#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: from IPython.core.display import HTML def css_styling(): styles = open("../styles/custom.css", "r").read();return HTML(styles) css_styling() #
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# # # [Physics 411](http://jklymak.github.io/Phy411/) Time Series Analysis # *Jody Klymak* # # # Week 8: Sampling Theorem and interpolation #
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyquist–Shannon_sampling_theorem #
# # We have not talked yet about the process of digitizing our data, though we have assumed it for all the computer examples so far. Digitization is usually carried out using an **analog-to-digital converter** on a **preconditioned** signal. You may have encountered ADCs in your electronics class, and we won't discuss how they work here. Preconditioning of the signal, however, is important to achieve a good representation of the signal because of **aliasing** of high frequencies can contaminate the signals we are interested in. The typical preconditioning step is to apply a low-pass filter to the data and then sampling fast enough to capture the filtered signal. Modern applications actually have very fast ADCs (GHz), that are then digitally filtered to return low-passed signals which are subsequently decimated for storage. # # We also need to consider what happens when there are gaps in our time series, which can happen due to instrument failure, changing instruments etc. The approaches for this are probably review for most of you, and include **linear interpoloation**, **nearest-neighbour interpolation**, and **cubic-spline interpolation**. # # ## Sampling Theorem # The sampling theorem states that a continuous signal with limited frequency bandwidth can be exactly represented as discrete time series with dense enough time sampling. This means that the discretization is **lossless**, not just at the times of the discretization, but at all the times between. # # Formally, let $x(t)$ be our *continuous* time series. If the *continuous* Fourier transform of $x(t)$ is $X(f)$, then $x(t)$ is **bandlimited** if $\left|X(f)\right|=0$ for $\left|f\right|>B$, for some frequency $B$, which we call the **band limit**. # # Lets consider a signal that is white noise and has a peak at 31.5 Hz. # In[4]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.signal as signal import matplotlib.mlab as mlab get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'nbagg') N=1e6 dt = 1e-2 # make random noise. x0 = np.random.randn(N) # add a 31.5 Hz signal to x t = np.arange(0,N*dt,dt) x0 = x0+1.*np.cos(t*2*np.pi*31.5) #Bandwidth = 2 Hz B=2. # filter to make Bandlimited signal fp=B*0.7 fs = B*0.9 fNyq=1/2./dt n,fn=signal.ellipord(fp/fNyq, fs/fNyq,.1, 60.) b,a=signal.ellip(n,.1,60.,fn) xBL = signal.filtfilt(b,a,x0) fig,ax=plt.subplots(2,1,figsize=(5,5)) ax[0].plot(t,x0,color='0.5',label='full-spectrum signal') ax[0].plot(t,xBL,color='k',label='band-limited signal') ax[0].set_xlim([0,30]);ax[0].set_xlabel('time [s]');ax[0].set_ylabel('x [V]');ax[0].legend(fontsize='small',loc=0) nfft=10240 pxx,f=mlab.psd(x0,NFFT=nfft,Fs=1./dt,noverlap=nfft/2.,window=mlab.window_hanning) pxBL,f=mlab.psd(xBL,NFFT=nfft,Fs=1./dt,noverlap=nfft/2.,window=mlab.window_hanning) ax[1].loglog(f,pxx,color='0.5') ax[1].loglog(f,pxBL,color='k') plt.axvline(x=B,linestyle='--',color='k');ax[1].text(B,1,' B=2 Hz');ax[1].set_ylim([1e-8,1e2]);ax[1].set_xlabel('f [Hz]');ax[1].set_ylabel('$G_{xx} [V^2 Hz^{-1}]$') plt.tight_layout() # Here, for display purposes we have approximated a continuous signal with a signal that has a sampling frequency of 100 Hz (I can't plot a continuous signal!). Two signals are shown, one that is not bandlimited (to 50 Hz, anyways), and a second that is bandlimited at $B=2\ Hz$. # # The point of the sampling theorem is that you would need to sample at about 4 Hz to capture *all* of the bandlimited signal, whereas you could not capture all of the full-sepctrum signal. Intuitively, that hopefully makes sense: # In[5]: fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(5,3)) ax.plot(t,x0,color='0.5',label='full-spectrum signal');ax.plot(t,xBL,color='k',label='band-limited signal') ax.plot(t[::25],x0[::25],'d',color='0.5') ax.plot(t[::25],xBL[::25],'d',color='k') ax.set_xlim([10,12]);ax.set_xlabel('time [s]');ax.set_ylabel('x [V]');ax.legend(fontsize='small',loc=0) # The grey diamonds do not begin to capture the variability of the grey line, whereas the black diamonds seem to do a reasonable job of the variability of the black line. # # #### Sampling Theorem#### # States that if $x(t)$ is a bandlimited signal such that $\left|X(f)\right|=0$ for $\left| f\right|>B$, then $x(t)$ can be represented in full by a discrete time series $x_n$ sampled every $\Delta t$ if $\frac{1}{\Delta t} \geq 2B$, and in particular we can reconstruct $x(t)$ as: # # $$x(t) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} x(n\Delta t) \frac{\sin \left(\pi \left( \frac{t}{\Delta t}- n\right) \right)}{\pi\left(\frac{t}{\Delta t}-n\right)}$$ # # #### Proof#### # # The proof is relatively straight forward. We note that because $X(f)$ is zero for $\left| f\right| >B$ then it can be expanded as a discrete Fourier series: # # $$ X(f) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} c_n \mathrm{e}^{-j\frac{ 2\pi f n}{B}}$$ # # where $c_n$ is given by # # \begin{align} # c_n =& \frac{1}{2B} \int_{-B}^B X(f)\ \mathrm{e}^{+j2\pi f\frac{ n }{2B}}\ \mathrm{d}f\\ # =& \frac{1}{2B}x\left(n/2B\right) # \end{align} # # So, this gives us the ingredients for $x(t)$: # # \begin{align} # x(t) &= \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} X(f) \mathrm{e}^{j2\pi f t}\ \mathrm{d}f\\ # & = \frac{1}{2B} \int_{-B}^{B} \mathrm{e}^{j2\pi f t}\ \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} x(n/2B) \mathrm{e}^{-j\frac{2\pi f n}{B}} \mathrm{d}f\\ # & = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} x_n \int_{-B}^B \mathrm{e}^{j2\pi f \left(t-n/2B\right)}\ \mathrm{d}f\\ # & = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} x_n \frac{\sin \left(\pi \left(2Bt -n \right) \right)}{\pi \left(2Bt-n\right)} # \end{align} # # where whe have defined $x_n = x(n/2B) = x(n\Delta t)$, and $\Delta t = 1/2B$ is the sample spacing. # # Note that for $t=n/2B$, $x(t)=x_n$. For times in between the sample points, $t\neq n/2B$, we need an infinite sum of all the other points in the discrete time series to recover the true value at $x(t)$. # # Of course a limitation of real data is that we do not have infinite data, so any estimate at $t\neq n/2B$ is going to be slightly imprecise. However, the sinc function rolls off quite quickly, so in practice this is not too much of a problem. Lets consider this using the example above. Here we subsample the bandlimitted time series by a factor of 25 and compare the reconstruction to the original time series. # In[8]: # decimated time series: tn = t[::25] xn = xBL[::25] Ns = [10,100,1000] fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1) for N in Ns: n = np.arange(N) # reconstruct the full time series just from the subsampled data xn: xreco=1.*xBL[:N*25] # trim the last N*25 data points... for i in range(N*25): xreco[i] = np.sum(xn[:N]*np.sinc(2*B*t[i]-n)) ax.plot(t[:N*25],(xreco-xBL[:N*25])/np.std(xBL),label='%d'%N) plt.xlim([0,50]) plt.xlabel('t [s]') plt.ylabel('$(x_{recon}-x(t))/std(x)$') plt.ylim([-1.,1.]) plt.legend(fontsize='small') # So here we see the effect of having only a finite number of samples to reconstruct your data from; there is a bad edge effect (because you do not have the data from the negaitve side of the infinite sum), and then improvement in the estimate towards the center of the sample. Obviously the more data you have and the more away from the edges of the time series you are the better the approximation. # ## Aliasing # An important flipside to the Sampling Theorem is that if you *do* have significant energy at frequencies greater than $f_S$, your sampling frequency, then your subsampled signal will contain that variance, but **aliased** to one of the resolved frequencies. This can be a huge problem: # In[10]: xl=x0 # +np.cos(2*pi*7.001*t) xna = xl[::25] tna = t[::25] pxna,fn2=mlab.psd(xna,Fs=1/dt/25,NFFT=nfft/25) pxnB,fn=mlab.psd(xl,Fs=1/dt,NFFT=nfft) fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1) ax.loglog(fn2,pxna,color='0.5',label='subsampled') ax.loglog(fn,pxnB,color='k',label='raw') ax.legend(fontsize='small',loc=0) ax.set_xlabel('f [Hz]') ax.set_ylabel('$G_{xx} [V^2 Hz^{-1}]$') print 'Variance of subsampled: %1.3f'%np.var(xna) print 'Variance of raw: %1.3f'% np.var(xl) # So we can see that the peak at 31.5 Hz is aliased back to about 0.1 Hz! Perhaps even worse, the high freqeuncy variance ahove 2 Hz is all wrapped back to the low frequencies. This shouldn't be surprising in light of Parseval's theorem - the integral under the two curves is the variance of the signal, and subsampling does not reduce the variance. # # So, if we have variance at a frequency $f>f_{Nyq}$ where does it get aliased to? We can consider a frequency for the signal $f_0$ and determine its modulus with the Nyquist frequency: # # $$f_0=mf_{Nyq} + \delta f$$ # # then # # \begin{align} # \cos\left( 2\pi f_0 t_n\right) &= \cos\left( 2\pi f_0 n\Delta t\right)\\ # &= \cos\left( 2\pi m f_{Nyq} n\Delta t + 2\pi \delta f \Delta t \right)\\ # &= \cos\left( \pi m n + 2\pi \delta f \Delta t \right)\\ # &= \begin{cases} # \cos\left(2\pi \delta f n \Delta t\right) & m\ \text{even}\\ # \cos\left(\frac{2\pi m n \Delta t}{2\Delta t}+ \delta f n \Delta t\right) & m\ \text{odd}\\ # \end{cases}\\ # &= \begin{cases} # \cos\left(2\pi \delta f \Delta t\right) & m\ \text{even}\\ # \cos\left(\frac{2\pi n \Delta t}{2\Delta t}+ \delta f n \Delta t\right) & m\ \text{odd}\\ # \end{cases}\\ # &= \begin{cases} # \cos\left(2\pi t_n \delta f \right) & m\ \text{even}\\ # \cos\left(2\pi t_n \left(f_N-\delta f \right)\right) & m\ \text{odd}\\ # \end{cases} # \end{align} # # so the aliased frequency, $f_A$, is given by # # $$f_A =\begin{cases} # \delta f & m\ \text{even}\\ # f_N-\delta f & m\ \text{odd}\\ # \end{cases} # $$ # # So, for the case above, the spike at $f_0=31.5 Hz$ and a Nyquist frequency of $f_{Nyq}=2 Hz$, $m=15$, and $\delta f=1.5 Hz$, so $f_A=2-1.5\ Hz=0.5\ Hz$. # # # Note that we can get a bit confused if $f_0=mf_{Nyq}$ because $\delta f=0 Hz$ so $f_A=0$ or $f_A = f_{Nyq}$, therefore the mean or the highest frequency is affected, not the interior of the spectrum. # ### Preconditioning # The solution to aliasing in practical applications is to make sure you apply an **anti-aliasing filter** to the analog signal before digitizing it. This is just a low-pass filter with its cut-off frequency significantly lower than the Nyquist frequency. This is typical in ADC's. # ## Dealing with data gaps: Interpolation # We have seen in the weather data time series that there are freqeunt data gaps. We have been ignoring them, but that actually introduces phase distortion to your time series as you are removing data. Typically it is better to interpolate over the bad data. # # It also happens sometimes that data is not collected at regular time (or space) intervals. For instance, some manual intervention is needed, and a technician runs the data when they can. # # There are different methods to interpolate, which you are probably familair with: # ### Nearest Neighbour Interpolation # This relatively trivial: If we have data $x_i$ collected at times $t_i$, where $t_i$ are not necessarily evenly spaced, then $x(t)=x_j$, for the $j$ where $|t-t_j|$ is the minimum over all $j$. This makes stair-stepped data and will have discontinuities between data points. # # First, lets set up an example. `x` is our signal, which is then sampled at times `t2` to make `x2` # In[37]: import scipy.signal as signal np.random.seed(1345) N = 100000 T = 1000. # s. t = np.arange(0,T,T/N) fN = N/T/2. b,a=signal.ellip(5,0.5,60.,0.75/fN) x = signal.lfilter(b,a,(np.random.randn(N+1)))[:-1] dt = np.random.rand(N)*0.75+0.75 t2 = np.cumsum(dt) t2 = t2[t2t2[0]) & (ty[n]t2[0]] tyn=tyn[tyn