from IPython.display import SVG SVG(filename='n-pendulum-with-cart.svg') from sympy import symbols from sympy.physics.mechanics import * n = 5 q = dynamicsymbols('q:' + str(n + 1)) # Generalized coordinates u = dynamicsymbols('u:' + str(n + 1)) # Generalized speeds f = dynamicsymbols('f') # Force applied to the cart m = symbols('m:' + str(n + 1)) # Mass of each bob l = symbols('l:' + str(n)) # Length of each link g, t = symbols('g t') # Gravity and time I = ReferenceFrame('I') # Inertial reference frame O = Point('O') # Origin point O.set_vel(I, 0) # Origin's velocity is zero P0 = Point('P0') # Hinge point of top link P0.set_pos(O, q[0] * I.x) # Set the position of P0 P0.set_vel(I, u[0] * I.x) # Set the velocity of P0 Pa0 = Particle('Pa0', P0, m[0]) # Define a particle at P0 frames = [I] # List to hold the n + 1 frames points = [P0] # List to hold the n + 1 points particles = [Pa0] # List to hold the n + 1 particles forces = [(P0, f * I.x - m[0] * g * I.y)] # List to hold the n + 1 applied forces, including the input force, f kindiffs = [q[0].diff(t) - u[0]] # List to hold kinematic ODE's for i in range(n): Bi = I.orientnew('B' + str(i), 'Axis', [q[i + 1], I.z]) # Create a new frame Bi.set_ang_vel(I, u[i + 1] * I.z) # Set angular velocity frames.append(Bi) # Add it to the frames list Pi = points[-1].locatenew('P' + str(i + 1), l[i] * Bi.x) # Create a new point Pi.v2pt_theory(points[-1], I, Bi) # Set the velocity points.append(Pi) # Add it to the points list Pai = Particle('Pa' + str(i + 1), Pi, m[i + 1]) # Create a new particle particles.append(Pai) # Add it to the particles list forces.append((Pi, -m[i + 1] * g * I.y)) # Set the force applied at the point kindiffs.append(q[i + 1].diff(t) - u[i + 1]) # Define the kinematic ODE: dq_i / dt - u_i = 0 kane = KanesMethod(I, q_ind=q, u_ind=u, kd_eqs=kindiffs) # Initialize the object fr, frstar = kane.kanes_equations(forces, particles) # Generate EoM's fr + frstar = 0 fr frstar from sympy import Dummy, lambdify from numpy import array, hstack, zeros, linspace, pi from numpy.linalg import solve from scipy.integrate import odeint arm_length = 1. / n # The maximum length of the pendulum is 1 meter bob_mass = 0.01 / n # The maximum mass of the bobs is 10 grams parameters = [g, m[0]] # Parameter definitions starting with gravity and the first bob parameter_vals = [9.81, 0.01 / n] # Numerical values for the first two for i in range(n): # Then each mass and length parameters += [l[i], m[i + 1]] parameter_vals += [arm_length, bob_mass] dynamic = q + u # Make a list of the states dynamic.append(f) # Add the input force dummy_symbols = [Dummy() for i in dynamic] # Create a dummy symbol for each variable dummy_dict = dict(zip(dynamic, dummy_symbols)) kindiff_dict = kane.kindiffdict() # Get the solved kinematical differential equations M = kane.mass_matrix_full.subs(kindiff_dict).subs(dummy_dict) # Substitute into the mass matrix F = kane.forcing_full.subs(kindiff_dict).subs(dummy_dict) # Substitute into the forcing vector M_func = lambdify(dummy_symbols + parameters, M) # Create a callable function to evaluate the mass matrix F_func = lambdify(dummy_symbols + parameters, F) # Create a callable function to evaluate the forcing vector def right_hand_side(x, t, args): """Returns the derivatives of the states. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray, shape(2 * (n + 1)) The current state vector. t : float The current time. args : ndarray The constants. Returns ------- dx : ndarray, shape(2 * (n + 1)) The derivative of the state. """ u = 0.0 # The input force is always zero arguments = hstack((x, u, args)) # States, input, and parameters dx = array(solve(M_func(*arguments), # Solving for the derivatives F_func(*arguments))).T[0] return dx x0 = hstack(( 0, pi / 2 * ones(len(q) - 1), 1e-3 * ones(len(u)) )) # Initial conditions, q and u t = linspace(0, 10, 1000) # Time vector y = odeint(right_hand_side, x0, t, args=(parameter_vals,)) # Actual integration lines = plot(t, y[:, :y.shape[1] / 2]) lab = xlabel('Time [sec]') leg = legend(dynamic[:y.shape[1] / 2]) lines = plot(t, y[:, y.shape[1] / 2:]) lab = xlabel('Time [sec]') leg = legend(dynamic[y.shape[1] / 2:]) from numpy import zeros, cos, sin, arange, around from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib import animation from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle def animate_pendulum(t, states, length, filename=None): """Animates the n-pendulum and optionally saves it to file. Parameters ---------- t : ndarray, shape(m) Time array. states: ndarray, shape(m,p) State time history. length: float The length of the pendulum links. filename: string or None, optional If true a movie file will be saved of the animation. This may take some time. Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.Figure The figure. anim : matplotlib.FuncAnimation The animation. """ # the number of pendulum bobs numpoints = states.shape[1] / 2 # first set up the figure, the axis, and the plot elements we want to animate fig = plt.figure() # some dimesions cart_width = 0.4 cart_height = 0.2 # set the limits based on the motion xmin = around(states[:, 0].min() - cart_width / 2.0, 1) xmax = around(states[:, 0].max() + cart_width / 2.0, 1) # create the axes ax = plt.axes(xlim=(xmin, xmax), ylim=(-1.1, 1.1), aspect='equal') # display the current time time_text = ax.text(0.04, 0.9, '', transform=ax.transAxes) # create a rectangular cart rect = Rectangle([states[0, 0] - cart_width / 2.0, -cart_height / 2], cart_width, cart_height, fill=True, color='red', ec='black') ax.add_patch(rect) # blank line for the pendulum line, = ax.plot([], [], lw=2, marker='o', markersize=6) # initialization function: plot the background of each frame def init(): time_text.set_text('') rect.set_xy((0.0, 0.0)) line.set_data([], []) return time_text, rect, line, # animation function: update the objects def animate(i): time_text.set_text('time = {:2.2f}'.format(t[i])) rect.set_xy((states[i, 0] - cart_width / 2.0, -cart_height / 2)) x = hstack((states[i, 0], zeros((numpoints - 1)))) y = zeros((numpoints)) for j in arange(1, numpoints): x[j] = x[j - 1] + length * cos(states[i, j]) y[j] = y[j - 1] + length * sin(states[i, j]) line.set_data(x, y) return time_text, rect, line, # call the animator function anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=len(t), init_func=init, interval=t[-1] / len(t) * 1000, blit=True, repeat=False) # save the animation if a filename is given if filename is not None:, fps=30, codec='libx264') animate_pendulum(t, y, arm_length, filename="open-loop.ogv") animate_pendulum(t, y, arm_length, filename="open-loop.mp4") from IPython.display import HTML h = \ """ """ HTML(h) equilibrium_point = hstack(( 0, pi / 2 * ones(len(q) - 1), zeros(len(u)) )) equilibrium_dict = dict(zip(q + u, equilibrium_point)) parameter_dict = dict(zip(parameters, parameter_vals)) # symbolically linearize about arbitrary equilibrium linear_state_matrix, linear_input_matrix, inputs = kane.linearize() # sub in the equilibrium point and the parameters f_A_lin = linear_state_matrix.subs(parameter_dict).subs(equilibrium_dict) f_B_lin = linear_input_matrix.subs(parameter_dict).subs(equilibrium_dict) m_mat = kane.mass_matrix_full.subs(parameter_dict).subs(equilibrium_dict) # compute A and B from numpy import matrix A = matrix(m_mat.inv() * f_A_lin) B = matrix(m_mat.inv() * f_B_lin) import control from numpy import dot, rank from numpy.linalg import matrix_rank assert matrix_rank(control.ctrb(A, B)) == A.shape[0] K, X, E = control.lqr(A, B, ones(A.shape), 1); def right_hand_side(x, t, args): """Returns the derivatives of the states. Parameters ---------- x : ndarray, shape(2 * (n + 1)) The current state vector. t : float The current time. args : ndarray The constants. Returns ------- dx : ndarray, shape(2 * (n + 1)) The derivative of the state. """ u = dot(K, equilibrium_point - x) # The controller arguments = hstack((x, u, args)) # States, input, and parameters dx = array(solve(M_func(*arguments), # Solving for the derivatives F_func(*arguments))).T[0] return dx x0 = hstack(( 0, pi / 2 * ones(len(q) - 1), 1 * ones(len(u)) )) # Initial conditions, q and u t = linspace(0, 10, 1000) # Time vector y = odeint(right_hand_side, x0, t, args=(parameter_vals,)) # Actual integration lines = plot(t, y[:, :y.shape[1] / 2]) lab = xlabel('Time [sec]') leg = legend(dynamic[:y.shape[1] / 2]) lines = plot(t, y[:, y.shape[1] / 2:]) lab = xlabel('Time [sec]') leg = legend(dynamic[y.shape[1] / 2:]) animate_pendulum(t, y, arm_length, filename="closed-loop.ogv") animate_pendulum(t, y, arm_length, filename="closed-loop.mp4") from IPython.display import HTML h = \ """ """ HTML(h)