#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Practice Problems # ### Lecture 18 # Answer each number in a separate cell # # Rename the notebook with your lastName, first inital and the lecture # # ex. Cych_B_18 # # Turn this notebook into Canvas # ## 1. Mercator projections # - Make a mercator projection with latitude bounds of $\pm$ 80. # - Color the oceans aqua and the continents coral # - Draw on parallels and meridians at 15$^{\circ}$ intervals # - Place a pentagon where you were born and set the markersize to 15. \[Hint: **help(plt.plot)**\] # # # ## 2. Orthographic maps # - Make an orthographic map for the other side of the world by setting lon_0 and lat_0 to 180 and -80 respectively # - Color the continents black # - Plot a large magenta square at the South Pole (-90, 170) # # # ## 3. Lambert Conformal Conic maps # - Make a Lambert conformal conic projection with the boundaries 0-40$^{\circ}$N and 110-160$^{\circ}$E. # - Add the continents to your map # - Add reasonable latitude and longitude grid lines and label them. # - Plot the earthquakes in the datafile **Datasets/EarthquakeLocations/last5Years.csv** as black triangles. # - Change the size of the markers based on depths - you can use the same depth bins as before, or use your own bins. # # In[ ]: