#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[2]: # import Speaker Recognition File import GmmSpeakerRec as GSR # import librosa for audio loading import librosa # import Ipython for display the audio content from IPython.display import display, Audio # In[3]: # Create a new recognizer and enroll training data for male and female voices Gender = GSR.GMMRec() audio_path = './Audio/male.wav' y_male, sr = librosa.load(audio_path, sr = 44100) Gender.enroll('Male', y_male) audio_path = './Audio/female.wav' y_female, sr = librosa.load(audio_path, sr = 44100) Gender.enroll('Female', y_female) # In[4]: # Train the recognition model Gender.train() # In[5]: # Save the model to a local file Gender.dump('gender.model') # In[6]: # Load the testing audio audio_path = './Audio/female-male.wav' y_test, sr = librosa.load(audio_path, sr = 44100) # Play the testing audio display(Audio(data = y_test, rate = sr)) # Run recognition algorithm on the testing audio Gender.recognize(y_test, step = 5, duration = 5, disp = False) # In[ ]: