#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # How to cut out Target Pixel Files from Kepler Superstamps or TESS FFIs? # # You can use `lightkurve` to cut Target Pixel Files (TPFs) out of a series of standard astronomical images, such as [K2 Superstamp Mosaics](https://archive.stsci.edu/prepds/k2superstamp/) or TESS Full-Frame-Images (FFIs). # This brief tutorial will demonstrate how! # Let's assume you have downloaded a set [simulated TESS FFI images](http://archive.stsci.edu/tess/ete-6.html) to a local directory called `data`. `lightkurve` will assume that the files are given in *time order*. So we'll sort the filenames first: # In[1]: from glob import glob import numpy as np # Now we use the `KeplerTargetPixelFile` class and its function `from_fits_images()` to create the new TPF. This will cut out around the position keyword. You can pass a pixel position in units of the original image or RA and Dec coordinates. # In[ ]: from lightkurve import KeplerTargetPixelFile from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord # ```python # fnames = np.sort(glob('data/*.fits')) # tpf = KeplerTargetPixelFile.from_fits_images(images=fnames, # position=SkyCoord(257.13700, 24.48958, unit='deg'), # size=(9,9), # target_id='MyCutOut') # ``` # We then have a fully functioning `KeplerTargetPixelFile` object! You can read more about such objects in the [tutorial on their use](https://docs.lightkurve.org/tutorials/01-target-pixel-files.html).