#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # 🎯 Uplift modeling `metrics` # #
# # # #
# In[1]: import sys # install uplift library scikit-uplift and other libraries get_ipython().system('{sys.executable} -m pip install scikit-uplift dill catboost') # # πŸ“ Load data # # We are going to use a `Lenta dataset` from the BigTarget Hackathon hosted in summer 2020 by Lenta and Microsoft. # # Lenta is a russian food retailer. # # ### Data description # # ✏️ Dataset can be loaded from `sklift.datasets` module using `fetch_lenta` function. # # Read more about dataset in the api docs. # # This is an uplift modeling dataset containing data about Lenta's customers grociery shopping, marketing campaigns communications as `treatment` and store visits as `target`. # # #### ✏️ Major columns: # # - `group` - treatment / control flag # - `response_att` - binary target # - `CardHolder` - customer id # - `gender` - customer gender # - `age` - customer age # In[2]: from sklift.datasets import fetch_lenta # returns sklearn Bunch object # with data, target, treatment keys # data features (pd.DataFrame), target (pd.Series), treatment (pd.Series) values dataset = fetch_lenta() # In[3]: print(f"Dataset type: {type(dataset)}\n") print(f"Dataset features shape: {dataset.data.shape}") print(f"Dataset target shape: {dataset.target.shape}") print(f"Dataset treatment shape: {dataset.treatment.shape}") # # πŸ“ EDA # In[4]: dataset.data.head().append(dataset.data.tail()) # ### πŸ€” target share for `treatment / control` # In[5]: import pandas as pd pd.crosstab(dataset.treatment, dataset.target, normalize='index') # In[6]: # make treatment binary treat_dict = { 'test': 1, 'control': 0 } dataset.treatment = dataset.treatment.map(treat_dict) # In[7]: # fill NaNs in the categorical feature `gender` # for CatBoostClassifier dataset.data['gender'] = dataset.data['gender'].fillna(value='НС ΠΎΠΏΡ€Π΅Π΄Π΅Π»Π΅Π½') print(dataset.data['gender'].value_counts(dropna=False)) # ### βœ‚οΈ train test split # # - stratify by two columns: treatment and target. # # `Intuition:` In a binary classification problem definition we stratify train set by splitting target `0/1` column. In uplift modeling we have two columns instead of one. # In[8]: from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split stratify_cols = pd.concat([dataset.treatment, dataset.target], axis=1) X_train, X_val, trmnt_train, trmnt_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split( dataset.data, dataset.treatment, dataset.target, stratify=stratify_cols, test_size=0.3, random_state=42 ) print(f"Train shape: {X_train.shape}") print(f"Validation shape: {X_val.shape}") # # πŸ‘Ύ Class Transformation uplift model # # `Class transformation` method is described here # # Class transormation method `may` be used in case of treatment unbalanced data. In this case one will get not an uplift score but some *ranking* score still useful for ranking objects. # In[9]: from sklift.models import ClassTransformation from catboost import CatBoostClassifier estimator = CatBoostClassifier(verbose=100, cat_features=['gender'], random_state=42, thread_count=1) ct_model = ClassTransformation(estimator=estimator) # In[10]: ct_model.fit( X=X_train, y=y_train, treatment=trmnt_train ) # ### Save model # In[11]: import dill with open("model.dill", 'wb') as f: dill.dump(ct_model, f) # ### Uplift prediction # In[12]: uplift_ct = ct_model.predict(X_val) # # πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ Uplift metrics # ## πŸš€ `uplift@k` # # - uplift at first k% # - usually falls between [0; 1] depending on k, model quality and data # # # ### `uplift@k` = `target mean at k% in the treatment group` - `target mean at k% in the control group` # # ___ # # How to count `uplift@k`: # # 1. sort by predicted uplift # 2. select first k% # 3. count target mean in the treatment group # 4. count target mean in the control group # 5. substract the mean in the control group from the mean in the treatment group # # --- # # Code parameter options: # # - `strategy='overall'` - sort by uplift treatment and control together # - `strategy='by_group'` - sort by uplift treatment and control separately # In[14]: from sklift.metrics import uplift_at_k # k = 10% k = 0.1 # strategy='overall' sort by uplift treatment and control together uplift_overall = uplift_at_k(y_val, uplift_ct, trmnt_val, strategy='overall', k=k) # strategy='by_group' sort by uplift treatment and control separately uplift_bygroup = uplift_at_k(y_val, uplift_ct, trmnt_val, strategy='by_group', k=k) print(f"uplift@{k * 100:.0f}%: {uplift_overall:.4f} (sort groups by uplift together)") print(f"uplift@{k * 100:.0f}%: {uplift_bygroup:.4f} (sort groups by uplift separately)") # ## πŸš€ `uplift_by_percentile` table # # Count metrics for each percentile in data in descending order by uplift prediction (by rows): # # - `n_treatment` - treatment group size in the one percentile # - `n_control` - control group size in the one percentile # - `response_rate_treatment` - target mean in the treatment group in the one percentile # - `response_rate_control` - target mean in the control group in the one percentile # - `uplift = response_rate_treatment - response_rate_control` in the one percentile # # ___ # # Code parameter options are: # # - `strategy='overall'` - sort by uplift treatment and control groups together # - `strategy='by_group'` - sort by uplift treatment and control groups separately # - `total=True` - show total metric on full data # - `std=True` - show metrics std by row # In[15]: from sklift.metrics import uplift_by_percentile uplift_by_percentile(y_val, uplift_ct, trmnt_val, strategy='overall', total=True, std=True, bins=10) # ## πŸš€ `weighted average uplift ` # # - counts uplift on full data # - uses results from `uplift_by_percentile` table # - result depends on number of bins # # ### `weighted average uplift` = `sum of uplift by percentile weighted on the treatment group size` # # In[16]: from sklift.metrics import weighted_average_uplift uplift_full_data = weighted_average_uplift(y_val, uplift_ct, trmnt_val, bins=10) print(f"average uplift on full data: {uplift_full_data:.4f}") # ## πŸš€ `uplift_by_percentile` plot # # - visualize results of `uplift_by_percentile` table # # Two ways to plot: # # - line plot `kind='line'` # - bar plot `kind='bar'` # # In[17]: from sklift.viz import plot_uplift_by_percentile # line plot plot_uplift_by_percentile(y_val, uplift_ct, trmnt_val, strategy='overall', kind='line'); # In[18]: # bar plot plot_uplift_by_percentile(y_val, uplift_ct, trmnt_val, strategy='overall', kind='bar'); # ## πŸš€ `Qini curve` # # The curve plots the absolute incremental outcome of the treated group compared to group with no treatment. # # # plot Qini curve: # - `blue line` is a `real Qini curve` based on data. # - `red line` is an `ideal Qini curve` based on data. Code: `perfect=True` # - `grey line` is a `random Qini curve` based on data # # # ## πŸš€ `AUQC` (`area under Qini curve` or `Qini coefficient`) # # `Qini coefficient` = `light blue area between the real Qini curve and the random Qini curve normalized on area between the random and the ideal line` # # qini_curve # # # - metric is printed at the title of the Qini curve plot # - can be called as a separate function # In[19]: from sklift.viz import plot_qini_curve # with ideal Qini curve (red line) # perfect=True plot_qini_curve(y_val, uplift_ct, trmnt_val, perfect=True); # In[20]: # no ideal Qini curve # only real Qini curve # perfect=False plot_qini_curve(y_val, uplift_ct, trmnt_val, perfect=False); # In[21]: from sklift.metrics import qini_auc_score # AUQC = area under Qini curve = Qini coefficient auqc = qini_auc_score(y_val, uplift_ct, trmnt_val) print(f"Qini coefficient on full data: {auqc:.4f}") # ## πŸš€ `Uplift curve` # # The Uplift curve plots incremental uplift. # # # - `blue line` is a `real Uplift curve` based on data. # - `red line` is an `ideal Uplift curve` based on data. Code: `perfect=True` # - `grey line` is a `random Uplift curve` based on data. # # # ## πŸš€ `AUUQ` (`area under uplift curve`) # # - `Area under uplift curve` = blue area between the real Uplift curve and the random Uplift curve # - appears at the title of the Uplift curve plot # - can be called as a separate function # # In[22]: from sklift.viz import plot_uplift_curve # with ideal curve # perfect=True plot_uplift_curve(y_val, uplift_ct, trmnt_val, perfect=True); # In[23]: # only real # perfect=False plot_uplift_curve(y_val, uplift_ct, trmnt_val, perfect=False); # In[24]: from sklift.metrics import uplift_auc_score # AUUQ = area under uplift curve auuc = uplift_auc_score(y_val, uplift_ct, trmnt_val) print(f"Uplift auc score on full data: {auuc:.4f}") # In[ ]: