#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Connecting to an existing IPython kernel using the Qt Console # ## The Frontend/Kernel Model # The traditional IPython (`ipython`) consists of a single process that combines a terminal based UI with the process that runs the users code. # # While this traditional application still exists, the modern Jupyter consists of two processes: # # * Kernel: this is the process that runs the users code. # * Frontend: this is the process that provides the user interface where the user types code and sees results. # # Jupyter currently has 3 frontends: # # * Terminal Console (`ipython console`) # * Qt Console (`ipython qtconsole`) # * Notebook (`ipython notebook`) # # The Kernel and Frontend communicate over a ZeroMQ/JSON based messaging protocol, which allows multiple Frontends (even of different types) to communicate with a single Kernel. This opens the door for all sorts of interesting things, such as connecting a Console or Qt Console to a Notebook's Kernel. For example, you may want to connect a Qt console to your Notebook's Kernel and use it as a help # browser, calling `??` on objects in the Qt console (whose pager is more flexible than the # one in the notebook). # # This Notebook describes how you would connect another Frontend to a Kernel that is associated with a Notebook. # ## Manual connection # To connect another Frontend to a Kernel manually, you first need to find out the connection information for the Kernel using the `%connect_info` magic: # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('connect_info', '') # You can see that this magic displays everything you need to connect to this Notebook's Kernel. # ## Automatic connection using a new Qt Console # You can also start a new Qt Console connected to your current Kernel by using the `%qtconsole` magic. This will detect the necessary connection # information and start the Qt Console for you automatically. # In[ ]: a = 10 # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('qtconsole', '')