#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

Table of Contents

# Drawing # In[2]: import pandas as pd import numpy as np # necessity as pandas is built on np from IPython.display import Image # to display images # The Pandas library is built on NumPy and provides easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Python programming language. # # Refer to these cheatsheets: # https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.datacamp.com/blog_assets/PandasPythonForDataScience+(1).pdf # https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.datacamp.com/blog_assets/Python_Pandas_Cheat_Sheet_2.pdf # ### Input/Output # Different types of data can be loaded in pandas dataframe. Pandas dataframe is like looks spreadsheet table (just a rough analogy) # * **Most common input types** # * `pd.read_csv` # * `pd.read_excel/ pd.ExcelFile` # * `pd.read_feather` (feather format is used to reduce memory load in df as data is saved in binary form) # * `pd.read_json` # * `pd.read_html` # * `pd.read_pickle` (can also infer if pickled object is zipped using infer=) # # * **Output types have format `to_xxx` similar to input formats** # ### Pandas data structures # ** Pandas data strctures include `series` and `dataframe` ** # **Series**: A one-dimensional labeled array a capable of holding any data type # In[18]: Image('../images/series.png', width=500) # not pandas, just showing example series # In[22]: # index will set the index for further reference # data can be passed as list s = pd.Series([3, -5, 7, 4], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) # In[21]: s # **Can be indexed using both index name or number.** # number: --> filter indexes after value of number # :number --> filter indexes before value of number # In[42]: s[1:] # In[46]: s['a'] # In[47]: s[:'c'] # In[50]: s.index # In[37]: # series using dictionary s2 = pd.Series({'a':3, 'b': -1, 'c': 12}); s2 # In[38]: s2['b'] # **Dataframe**: A two-dimensional labeled data structure with columns of potentially different types. It is similar to excel table. # # Can make data frame using dictionary, list of list # In[25]: Image('../images/df.png', width=500) # In[288]: data = {'Country': ['Belgium', 'India', 'Brazil'], 'Capital': ['Brussels', 'New Delhi', 'Brasília'], 'Population': [11190846, 1303171035, 207847528]} # In[289]: df_sample = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Country', 'Capital', 'Population']) # In[290]: df_sample # ### Common dataframe functionality # Using famous `titanic data` for analysis and exploration. # https://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic/data # # * **Common things to do when we get data in a dataframe (examples shown below):** # * see dataframe shape (number of rows, number of columns) using `df.shape` # * see top 5 rows using `pd.head()` # * check datatype of each column using `pd.dtypes` # * check column names using `pd.columns` # * count unique values of each column to see cardinality levels using `pd.nunique()` # * number of non null in each column, memory usage of df, datatype (especially for large df) using `pd.info()` # # # In[3]: df = pd.read_csv('../data/train.csv') # read csv file # In[33]: df.shape # In[8]: df.head() # see top 5 rows of data # In[26]: df.dtypes # see datatype of each variable # In[27]: df.columns # column names # In[32]: df.nunique() # unique value for each variable # In[34]: df.info() # not null part is very useful to see how many nulls are there in data # ### Advanced Indexing # #### `iloc` # Select based on integer location (**that's why i**). Can select single or multiple # In[56]: df.iloc[0, 4] # 0 row, 4 column # In[58]: df.iloc[1:4, 2:6] # indexes are maintained. Can reset_index() to start index from 0 # #### `loc` # Select based on label name of column (can select single or multiple) # In[63]: df.loc[1:2,'Name':"Age"] # here row indexes are numbers but column indexes are name of columns # In[4]: df.loc[2,['Name',"Age"]] # here row indexes are numbers. # #### `ix` # ix has been deprecated in latest pandas library. It was used to select by label or position. But we can always use `loc` to select with labels and `iloc` to select with integers/position # #### `Boolean indexing` # Returns rows where the stated condition returns true # # * or -> condition 1 `|` condition 2 (`or` also works but throws ambiguity error for multiple conditions) # * and -> condition 1 `&` condition 2 (`and` also works but throws ambiguity error for multiple conditions # * not -> `~` (not condition) # * equal -> `==` Satisfying condition # * `any()` -> columns/rows with any value matching condition # * `all()` > columns/rows with all values matching some condition # In[31]: # select rows with either sex as female or Pclass as 1 df[(df.Sex == 'female') | (df.iloc[:,2] == 1) ].iloc[:3] # () are important # In[63]: # first 3 rows of gives all columns which have all string values or all int > 1 values df.loc[:,(df > 1).all()][:3] # In[65]: # first 3 rows of all columns which have all not null values df.loc[:,(df.notnull().all() )][:3] # In[67]: # first 3 rows of all columns which have atleast 1 null value df.loc[:, df.isnull().any()][:3] # In[33]: df[(df.iloc[:,2] == 1) & (df.Sex == 'female')].shape # In[39]: # fraction of males with Age > 25, df.shape[0] -> number of rows sum((df.Age > 25) & (df.Sex == 'male'))/df.shape[0] # In[50]: # number of people who survived and were not in class 3 sum((df.Survived != 0) & (~(df.Pclass == 3)) ) # #### `querying` # Query columns (filter rows) of dataframe with boolean expression (Filter based on condition) # In[75]: # filter all rows which have Age > Passenger ID df.query('Age > PassengerId') # `filter` # # Filter dataframe on column names or row names (labels) by regrex or just item names # In[3]: # filter only sex and age columns (first 2 rows) df.filter(items=['Age', 'Sex'])[:2] # In[6]: # filter only 0 and 5 row index df.filter(items=[0,5], axis=0) # In[8]: # first 2 rows of column names ending with "ed" (think of past tense) df.filter(like = 'ed', axis=1)[:2] # In[20]: # Can use same thing as above using regex also df.filter(regex='ed$', axis=1)[:2] # #### `isin` # # Filter rows of column based on list of multiple values # In[28]: df[df.Pclass.isin([0,1])].head() # ### Setting/ Resetting Index # Setting and resetting index are important when we merge/groupby 2 dataframe and want to do further analysis on new dataframe. A dataframe with repeated indexes can cause problems in filtering. Apart from this we cvan set a column into index which makes merging much faster # #### `set_index()` # Set any column you want as index of df # In[76]: # setting df.set_index('Ticket')[:2] # In[77]: # can set multiple columns as index also. Just pass them in list # Setting Ticket and Name as index df.set_index(['Ticket', 'Name'])[:2] # In[90]: # can see what are values of index. # checking index of 1st row df.set_index(['Ticket', 'Name']).index[0] # #### `reset_index()` # Can reset index back to 0....nrows-1 # In[91]: df_index = df.set_index(['Ticket', 'Name']) # In[92]: df_index[:2] # In[93]: df_index.reset_index()[:2] # In above case, index is back to 0,1... # #### `rename()` # Renaming column names or row indexes of dataframe. Default is index # In[94]: df.rename(columns={'Name': 'Whats_name', 'Fare':'Price'})[:2] # In[96]: # can use some mapper function also. default axis='index' (0) df.rename(mapper=str.lower, axis='columns')[:2] # ### Duplicated data # #### `unique()` # Number of unique values in a column of df (Use nunique() for count of unique in each column) # In[98]: df.Sex.unique() # #### `duplicated()` # Check duplicated in column. Returns True/False # In[102]: sum(df.PassengerId.duplicated()) # there are no duplicate passegerid. good thing to check # In[115]: # can check duplicates in index also. # useful if doubtful about duplicates in index doing bad things sum(df.index.duplicated()) # #### `drop_duplicates` # Drop rows which have duplicates # In[106]: # can help in getting unique combination of multiple columns # unique() dosn't work in this case df.loc[:,['Sex', 'Embarked']].drop_duplicates() # ### Grouping data # Group by some column/columns, then we can aggregate to get mean, count, sum or custom function based on the group # #### `groupby` # In[123]: # group by sex then count. # returns count in each column. difference in some cases because of nulls in those columns # can do iloc[:,0] to only get first column df.groupby(by = ['Sex']).count() # In[125]: # can use multiple conditions # group by sex and survived -> mean of age df.groupby(by = ['Sex', 'Survived']).mean().loc[:,'Age'] # In[145]: # can group by indexes also by using levels= # useful when we have multindexes # can use agg function with lambda func df_index = df.set_index(['Sex', 'Pclass']) df_index.groupby(level=[0,1]).agg({'Fare': lambda x: sum(x)/len(x), # this is also just mean actually 'Age' : np.mean}) # Interesting! Ticket price of 1st class female is approximately double of 1st class male # #### `transform` # Can apply such functions for all columns also using transform which transforms all rows # # In[153]: # shape of below code is same as original df df_index.groupby(level=[0,1]).transform(lambda x: sum(x)/len(x)).head() # ### Handling missing data # #### `dropna` # Drop rows with na # In[156]: # how=any -> row with any column = NA df.dropna(axis=0, how='any').shape # In[159]: # how=any -> row with all columns = NA df.dropna(axis=0, how='all').shape # In[167]: # drops column which have any row of NA [set(df.columns) - set(df.dropna(axis=1, how='any').columns)] # Three columns have been removed # #### `fillna` # In[173]: # replace with mean of that column # can put any specific value also # would not work for columns with string type like Cabin df.fillna(np.mean)[:1] # ### Combining Data # Drawing # #### `merge` / `join` # # * **how** = 'left', 'right', 'outer', 'inner' # * **on** # # In[182]: data1 = pd.DataFrame({'x1': list('abc'), 'x2': [11.432, 1.303, 99.906]}) # In[197]: data2 = pd.DataFrame({'x1': list('abd'), 'x3': [20.784, np.NaN, 20.784]}) # In[183]: data1 # In[198]: data2 # In[199]: # inner join when both table have that key (like sql) data1.merge(data2, how='inner', on='x1') # In[200]: # outer joins on all keys in both df and creates NA data1.merge(data2, how='outer', on='x1') # can also use `join` but `merge` is faster. just use merge # In[202]: # if columns overlap, have to specify suffix as it makes for all data1.join(data2, on='x1', how='left', lsuffix='L') # #### `concatenate` # In[223]: # join over axis=0, i.e rows combine # also adds all columns with na pd.concat([data1, data2], axis=0) # Notice that it has index duplicates as it maintain original df index # Can use `ignore_index=True` to make index start from 0 # In[211]: pd.concat([data1, data2], axis=0, ignore_index=True) # In[217]: data2.loc[3] = ['g', 500] # adding new row data2 # In[228]: # join over axis=1, i.e columns combine pd.concat([data1, data2], axis=1) # ### Date formatting # # * `to_datetime()` -> convert whatever format argument to datetime (obviously that can be parsed to datetime) # * `date_range()` -> generates datetime data # * `Datetimeindex` -> datetypeindex data # In[246]: pd.to_datetime('2018-2-19') # In[250]: # gives datetimeindex format pd.date_range('2018-4-18', periods=6, freq='d') # In[235]: data1['date'] = pd.date_range('2018-4-18', periods=3, freq='d') # In[236]: data1 # In[248]: data1.date # In[247]: pd.DatetimeIndex(data1.date) # ### Reshaping data # #### `pivot` -> reshape data # Ever used pivot table in excel? It's same. # In[252]: # index = new index, columns = new_columns, values = values to put df.pivot(index='Sex', columns = 'PassengerId', values = 'Age') # In above case, use of pivot doesn't make sense but this is just an example # #### `stack` # # Convert whole df into 1 long format # In[258]: df.stack() # You won't generally use it. I have never come across its use over my experience with python # ### Iteration # To get column/row indexes, series pair. # # * `iteritems()` for column-index, series # * `iterrows()` for row-index, series # In[286]: list(df.Sex.iteritems())[:5] # In[285]: list(df.iterrows())[0] # ### Apply functions # # * `apply` -> apply function over df # * `apply_map` -> apply function elementwise (for each series of df. think of column wise) # In[338]: # function squares when type(x) = float, cubes when type(x) = int, return same when other f = lambda x: x**2 if type(x) == float else x**3 if type(x) == int else x # In[335]: # whole series is passed df.Fare.apply(f)[:3] # In[339]: # elements are passed df.applymap(f)[:3] # ### Working with text data # What all can we do when we have string datatype in pandas dataframe/series ? # #### `str` # # Working with string format in pandas series/df # # We can do: # * `str.upper()/lower()` to convert string into upper or lower case # * `str.len()` to find the length of sting # * `str.strip()/lstrip()/rstrip()` to strip spaces # * `str.replace()` to replace anything from string # * `str.split()` to split words of string or using some other delimiter # * `str.get()` to access elements in slit list # * `str.resplit()` spit in reverse order of string based on some delimiter # * `str.extract()` extract specific thing from string. alphabet or number # # Let's see how to use all that in pandas series. Keep in mind pandas DataFrame has no attribute called `str` and works on Series object only. So, grab column of df, then apply `str` # # In[10]: # converts all rows into lower df.Name.str.lower().head() # In[16]: # converts all rows into upper df.Sex.str.upper().head() # In[17]: # counts all the characters including spaces df.Name.str.len().head() # In[46]: # splits strings in each row over whitespaces () # expand=True : expand columns # pat = regex to split on df.Name.str.split(pat=',',expand=True).head().rename(columns={0:'First_Name', 1: 'Last_Name'}) # In[42]: # splits strings in each row over whitespaces () # expand=False : doesn't expand columns # pat = regex to split on df.Name.str.split(expand=False).head() # In[49]: # replace Mr. with empty space df.Name.str.replace('Mr.', '').head() # In[71]: # get() is used to get particular row of split df.Name.str.split().get(1) # In[17]: df.Name[:10] # In[28]: # Extract just last name df.Name.str.extract('(?P[a-zA-Z]+)', expand=True).head() # ### End