#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Title: msticpy - nbwidgets # ## Description: # This contains a few aggregated widgets using IPyWidgets that help speed things up during an investigation. # # You must have msticpy installed to run this notebook: # ``` # %pip install --upgrade msticpy # ``` # # MSTICpy versions >= 0.8.5 # # ## Table of Contents # - [Setting query start/end times](#QueryTime) # - [Simple time range](#Lookback) # - [Selecting and Displaying Alerts](#AlertSelector) # - [Selecting from list or dict](#SelectString) # - [Getting a value from environment](#GetEnvironmentKey) # # In[5]: # Imports import sys MIN_REQ_PYTHON = (3,6) if sys.version_info < MIN_REQ_PYTHON: print('Check the Kernel->Change Kernel menu and ensure that Python 3.6') print('or later is selected as the active kernel.') sys.exit("Python %s.%s or later is required.\n" % MIN_REQ_PYTHON) from IPython.display import display, Markdown import pandas as pd from msticpy import nbwidgets from msticpy.nbtools.security_alert import SecurityAlert # [Contents](#contents) # ## QueryTime # # This widget is used to specify time boundaries - designed to be used with the built-in msticpy queries and custom queries. # The `start` and `end` times are exposed as datetime properties. # # ``` # QueryTime. # # Composite widget to capture date and time origin # and set start and end times for queries. # # Parameters # ---------- # QueryParamProvider : QueryParamProvider # Abstract base class # # Parameters # ---------- # origin_time : datetime, optional # The origin time (the default is `datetime.utcnow()`) # label : str, optional # The description to display # (the default is 'Select time ({units}) to look back') # before : int, optional # The default number of `units` before the `origin_time` # (the default is 60) # after : int, optional # The default number of `units` after the `origin_time` # (the default is 10) # max_before : int, optional # The largest value for `before` (the default is 600) # max_after : int, optional # The largest value for `after` (the default is 100) # units : str, optional # Time unit (the default is 'min') # Permissable values are 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second' # These can all be abbreviated down to initial characters # ('d', 'm', etc.) # auto_display : bool, optional # Whether to display on instantiation (the default is False) # ``` # In[6]: q_times = nbwidgets.QueryTime(units='day', max_before=20, before=5, max_after=1) q_times.display() # In[7]: print(q_times.start, '....', q_times.end) # Keep multiple query boundaries aligged by having QueryTime instances reference the time of the same alert or event, or have them chained from one another by referencing the origin_time of an earlier QueryTimes object # In[8]: from datetime import datetime, timedelta class MyAlert: pass alert = MyAlert() alert.TimeGenerated = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(15) alert.TimeGenerated q_times1 = nbwidgets.QueryTime(units='hour', max_before=20, before=1, max_after=1, origin_time=alert.TimeGenerated, auto_display=True) q_times2 = nbwidgets.QueryTime(units='hour', max_before=20, before=4, max_after=2, origin_time=alert.TimeGenerated, auto_display=True) # In[9]: alert.TimeGenerated = datetime.utcnow() q_times1 = nbwidgets.QueryTime(units='hour', max_before=20, before=1, max_after=1, origin_time=alert.TimeGenerated, auto_display=True) q_times2 = nbwidgets.QueryTime(units='hour', max_before=20, before=4, max_after=2, origin_time=q_times2.origin_time, auto_display=True) # In[10]: # Use the values in a query my_kql = f''' SecurityAlert | where TimeGenerated >= datetime({q_times1.start}) | where TimeGenerated <= datetime({q_times1.end})''' print(my_kql) # [Contents](#contents) # ## Lookback # Simpler version with single slider value # # Docstring: # `nbwidgets.Lookback?` # In[11]: alert.TimeGenerated = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(5) lb = nbwidgets.Lookback(origin_time=alert.TimeGenerated, auto_display=True, max_value=48) # In[12]: print(lb.start, '....', lb.end) # [Contents](#contents) # ## Alert Browser # # ``` # SelectAlert. # # View list of alerts and select one for investigation. # Optionally provide and action to call with the selected alert as a parameter # (typically used to display the alert.) # # Attributes: # selected_alert: the selected alert # alert_id: the ID of the selected alert # alerts: the current alert list (DataFrame) # Init docstring: # Create a new instance of AlertSelector. # # Parameters # ---------- # alerts : pd.DataFrame # DataFrame of alerts. # action : Callable[..., None], optional # Optional function to execute for each selected alert. # (the default is None) # columns : list, optional # Override the default column names to use from `alerts` # (the default is ['StartTimeUtc', 'AlertName', # 'CompromisedEntity', 'SystemAlertId']) # auto_display : bool, optional # Whether to display on instantiation (the default is False) # ``` # ### Simple alert selector # Selected alert is available as `select_alert_widget.selected_alert` property # In[13]: # Load test data alerts = pd.read_csv('data/alertlist.csv') display(Markdown('### Simple alert selector')) display(Markdown('Selected alert is available as `select_alert_widget.selected_alert`')) alert_select = nbwidgets.SelectAlert(alerts=alerts) alert_select.display() # ### Alert selector with action=SecurityAlert' # You can pass a function that returns one or more displayable objects. # You can also pass a class (in this case we're passing `SecurityAlert`) that produces an IPython displayable object. # # The `action` class/function is passed the raw alert row as a parameter, as it is selected from the list # In[14]: alert_select = nbwidgets.SelectAlert(alerts=alerts, action=SecurityAlert) alert_select.display() # In[15]: from IPython.display import HTML security_alert = None # create a function to get the displayable object def alert_with_entities(alert): return HTML(SecurityAlert(alert).to_html(show_entities=True)) alert_select = nbwidgets.SelectAlert(alerts=alerts.query('CompromisedEntity == "MSTICALERTSWIN1"'), action=alert_with_entities) display(Markdown('### Or a more detailed display with extracted entities')) alert_select # [Contents](#contents) # ## SelectItem # # Similar to AlertSelector but simpler and allows you to use any list or dictionary of items. # # ``` # Selection list from list or dict. # # Attributes: # value : The selected value. # Init docstring: # Select an item from a list or dict. # # Parameters # ---------- # description : str, optional # The widget label to display (the default is None) # item_list : List[str], optional # A `list` of items to select from (the default is None) # item_dict : Mapping[str, str], optional # A `dict` of items to select from. When using `item_dict` # the keys are displayed as the selectable items and value # corresponding to the selected key is set as the `value` # property. # (the default is None) # action : Callable[..., None], optional # function to call when item selected (passed a single # parameter - the value of the currently selected item) # (the default is None) # auto_display : bool, optional # Whether to display on instantiation (the default is False) # height : str, optional # Selection list height (the default is '100px') # width : str, optional # Selection list width (the default is '50%') # ``` # In[16]: # extract the entities from the previously selected alert security_alert = SecurityAlert(alert_select.selected_alert) if security_alert is None: security_alert = SecurityAlert(alerts.iloc[1]) ent_dict = {ent['Type']:ent for ent in security_alert.entities} # from IPython.display import HTML # # create a display function for the entities # def entity_to_html(entity): # e_text = str(entity) # e_type = entity.Type # e_text = e_text.replace("\n", "
").replace(" ", " ") # return HTML(f"


{e_text}") nbwidgets.SelectItem(item_dict=ent_dict, description='Select an item', action=lambda x: x, auto_display=True); # [Contents](#contents) # ## GetEnvironmentKey # Get editable value of environment variable. Common use would be retrieving an API key from your environment or allowing you to paste in a value if the environment key isn't set. # # Note setting the variable only persists in the python kernel process running at the time. So you can retrieve it later in the notebook but not in other processes. # In[17]: nbwidgets.GetEnvironmentKey(env_var='userprofile', auto_display=True); # [Contents](#contents) # ## SelectSubset # Allows you to select one or multiple items from a list to populate an output set. # # ``` # Class to select a subset from an input list. # # Attributes # ---------- # selected_values : List[Any] # The selected item values. # selected_items : List[Any] # The selected items label and value # # Init docstring: # Create instance of SelectSubset widget. # # Parameters # ---------- # source_items : Union[Dict[str, str], List[Any]] # List of source items - either a dictionary(label, value), # a simple list or # a list of (label, value) tuples. # default_selected : Union[Dict[str, str], List[Any]] # Populate the selected list with values - either # a dictionary(label, value), # a simple list or # a list of (label, value) tuples. # ``` # In[18]: # Simple list items = list(alerts["AlertName"].values) sel_sub = nbwidgets.SelectSubset(source_items=items) # In[19]: # Label/Value pair items with a a subset of pre-selected items items = {v: k for k, v in alerts["AlertName"].to_dict().items()} pre_selected = {v: k for k, v in alerts["AlertName"].to_dict().items() if "commandline" in v} sel_sub = nbwidgets.SelectSubset(source_items=items, default_selected=pre_selected) # In[20]: print("Values:", sel_sub.selected_values, "\n") print("Items:", sel_sub.selected_items) # ## Progress Indicator # In[21]: from time import sleep progress = nbwidgets.Progress(completed_len=2000) for i in range(0, 2100, 100): progress.update_progress(new_total=i) sleep(0.1) inc_progress = nbwidgets.Progress(completed_len=10) for i in range(0, 11): inc_progress.update_progress(delta=1) sleep(0.1) print("Volume goes to eleven!") # ## Logon Display # Display logon details for a Windows or Linux logon # In[22]: win_logons = pd.read_csv("data/host_logons.csv") user_dict = win_logons.apply(lambda x: f"{x.TargetDomainName}/{x.TargetUserName} ({x.TimeGenerated})", axis=1).to_dict() user_dict = {v: k for k, v in user_dict.items()} from msticpy.vis.nbdisplay import format_logon # create a display function for the entities def disp_logon(index): print logons = win_logons[win_logons.index == index] return format_logon(logons) acct_select = nbwidgets.SelectItem(item_dict=user_dict, description='Select an item', action=disp_logon, auto_display=True); # #### Display a list of logons # In[23]: # display a list of logons display(format_logon(win_logons.head(5))) # ## Registered Widgets # # Some of the widgets (QueryTimes, GetText) can register themselves and retain # the setting and values previously entered. This can be useful when stepping through # a notebook since it is a common mistake to enter text in a text box and then # execute the same cell again by mistake. This, of course, usually results in the # widget being reset to its default state and erasing the values you just entered. # # If you use a registered widget and then create a new copy of the widget with identical # parameters it will look in the registry for a previous copy of itself and auto-populate # it's values with the previous-entered ones. # # Registered widgets can also read their default values from notebook variables - this # is mainly useful with notebooks that are programmatically supplied with # parameters and executed with something like Papermill. # # Several of the additional parameters available in RegisteredWidgets init are # for internal use by widgets but three are usable by users: # ``` # Parameters # ---------- # nb_params : Optional[Dict[str, str]], optional # A dictionary of attribute names and global variables. If the variable # exists in the global namespace it will be used to populate the # corresponding widget attribute. This is only done if the widget # attribute currently has no value (i.e. restoring a value from # the registry takes priority over this), # by default None # ns : Dict[str, Any], optional # Namespace to look for global variables, by default None # register : bool # Do not register the widget or retrieve values from previously- # registered instance. # ``` # In[24]: print(nbwidgets.RegisteredWidget.__init__.__doc__) # In[25]: mem_text = nbwidgets.GetText(prompt="Enter your name") # we insert a value here to mimic typing something in the text box mem_text._value = "Ian" mem_text # When we re-execute the cell or use the same widget with identical arguments # the value is populated from the registry cache # In[26]: mem_text = nbwidgets.GetText(prompt="Enter your name") mem_text # #### QueryTime also supports registration # In[27]: from datetime import datetime, timedelta q_times = nbwidgets.QueryTime(auto_display=True, max_before=12, max_after=2, units="day") # In[28]: # mimic setting values in the control (these don't update the display) q_times.origin_time = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(5) q_times.before = 3 q_times.after = 5 # Note the origin, before and after have all been copied from the previous instance # In[29]: q_times = nbwidgets.QueryTime(auto_display=True, max_before=12, max_after=2, units="day") # ### To skip registration add the parameter `register=False` # In[30]: q_times = nbwidgets.QueryTime(auto_display=True, max_before=12, max_after=2, units="day", register=False) # ### Using notebook parameters to populate RegisteredWidgets # In[31]: # This might be defined in a parameter cell at the beginning of the noteboook my_name = "The other Ian" my_text = nbwidgets.GetText(prompt="enter your real name", nb_params={"_value": "my_name"}, ns=globals()) my_text # ## Multi-Option buttons with async wait # This widget is pretty simple on the surface but has some useful features # for waiting for user input. # # In[32]: opt = nbwidgets.OptionButtons( description="Do you really want to do this?", buttons=["Confirm", "Skip", "Cancel"] ) # Displaying the widget works as expected # and sets `widget.value` to the last chosen button value. opt # ### Using OptionButtons to wait until an option is chosen (or timeout expires) # Option buttons uses an asynchronous event loop to track both the button # state and the timeout simultaneously. # # Because this requires the use of asynchronous code you must do the following # - call *widget*`.display_async()` method rather than just `display()` or using the auto-display functionality of Jupyter # - prefix this call with `await` - this tells IPython/Jupyter that you are executing asynchronous code and that it needs # to wait until this call has completed before continuing with cell execution. # In[33]: # Using display_async will run the widget with a visible # timer. As soon as one option is chosen, that remains as the value # of the value of the widget.value property. opt = nbwidgets.OptionButtons(description="Continue?", timeout=10) await opt.display_async() # > **Note** # > Awaiting the OptionButtons control does not pause the notebook execution. # > This is a capability that we are still working on.