#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ## Faster First EDA with pandas-profiling # In[2]: # importing required packages import pandas as pd import pandas_profiling import numpy as np # In[3]: # importing the data df = pd.read_csv('/Users/lukas/Downloads/titanic/train.csv') # In[4]: # checking the head df.head() # In[8]: # descriptive statistics df.describe() # **Create an inline report** # In[5]: pandas_profiling.ProfileReport(df) # In[11]: # sample vs. head df.sample(5) # **Save Report to HTML** # In[6]: pfr = pandas_profiling.ProfileReport(df) pfr.to_file("/tmp/example.html") # In[7]: pfr # In[9]: df.head() # In[ ]: