using Compat using Compose using Gadfly using GitHub using HDF5, JLD using Interact using MetadataTools using JSON using ProgressMeter using Requests using Shapefile using URIParser auth_token="" #to access Github API my_auth = authenticate(auth_token) try if isfile("worldofjulia.jld") A = JLD.load("worldofjulia.jld") locations = A["locations"] juliastargazers = A["juliastargazers"] juliawatchers = A["juliawatchers"] juliacontributors = A["juliacontributors"] allcontributors = A["allcontributors"] end end authors=contributors("JuliaLang/julia", auth=my_auth)[1] println("$(length(authors)) contributors found for JuliaLang/julia") dl(url::Nullable{URI}, filename, tries = 3) = if isnull(url) throw(ArgumentError("Cannot dl($url)")) else dl(get(url), filename, tries) end dl(url, filename, tries=3) = dl(URI(url), filename, tries) #Download data from a given URL to a file. function dl(url::URI, filename, tries = 3) isfile(filename) && return #Don't overwrite existing files r = nothing for i=1:tries try r = get(url) r.status == 200 && break if contains(r.headers["Content-Type"], "text/html") display("text/html", end r.status == 302 && break #Redirection catch e warn(e) end sleep(3) end if r!=nothing && r.status == 200 open(filename, "w") do f write(f, end else warn("Could not download $url\nStatus: $(r.status)") end end #Download everyone's avatars function getavatars(authors; verbose::Bool=false) const mogrify = `/usr/local/bin/mogrify` avatarfiles = Dict() @showprogress for author in authors login = get(author["contributor"].login) avatarfilename = string(login, ".png") if !isfile(avatarfilename) url = author["contributor"].avatar_url verbose && info("Downloading avatar for $login") dl(url, avatarfilename) run(`$mogrify -resize 64x64 $avatarfilename`) else verbose && info("Avatar for $login already downloaded") end avatarfiles[login] = avatarfilename end avatarfiles end avatarfiles = getavatars(authors) function makemontage(filename, authors, avatarfiles; layout=nothing) cmd = `montage` layout==nothing || (cmd = `$cmd -tile $(layout[1])x$(layout[2])`) σ = sortperm([author["contributions"] for author in authors], rev=true) for idx in σ author = authors[idx] login, contribs = get(author["contributor"].login), author["contributions"] if !haskey(avatarfiles, login) warn("Skipping user $login: no associated entry in avatarfiles") continue end avatarfile = avatarfiles[login] if !isfile(avatarfile) warn("Skipping user $login: no file $avatarfile") continue end cmd = `$cmd -label "$login\n($contribs)" $avatarfile` end cmd = `$cmd -geometry 64x64+16+16 -font Helvetica $filename` end #Compute montage layout aspectratio = φ #Golden ratio ntiles=√(length(authors)/aspectratio) ntilesx, ntilesy = ceil(Int, aspectratio*ntiles), ceil(Int, ntiles) cmd = makemontage("montage_juliaonly.jpg", authors, avatarfiles, layout = (ntilesx, ntilesy)); #@time run(cmd) #Scan package metadata and get URLs for all registered packages Packages = Any[] @showprogress for pkg in Pkg.available() url = URIParser.parse_url(get_pkg(pkg).url) if == "" _, owner, repo = try split(url.path, '/') catch exc println(STDERR, "Error parsing $(url.path) from $url") rethrow(exc) end repo = split(repo, ".git")[1] push!(Packages, (owner, repo)) else warn("Skipping non-GitHub repo $url") end end println("$(length(Packages)) packages found.") #Update authors with package contributors #Collates all the contribution counts also function addpkgcounts!(authors, Packages) @showprogress for (owner, repo) in Packages thispkg_contributors = try contributors(owner*"/"*repo, auth=my_auth)[1] catch warn("Skipping $owner/$repo") continue end isnew = true #Merge global statistics for entry in thispkg_contributors contributor = entry["contributor"] for (i, authordata) in enumerate(authors) if get(authordata["contributor"].login) == get(contributor.login) isnew = false authors[i]["contributions"] += entry["contributions"] break end end isnew && push!(authors, entry) end end end juliacontributors = copy(authors) addpkgcounts!(authors, Packages) avatarfiles = getavatars(authors) #Compute montage layout aspectratio = φ ntiles=√(length(authors)/aspectratio) ntilesx, ntilesy = ceil(Int, aspectratio*ntiles), ceil(Int, ntiles) cmd = makemontage("montage_julia.jpg", authors, avatarfiles, layout = (ntilesx, ntilesy)); @time run(cmd) spacing=10 rawcounts = Int[author["contributions"] for author in authors] uppercount=spacing*ceil(Int, maximum(rawcounts)/spacing) grid = logspace(0, log10(uppercount), 22) _, counts = hist(rawcounts, grid) plot(, Guide.xlabel("Commits"), Guide.ylabel("Number of contributors"), y=counts, x=midpoints(grid)) #Convert Shapefile rectangle to Compose rectangle Compose.rectangle{T<:Real}(R::Shapefile.Rect{T}) = rectangle(R.left,,R.right-R.left, #Compose polygons cannot be disjoint but Shapefile.Polygons can #Need to convert Shapefile.Polygon to list of Compose polygons function Base.convert(::Type{Vector{Compose.Form{Compose.PolygonPrimitive}}}, shape::Shapefile.Polygon) points = Any[] polygons=Any[] currentpart=2 for (i,p) in enumerate(shape.points) push!(points, p) if i==length(shape.points) || (currentpart≤length( &&[currentpart]) push!(polygons, polygon([(p.x,p.y) for p in points])) currentpart += 1 points = Any[] end end polygons end Polygons(shape::Shapefile.Polygon) = convert(Vector{Compose.Form{Compose.PolygonPrimitive}}, shape) #Technically correct only for S=Shapefile.ESRIShape Polygons{S<:Shapefile.ESRIShape}(shapes::Vector{S}) = [[convert(Vector{Compose.Form{Compose.PolygonPrimitive}}, shape) for shape in shapes]...] #Load some data about the world's countries worldshapefile="ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp" dl("", worldshapefile) worldshape = open(worldshapefile) do f read(f, Handle) end world=compose(context(), fill(nothing), stroke("black"), Polygons(worldshape.shapes)...) draw(SVG(8inch, 4inch), compose(context(units=UnitBox(-180, 90, 360, -180)), world)) getlatlon(user::AbstractString, my_auth=my_auth) = getlatlon(owner(user, auth=my_auth)) function getlatlon(user::GitHub.Owner, my_auth=my_auth) username = get(user.login) location = if !isnull(user.location) get(user.location) #Read from GitHub.Owner else try #Work around #Get user location from GitHub user2 = owner(username, auth=my_auth) if !isnull(user2.location) get(user2.location) else "" #No location data end catch "" end end strip(location) == "" && return nothing #Location was missing #If user-reported location is already coordinates, then return them try #test if location is a string of all digits, punctuation or whitespace if all(map(x->isdigit(x)|ispunct(x)|isspace(x), collect(location)) coords = eval(parse(location)) if typeof(coords) == Tuple{Float64,Float64} return (coords[1], coords[2], location) end end end #Some simple hacks to normalize locations for Nominatim location = replace(location, "U.S.A.", "USA") #Take location and look up on geocoding service try responseosm = get(URI(""), query=@compat Dict("format"=>"json", "q"=>location)) responseosmstr = bytestring( if responseosm.status!=200 && contains(responseosm.headers["Content-Type"], "text/html") display("text/html", responseosmstr) end meosm = JSON.parse(responseosmstr) if length(meosm)<1 warn("OpenStreetMaps did not know the location of user $username with reported location \"$location\"") return (Inf, Inf, location) #Geocoder doesn't know where this is end #Return the first hit return (float(meosm[1]["lat"]), float(meosm[1]["lon"]), location) catch e warn("Ignoring bad response from URL:$location") println("Error caught: ", e) if isdefined(:responseosm) if contains(responseosm.headers["Content-Type"], "text/html") display("text/html", responseosmstr) else println(responseosmstr) end end return nothing end end getlatlon("jiahao", my_auth) function adduserlocations!(locations::Dict, contributors::Vector{GitHub.Owner}) @showprogress for user in contributors adduserlocation!(locations, user) end end function adduserlocations!(locations::Dict, contributors::Vector{Any}) @showprogress for user in contributors adduserlocation!(locations, user["contributor"]) end end function adduserlocation!(locations::Dict, user::GitHub.Owner) username = get(user.login) haskey(locations, username) && return #Don't look up existing data again location = getlatlon(user, my_auth) location==nothing && return locations[username] = location end isdefined(:locations) || (locations=Dict()) adduserlocations!(locations, authors) #Render developers function placeauthors(authors, locations) xs = Float64[]; ys=Float64[]; rs=Any[] @showprogress for user in authors username, n = if isa(user, Dict) get(user["contributor"].login), user["contributions"] elseif isa(user, GitHub.Owner) get(user.login), 1 end haskey(locations, username) || continue push!(xs, locations[username][2]) push!(ys, locations[username][1]) push!(rs, (1+√log(n))*0.3mm) end circle(xs, ys, rs) end function drawmap(left::Real=-180, right::Real=180, up::Real=90, down::Real=-90, composeobjs...; target = SVG(4inch*(right-left)/(up-down),4inch)) draw(target, compose(context(units=UnitBox(left,up,right-left,down-up)), world, composeobjs...)) #Print users in the box #for (user, loc) in locations # if down