import Pkg; Pkg.add(["GenericLinearAlgebra", "SparseArrays", "Profile", "ProfileView", "BenchmarkTools", "PProf"]) using LinearAlgebra using SparseArrays # Random real matrix -> will do an LU A = randn(10, 10) @show typeof(factorize(A)) # Real-symmetric matrix -> will do a Bunch-Kaufman Am = Symmetric(A + A') @show typeof(factorize(Am)) # Symmetric tridiagonal -> will do a LDLt Am = SymTridiagonal(A + A') @show typeof(factorize(Am)) # Random sparse matrix -> will do sparse LU S = sprandn(50, 50, 0.3) @show typeof(factorize(S)) # ... and so on ... function solve_many(A, xs) F = factorize(A) [F \ rhs for rhs in xs] end using LinearAlgebra function davidson(A, SS::AbstractArray; maxiter=100, prec=I, tol=20size(A,2)*eps(eltype(A)), maxsubspace=8size(SS, 2)) m = size(SS, 2) for i in 1:100 Ass = A * SS # Use eigen specialised for Hermitian matrices rvals, rvecs = eigen(Hermitian(SS' * Ass)) rvals = rvals[1:m] rvecs = rvecs[:, 1:m] Ax = Ass * rvecs R = Ax - SS * rvecs * Diagonal(rvals) if norm(R) < tol return rvals, SS * rvecs end println(i, " ", size(SS, 2), " ", norm(R)) # Use QR to orthogonalise the subspace. if size(SS, 2) + m > maxsubspace SS = typeof(R)(qr(hcat(SS * rvecs, prec * R)).Q) else SS = typeof(R)(qr(hcat(SS, prec * R)).Q) end end error("not converged.") end nev = 2 A = randn(20, 20); A = A + A' + I; # Generate two random orthogonal guess vectors x0 = randn(size(A, 2), nev) x0 = Array(qr(x0).Q) # Run the problem davidson(A, x0) using GenericLinearAlgebra # (Slow) generic fallbacks for eigen and qr λ, v = davidson(Matrix{Float16}(A), Float16.(x0), tol=1) println() λ, v = davidson(Matrix{Float32}(A), v, tol=1e-3) println() λ, v = davidson(Matrix{Float64}(A), v, tol=1e-13) println() λ, v = davidson(Matrix{BigFloat}(A), v, tol=1e-25) λ nev = 2 spA = sprandn(100, 100, 0.3); spA = spA + spA' + 2I spx0 = randn(size(spA, 2), nev) spx0 = Array(qr(spx0).Q) davidson(spA, spx0, tol=1e-6) # Use the GPU using CuArrays using CuArrays.CUSOLVER function LinearAlgebra.eigen(A::Hermitian{T, CuArray{T, 2}}) where {T <: Real} CUSOLVER.syevd!('V', 'U', end davidson(cu(A), 2) using Profile using ProfileView using PProf # Setup of the problem: nev = 2 A = randn(20, 20); A = A + A' + I; x0 = randn(size(A, 2), nev) x0 = Array(qr(x0).Q) # Run once to compile everything ... this should be ignored @profview davidson(A, x0) @profview davidson(A, x0) # Run once to compile everything ... this should be ignored @pprof davidson(A, x0) @pprof davidson(A, x0) using BenchmarkTools SS = randn(20, 16) precR = randn(20, 2) catted = @btime hcat(SS, precR) fac = @btime qr(catted) @btime Array(fac.Q);