using CairoMakie include("makieTheme1.jl") # don't forget to include the theme. x = LinRange(0,2π,50) # with 50 points in the interval. fig = Figure(resolution = (600, 400), font =:sans) ax = Axis(fig, xlabel = "x", ylabel = "") line1 = lines!(x, sin.(x), color = :red) line2 = lines!(x, cos.(x), color = :blue) points1 = scatter!(x, cos.(x), color = :black, markersize = 5) points2 = scatter!(x, -cos.(x), color = :red, strokecolor = :red, markersize = 5, marker = '■') leg = Legend(fig, [line1, [line2, points1], points2], [" sin(x)", " cos(x)", "-cos(x)"], "f(x)", halign = :left, valign = :top, markersize = 7) fig[1, 1] = ax fig[1, 1] = leg #save("./results/FigLineScatter2.svg", scene, pt_per_unit = 0.7); #save("./results/FigLineScatter3.png", fig, px_per_unit = 2) fig