#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Title: msticpy - Folium Map Plotting # # ## Introduction # This module contains a class that wraps the `folium` package to plot geo-location data. # # Read the [Folium documentation](https://python-visualization.github.io/folium/) # # You must have msticpy installed to run this notebook: # ``` # !pip install --upgrade msticpy # ``` #

Table of Contents

# In[1]: # Imports import sys MIN_REQ_PYTHON = (3,6) if sys.version_info < MIN_REQ_PYTHON: print('Check the Kernel->Change Kernel menu and ensure that Python 3.6') print('or later is selected as the active kernel.') sys.exit("Python %s.%s or later is required.\n" % MIN_REQ_PYTHON) from IPython.display import display import pandas as pd import msticpy.sectools as sectools from msticpy.nbtools import * from msticpy.nbtools.entityschema import IpAddress, GeoLocation from msticpy.nbtools.foliummap import FoliumMap # ## FoliumMap class # # ``` # FoliumMap( # title: str = 'layer1', # zoom_start: float = 2.5, # tiles=None, # width: str = '100%', # height: str = '100%', # location: list = None, # ) # Wrapper class for Folium/Leaflet mapping. # # Parameters # ---------- # title : str, optional # Name of the layer (the default is 'layer1') # zoom_start : int, optional # The zoom level of the map (the default is 7) # tiles : [type], optional # Custom set of tiles or tile URL (the default is None) # width : str, optional # Map display width (the default is '100%') # height : str, optional # Map display height (the default is '100%') # location : list, optional # Location to center map on # # Attributes # ---------- # folium_map : folium.Map # ``` # In[2]: folium_map = FoliumMap(width="50%", height="50%", location=(47.5982328,-122.331), zoom_start=14) folium_map # The underlying folium map object is accessible as the `folium_map` attribute # In[3]: type(folium_map.folium_map) # ## Adding IP Entities to the map # # ``` # fol_map.add_ip_cluster( # ip_entities: Iterable[msticpy.nbtools.entityschema.IpAddress], # **kwargs, # ) # # Add a collection of IP Entities to the map. # # Parameters # ---------- # ip_entities : Iterable[IpAddress] # a iterable of IpAddress Entities # # Other Parameters # ---------------- # kwargs: icon properties to use for displaying this cluster # ``` # In[4]: import pickle with open(b"data/ip_entities.pkl", "rb") as fh: ip_entities = pickle.load(fh) ip_entities = [ip for ip in ip_entities if ip.Location and ip.Location.Latitude] folium_map = FoliumMap(zoom_start=9) folium_map.add_ip_cluster(ip_entities=ip_entities, color='orange') folium_map.center_map() folium_map # In[13]: # Read in some data geo_loc_df = pd.read_csv("data/ip_locs.csv", index_col=0) geo_loc_df.head() # In[14]: # Create IP and GeoLocation Entities from the dataframe def create_ip_entity(row): ip_ent = IpAddress(Address=row["AllExtIPs"]) geo_loc = create_geo_entity(row) ip_ent.Location = geo_loc return ip_ent def create_geo_entity(row): # get subset of fields for GeoLocation loc_props = row[["CountryCode", "CountryName","State", "City", "Longitude", "Latitude"]] geo_loc = GeoLocation(**loc_props.to_dict()) return geo_loc geo_locs = list(geo_loc_df.apply(create_geo_entity, axis=1).values) ip_ents = list(geo_loc_df.apply(create_ip_entity, axis=1).values) ip_ents[:5] # In[15]: geo_loc_df.apply(lambda x: (x.Latitude, x.Longitude), axis=1).values # ### Plot IPAddress entities with location data # In[16]: fmap_ips = FoliumMap() fmap_ips.add_ip_cluster(ip_entities=ip_ents[:20], color='blue') fmap_ips.center_map() fmap_ips # ### Use different colors and icons # In[17]: fmap_ips.add_ip_cluster(ip_entities=ip_ents[30:40], color='red', icon="flash") fmap_ips.center_map() fmap_ips # ## Custom Icons # # By default folium uses the information icon (i). # Icons can be taken from the default Bootstrap set. See the default list here [glyphicons](https://www.w3schools.com/icons/bootstrap_icons_glyphicons.asp) # # Alternatively you can use icons from the [Font Awesome collection](https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery) # by adding prefx="fa" and icon="icon_name" to the call to add_ip_cluster or add_geo_cluster. # In[18]: fmap_ips.add_geoloc_cluster(geo_locations=geo_locs[40:50], color='darkblue', icon="desktop", prefix="fa") fmap_ips.center_map() fmap_ips # ## Utility Functions # ### Calculate center point of entity locations # In[19]: from msticpy.nbtools.foliummap import get_map_center, get_center_ip_entities, get_center_geo_locs print(get_center_geo_locs(geo_locs)) print(get_center_geo_locs(geo_locs, mode="mean")) # get_map_center Will accept iterable of any entity type that is either # an IpAddress entity or an entity that has properties of type IpAddress print(get_map_center(ip_ents[30:40])) print(get_map_center(ip_ents[:20])) print(get_center_ip_entities(ip_ents[:20])) # ### Calculate distance between entity locations # In[27]: from msticpy.sectools.geoip import entity_distance print("Distance between") print(ip_ents[0], ip_ents[1]) print("\n", entity_distance(ip_ents[0], ip_ents[1]), "km") print("Distance between") print(ip_ents[0], ip_ents[13]) print("\n", entity_distance(ip_ents[0], ip_ents[13]), "km")