import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline x = np.arange(500) y = 0.3 + np.sin(x/20.)/5 noisy = y + np.random.rand(500)/3 - (3./20) plt.plot(x, y) plt.plot(x, noisy, alpha=0.5) plt.figure(figsize=(12,4)) plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(x, y, lw=2, color='k') plt.text(10, 0.05, "signal we'd like to detect", color='k') plt.hlines(0.6, 0, 500, color='b', linestyles='--') plt.text(10, 0.62, 'detection threshold', color='b') plt.ylabel('amplitude') plt.xlabel('time (ms)') plt.ylim(0, 0.8) plt.xlim(0, 500) plt.subplot(122) plt.plot(x, noisy, color='g', alpha=0.8) plt.plot(x, y, color='k', lw=2) plt.hlines(0.6, 0, 500, color='b', linestyles='--') plt.text(10, 0.69, "additive noise", color='g') plt.xlabel('time (ms)') plt.ylim(0, 0.8) plt.xlim(0, 500) signal_level = 0.7 noise_level = 1.0 threshold_level = 1.1 im = np.zeros((64,64)) im[16:48,16:48] = signal_level plt.imshow(im, interpolation="None") plt.set_cmap('Greys') plt.colorbar() def threshold(im, value=0.5, mode='same'): t = np.copy(im) t[t=value] = 1 return t plt.imshow(threshold(im, value=threshold_level), interpolation="None") noise = np.random.rand(64,64) * noise_level - noise_level/2 noised = im + noise plt.imshow(noised, interpolation="None") plt.colorbar() noise = np.random.rand(64,64) * noise_level - noise_level/2 noised = im + noise thresholded = threshold(noised, threshold_level) plt.imshow(thresholded, interpolation="None", vmin=1) plt.colorbar() plt.figure(figsize=(18,4)) plt.subplot(141) plt.title('Signal at {}'.format(signal_level)) plt.imshow(im, interpolation="None", cmap="Greys") plt.ylim(0, 64) plt.xlim(0, 64) plt.hlines(32, 0, 64, color='r') plt.subplot(142) plt.title('Noise at {0}'.format(noise_level)) plt.imshow(noise, interpolation="None", cmap="Greys") plt.ylim(0, 64) plt.xlim(0, 64) plt.hlines(32, 0, 64, color='r') plt.subplot(143) plt.title('Section across signal and noise', color='r') plt.plot(im[32,:], lw=2, color='k') plt.plot(noised[32,:], color='g') plt.ylim(-0.1, 1.3) plt.xlim(0, 64) plt.hlines(1.1, 0, 64, color='b') plt.text(3, 1.12, 'threshold', color='b') plt.text(6, 0.63, 'signal', color='k') plt.text(15, 0.90, 'noisy\nsignal', color='g', horizontalalignment='right') plt.subplot(144) plt.title('Detected signal') plt.imshow(thresholded, interpolation="None", cmap="Greys", vmin=1) plt.hlines(32, 0, 64, color='r') rec_noise = np.random.rand(64,64) + 0.5 recorded = thresholded + rec_noise plt.imshow(recorded, interpolation="None", cmap="Greys", vmin=1) import scipy.stats signal_level = 0.3 noise_level = 0.4 threshold_level = 1 im = np.zeros((64,64)) im[16:48,16:48] = signal_level # Use a different distribution, with a nasty hack for the standard deviation noise = np.random.lognormal(noise_level, (noise_level+1)/6, 64*64).reshape((64,64)) #noise = np.random.rand(64,64) * noise_level - noise_level/2 noised = im + noise thresholded = threshold(noised, threshold_level) plt.figure(figsize=(18,5)) plt.subplot(131) plt.imshow(threshold(im, threshold_level), interpolation="None") plt.title('S:N {0}'.format(scipy.stats.signaltonoise(threshold(im, threshold_level), axis=None))) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) plt.subplot(132) plt.imshow(noised, interpolation="None") plt.title('S:N {0}'.format(scipy.stats.signaltonoise(noised, axis=None))) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) plt.subplot(133) plt.imshow(thresholded, interpolation="None") plt.title('S:N {0}'.format(scipy.stats.signaltonoise(thresholded, axis=None))) plt.colorbar(shrink=0.8) signal_level = 0.3 threshold_level = 1 im = np.zeros((64,64)) im[16:48,16:48] = signal_level ston = [] r = np.arange(0,3.,0.05) for n in r: noise = np.random.lognormal(n, (n+1)/6, 64*64).reshape((64,64)) #noise = np.random.rand(64,64) * n - n/2 noised = im + noise thresholded = threshold(noised, threshold_level) ston.append(scipy.stats.signaltonoise(thresholded, axis=None)) plt.plot(r, ston) plt.title('Max at {0}'.format(r[max(enumerate(ston),key=lambda x: x[1])[0]])) plt.ylabel('signal:noise') plt.xlabel('mean of noise distribution')