#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # *This notebook contains course material from [CBE20255](https://jckantor.github.io/CBE20255) # by Jeffrey Kantor (jeff at nd.edu); the content is available [on Github](https://github.com/jckantor/CBE20255.git). # The text is released under the [CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0 license](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcode), # and code is released under the [MIT license](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).* # # < [Separating Milk](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/jckantor/CBE20255/blob/master/notebooks/03.04-Separating-Milk.ipynb) | [Contents](toc.ipynb) | [Material Balances](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/jckantor/CBE20255/blob/master/notebooks/04.00-Material-Balances.ipynb) >

Open in Colab # # Adipic Acid Flowsheet # ## Summary # # This [Jupyter notebook](http://ipython.org/notebook.html) demonstrates the formulation and solution of material balances for a hypothetical adipic acid process described by Murphy (2005, Example 2.15) using the [symbolic algebra package Sympy](http://sympy.org/en/index.html). # ## Problem Statement # [Adipic acid](http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/summary/summary.cgi?cid=196) (C6H10O4) (also called hexanedioic acid) rarely occurs in nature, but approximately 2.5 billion kilograms are produced per year from petrochemical feedstocks primarily for the production of nylon. # # # # Recently there has been interest in [producing adipic acid from renewable resources](http://www.ihs.com/products/chemical/technology/pep/bio-based-adipic-acid.aspx). [For example, starting with glucose](http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja00080a057) (C6H12O6), muconic acid (C6H6O4) is produced through fermentation with a genetically modified e. coli. via the reaction # # 73 C6H12O6 + 172 O2 ➝ C6H6O4 + 8 CO2 + 11 H2O # # that is subsequently hydrogentated to form adipic acid # # C6H6O4 + 2 H2 ➝ C6H10O4 # # Murphy (2005, Example 2.15) outlines a hypothetical flowsheet for this process: # # # # Neglecting the _E. coli_, solve for the flowrates necessary to produce 12,000 kg/hour of adipic acid assuming that glucose is available as a 10 mg/mL solution. # # ## Solution # ### Process Variables # We begin by relabeling the process flowsheet with stream numbers, stream variables, and extents of reaction. There are chemical species are abbreviated as follows: # # * A: adipic acid # * C: carbon dioxide # * G: glucose # * H: hydrogen # * M: muconic acid # * N: nitrogen # * O: oxygen # * W: water # # and where X1 and X2 denote the extents of reactions 1 and 2, respectively. The stream variables denote chemical flowrates in units of kg/hour. The extents of reaction will be in units of kg-mol/hour. # # # In[1]: # Import the symbolic algebra package sympy import sympy as sym # Extents of reactions 1 and 2 sym.var('X1 X2') # Stream variables sym.var('O1 N1') # Stream 1 sym.var('G2 W2') # Stream 2 sym.var('H3') # Stream 3 sym.var('N4 C4') # Stream 4 sym.var('W5') # Stream 5 sym.var('A6') # Stream 6 sym.var('O7 N7 G7 W7') # Stream 7 sym.var('N8 W8 C8 M8') # Stream 8 sym.var('M9') # Stream 9 sym.var('H10 M10') # Stream 10 # Because the flowsheet includes reactions, it will be necessary to include molecular weights in the mass balance expressions. For this purpose we gather the molecular weights of all species into a python dictionary indexed by the chemical species. # In[2]: MW = { 'A': 146.14, 'C': 44.01, 'G': 180.16, 'H': 2.02, 'M': 142.11, 'N': 14.01, 'O': 16.00, 'W': 18.02 } # ### Specifications # In[3]: specs = [ sym.Eq(A6, 12000), sym.Eq(N1/MW['N'], (0.79/0.21)*(O1/MW['O'])), sym.Eq(G2, 0.01*W2) ] # ### Material Balances # In[4]: mixer1 = [ sym.Eq(0, O1 - O7), sym.Eq(0, N1 - N7), sym.Eq(0, G2 - G7), sym.Eq(0, W2 - W7) ] reactor1 = [ sym.Eq(0, O7 - MW['O']*(17/2)*X1), sym.Eq(0, N7 - N8), sym.Eq(0, G7 - MW['G']*(7/3)*X1), sym.Eq(0, -C8 + MW['C']*8*X1), sym.Eq(0, -M8 + MW['M']*X1), sym.Eq(0, W7 - W8 + MW['W']*11*X1) ] separator = [ sym.Eq(0, N8 - N4), sym.Eq(0, C8 - C4), sym.Eq(0, M8 - M9), sym.Eq(0, W8 - W5) ] mixer2 = [ sym.Eq(0, M9 - M10), sym.Eq(0, H3 - H10) ] reactor2 = [ sym.Eq(0, H10 - MW['H']*2*X2), sym.Eq(0, M10 - MW['M']*X2), sym.Eq(0, -A6 + MW['A']*X2) ] mbals = mixer1 + reactor1 + separator + mixer2 + reactor2 # In[5]: specs + mbals # ### Solution # In[6]: soln = sym.solve(mbals + specs) soln # In[7]: for key in soln.keys(): print("{:3s} {:10.1f}".format(str(key), float(soln[key]))) # In[ ]: # # < [Separating Milk](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/jckantor/CBE20255/blob/master/notebooks/03.04-Separating-Milk.ipynb) | [Contents](toc.ipynb) | [Material Balances](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/jckantor/CBE20255/blob/master/notebooks/04.00-Material-Balances.ipynb) >

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