API # To access Azure APIs (such as the Sentinel APIs or Azure resource APIs) # you need to be able to use Azure Authentication. # The setting is named "AzureCLI" for historical reasons - don't let that confuse you. # We currently support two ways of authenticating: # 1. Chained chained authentication (recommended) # 2. With a client app ID and secret # # The former can try up to four methods of authentication: # - Using creds set in environment variables # - Using creds available in an AzureCLI logon # - Using the Managed Service Identity (MSI) credentials of the machine you are # running the notebook kernel on # - Interactive browser logon # # To use chained authentication methods select the methods to want to use and leave # the clientId/tenantiId/clientSecret fields empty. # # ### Splunk # The Splunk provider has many options. Typically you need only: # - host (your Splunk server host name) # - username # - password # (You can also supply some or all of these values at startup) # # ## LocalData # This is a data provider that reads from local CSVs or Pickled pandas DataFrames # # You can set the default data paths that it looks in for data files. This can # have multiple values - put each on a new line. # # ## Mordor # The mordor provider has two options: # - The path to save temporary downloaded files (default is the current directory) # - Whether to cache files or delete them immediately after download. # In[ ]: mpedit.set_tab("Data Providers") mpedit # ## Key Vault # # You only need this if you want to store secrets in Azure Key Vault. # # You need to create the Key Vault first - do that at your Azure portal. # Here is the link for the # [global KeyVault management portal](https://ms.portal.azure.com/#blade/HubsExtension/BrowseResource/resourceType/Microsoft.KeyVault%2Fvaults) # # The required settings are all values that you get from the Vault properties (albeit a couple # of them have different names) # - **VaultName** is show at the top left of the properties screen # - **TenantId** is shown as *Directory ID* # - **AzureRegion** is shown as *Location* # - **Authority** is the cloud for your Azure service. # # > **Note**: cCurrently we've only implemented and tested "global" fully but if
# > you are using a regional or national cloud and this isn't working please
# > let us know [msticpy@microsoft.com](mailto:msticpy@microsoft.com) and # > we'll get it fixed. # # Click **Save** and then **Save File** when you are done. # In[ ]: mpedit.set_tab("Key Vault") mpedit # ### Test Key Vault # # See if you can connect and view any secrets. Of course nothing will show # up if you haven't entered a secret. Add a test secret to the vault to show # here. # # - Refresh settings # - Try to connect and display secrets # # > **WARNING** ***don't leave this output in your saved notebook.***
# > If there are real secrets in the output, use the notebook **Clear output** before saving the notebook.
# > Also delete cached copies of this notebook. # > Look in the `.ipynb_checkpoints` sub-folder of this folder and delete copies of this notebook. # In[ ]: mpconfig.refresh_mp_config() mpconfig.show_kv_secrets() # ## Autoload QueryProvs # # This section controls which, if any query providers you want to load automatically # when you run `nbinit.init_notebook`. # # This can save a lot of time if you are frequently authoring new notebooks. It also # allows the right providers to be loaded before other components that might use them such as # - Pivot functions # - Notebooklets # (more about these in the next section) # # There are two types of provider support: # - Azure Sentinel - here you specify both the provider name and the workspace name that you want to connect to. # - Other providers - for other query providers, just specify the name of the provider. # # Available Azure Sentinel workspaces are taken from the items you configured in the **Azure Sentinel** tab. # Other providers are taken from the list of available provider types in *MSTICPy*. # # There are two options for each of these: # - **connect** - if this is True (checked) *MSTICPy* will try to authenticate to the # provider backend immediately after loading. This assumes that you've configured # credentials for the provider in your settings. # Note: if this is not set it defaults to True. # - **alias** - when MSTICPy loads a provider it assigns it to a Python variable name. # By default this is "qry_*workspace_name*" for Azure Sentinel providers and # "qry_*provider_name*" for other providers. If you want to use something a bit shorter # and easier to type/remember you can add a *alias*. The variable name created # will be "qry_*alias*" # # > **Note** if you lose track of which providers have been loaded by # > this mechanism they are added to the `current_providers` attribute of # > `msticpy` # ```python # import msticpy # msticpy.current_providers # ``` # In[ ]: mpedit.set_tab("Autoload QueryProvs") mpedit # ## Autoload Component # This section controls which, if other components you want to load automatically # when you run `nbinit.init_notebook()`. # # This includes # - TILookup - the Threat Intel provider library # - GeopIP - the Geo ip provider that you want to use # - AzureData - the module used to query details about Azure resources # - AzureSentinelAPI - the module used to query the Azure Sentinel API # - Notebooklets - loads notebooklets from the [msticnb package](https://msticnb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) # - Pivot - pivot functions # # These are loaded in this order, since the Pivot component needs query and other providers # loaded in order to find the pivot functions that it will attach to entities. # For more information see [pivot functions](https://msticpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/data_analysis/PivotFunctions.html) # # Some components do not require any parameters (e.g. TILookup and Pivot). Others do support or require additional # settings: # # **GeoIpLookup** # # You must type the name of the GeoIP provider that you want to use - either "GeoLiteLookup" or "IPStack" # # **AzureData** and **AzureSentinelAPI** # - **auth_methods** - override the default settings for AzureCLI and connect using the selected methods # - **connnect** - set to false to load but not connect # # **Notebooklets** # # This has a single parameter block **AzureSentinel**. At minumum you # should specify the workspace name. This needs to be in the following # format: # ``` # workspace:WORKSPACENAME # ``` # WORKSPACENAME must be one of the workspaces defined in the Azure Sentinel tab. # # You can also add addition parameters to send to the notebooklets init function: # Specify these as addition key:value pairs, separated by newlines. # ``` # workspace:WORKSPACENAME # providers=["LocalData","geolitelookup"] # ``` # See the # [msticnb `init` documentation](https://msticnb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/msticnb.html#msticnb.data_providers.init) # for more details # # In[ ]: mpedit.set_tab("Autoload Components") mpedit # # Using `MpConfigFile` to check and manage your msticpyconfig.yaml # # This tool lets you: # - Load your default settings (pointed to by the MSTICPYCONFIG environment variable) # - `mpconfig.load_default()` method or just create `mpconfig = MpConfigFile()` with no parameters # - Load a different settings file - `mpconfig.load_from_file(file_path)` # - Save the loaded config to a different file name - `mpconfig.save_to_file(file_path)` # - Validate the settings in the loaded file - `mpconfig.validate_settings()` # - Browse/Search for a file - `mpconfig.browse_for_file()` # - View the text of the settings file - `mpconfig.view_settings()` # # There are also a couple of utility methods: # - `mpconfig.show_kv_secrets()` - to view secrets in your Key Vault (more on this below) # - `mpconfig.map_json_to_mp_ws()` - you can load an AzureSentinel `config.json` file and map # its settings into a format compatible with `msticpyconfig.yaml` # - `mpconfig.refresh_mp_config()` - reloads the settings for MSTICPy based on the saved default # config file (this is either the file pointed to by MSTICPYCONFIG env variable or # a file "msticpyconfig.yaml" in the current directory. # # You can get more information on these methods by entering: # ``` # help(MpConfigFile) # ```