my_int = 5 print my_int, type(my_int) my_float = 5.0 print my_float, type(my_float) my_boolean = False print my_boolean, type(my_boolean) my_string = 'hello' print my_string, type(my_string) my_list = [my_int, my_float, my_boolean, my_string] print type(my_list) for element in my_list: print type(element) print my_list[1] my_list[1] = 3.0 my_sublist = my_list[1:3] print my_sublist print type(my_sublist) # Function with a required and an optional argument def regress(x, c=0, b=1): return (x*b)+c print regress(5) # Only required argument print regress(5, 10, 3) # Use argument order print regress(5, b=3) # Specify the name to skip an optional argument # Function without return argument def divisible(a,b): if a%b: print str(a) + " is not divisible by " + str(b) else: print str(a) + " is divisible by " + str(b) divisible(9,3) res = divisible(9,2) print res # Function with multiple return arguments def add_diff(a,b): return a+b, a-b # Assigned as a tuple res = add_diff(5,3) print res # Directly unpacked to two variables a,d = add_diff(5,3) print a print d my_list = [1, False, 'boo'] my_list.append('extra element') my_list.remove(False) print my_list return_arg = my_list.append('another one') print return_arg print my_list my_string = 'kumbaya, milord' return_arg = my_string.replace('lord', 'lard') print return_arg print my_string subj_length = [180.0,165.0,190.0,172.0,156.0] subj_weight = [75.0,60.0,83.0,85.0,62.0] subj_bmi = [] # EXERCISE 1: Try to compute the BMI of each subject, as well as the average BMI across subjects # BMI = weight/(length/100)**2 subj_bmi = subj_weight/(subj_length/100)**2 mean_bmi = mean(subj_bmi) import numpy as np # Create a numpy array from a list subj_length = np.array([180.0,165.0,190.0,172.0,156.0]) subj_weight = np.array([75.0,60.0,83.0,85.0,62.0]) print type(subj_length), type(subj_weight) # EXERCISE 2: Try to complete the program now! # Hint: np.mean() computes the mean of a numpy array # Note that unlike MATLAB, Python does not need the '.' before elementwise operators # Multi-dimensional lists are just nested lists # This is clumsy to work with my_nested_list = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] print my_nested_list print len(my_nested_list) print my_nested_list[0] print len(my_nested_list[0]) # Numpy arrays handle multidimensionality better arr = np.array(my_nested_list) print arr # nicer printing print arr.shape # direct access to all dimension sizes print arr.size # direct access to the total number of elements print arr.ndim # direct access to the number of dimensions arr3d = np.array([ [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] , [[7,8,9],[10,11,12]] ]) print arr3d print arr3d.shape print arr3d.size print arr3d.ndim # The type of a numpy array is always... numpy.ndarray arr = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]) print type(arr) # So, let's do a computation print arr/2 # Apparently we're doing our computations on integer elements! # How do we find out? print arr.dtype # And how do we fix this? arr = arr.astype('float') # Note: this is not an in-place function! print arr.dtype print arr/2 # Alternatively, we could have defined our dtype better from the start arr = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], dtype='float') print arr.dtype arr = np.array([[1.,2.,3.],[4.,5.,6.]]) print arr.dtype arr = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]], dtype='float') # Indexing and slicing print arr[0,0] # or: arr[0][0] print arr[:-1,0] # Elementwise computations on slices # Remember, the LAST dimension is the INNER dimension print arr[:,0] * arr[:,1] print arr[0,:] * arr[1,:] # Note that you could never slice across rows like this in a nested list! # This doesn't work # print arr[1:,0] * arr[:,1] # And here's why: print arr[1:,0].shape, arr[:,1].shape # This however does work. You can always use scalars as the other operand. print arr[:,0] * arr[2,2] # Or, similarly: print arr[:,0] * 9. # EXERCISE 3: Create a 2x3 array containing the column-wise and the row-wise means of the original matrix # Do not use a for-loop, and also do not use the np.mean() function for now. arr = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]], dtype='float') # 1-D array, filled with zeros arr = np.zeros(3) print arr # Multidimensional array of a given shape, filled with ones # This automatically allows you to fill arrays with /any/ value arr = np.ones((3,2))*5 print arr # Sequence from 1 to AND NOT including 16, in steps of 3 # Note that using a float input makes the dtype a float as well # This is equivalent to np.array(range(1.,16.,3)) arr = np.arange(1.,16.,3) print arr # Sequence from 1 to AND including 16, in 3 steps # This always returns an array with dtype float arr = np.linspace(1,16,3) print arr # Array of random numbers between 0 and 1, of a given shape # Note that the inputs here are separate integers, not a tuple arr = np.random.rand(5,2) print arr # Array of random integers from 0 to AND NOT including 10, of a given shape # Here the shape is defined as a tuple again arr = np.random.randint(0,10,(5,2)) print arr arr0 = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]]) print arr0 # 'repeat' replicates elements along a given axis # Each element is replicated directly after itself arr = np.repeat(arr0, 3, axis=-1) print arr # We may even specify the number of times each element should be repeated # The length of the tuple should correspond to the dimension length arr = np.repeat(arr0, (2,4), axis=0) print arr print arr0 # 'tile' replicates the array as a whole # Use a tuple to specify the number of tilings along each dimensions arr = np.tile(arr0, (2,4)) print arr # 'meshgrid' is commonly used to create X and Y coordinate arrays from two vectors # where each array contains the X or Y coordinates corresponding to a given pixel in an image x = np.arange(10) y = np.arange(5) print x,y arrx, arry = np.meshgrid(x,y) print arrx print arry arr0 = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]]) arr1 = np.array([[5,6],[7,8]]) # 'concatenate' requires an axis to perform its operation on # The original arrays should be put in a tuple arr = np.concatenate((arr0,arr1), axis=0) print arr # as new rows arr = np.concatenate((arr0,arr1), axis=1) print arr # as new columns # Suppose we want to create a 3-D matrix from them, # we have to create them as being three-dimensional # (what happens if you don't?) arr0 = np.array([[[1],[2]],[[3],[4]]]) arr1 = np.array([[[5],[6]],[[7],[8]]]) print arr0.shape, arr1.shape arr = np.concatenate((arr0,arr1),axis=2) print arr # hstack, vstack, and dstack are short-hand functions # which will automatically create these 'missing' dimensions arr0 = np.array([[1,2],[3,4]]) arr1 = np.array([[5,6],[7,8]]) # vstack() concatenates rows arr = np.vstack((arr0,arr1)) print arr # hstack() concatenates columns arr = np.hstack((arr0,arr1)) print arr # dstack() concatenates 2D arrays into 3D arrays arr = np.dstack((arr0,arr1)) print arr # Their counterparts are the hsplit, vsplit, dsplit functions # They take a second argument: how do you want to split arr = np.random.rand(4,4) print arr print '--' # Splitting int equal parts arr0,arr1 = hsplit(arr,2) print arr0 print arr1 print '--' # Or, specify exact split points arr0,arr1,arr2 = hsplit(arr,(1,2)) print arr0 print arr1 print arr2 arr0 = np.arange(10) print arr0 print '--' # 'reshape' does exactly what you would expect # Make sure though that the total number of elements remains the same arr = np.reshape(arr0,(5,2)) print arr # You can also leave one dimension blank by using -1 as a value # Numpy will then compute for you how long this dimension should be arr = np.reshape(arr0,(-1,5)) print arr print '--' # 'transpose' allows you to switch around dimensions # A tuple specifies the new order of dimensions arr = np.transpose(arr,(1,0)) print arr # For simply transposing rows and columns, there is the short-hand form .T arr = arr.T print arr print '--' # 'flatten' creates a 1D array out of everything arr = arr.flatten() print arr # EXERCISE 4: Create your own meshgrid3d function # Like np.meshgrid(), it should take two vectors and replicate them; one into columns, the other into rows # Unlike np.meshgrid(), it should return them as a single 3D array rather than 2D arrays # not use the np.meshgrid() function def meshgrid3d(xvec, yvec): # fill in! xvec = np.arange(10) yvec = np.arange(5) xy = meshgrid3d(xvec, yvec) print xy print xy[:,:,0] # = first output of np.meshgrid() print xy[:,:,1] # = second output of np.meshgrid() arr = np.random.rand(5) print arr # Sorting and shuffling res = arr.sort() print arr # in-place!!! print res res = np.random.shuffle(arr) print arr # in-place!!! print res # Min, max, mean, standard deviation arr = np.random.rand(5) print arr mn = np.min(arr) mx = np.max(arr) print mn, mx mu = np.mean(arr) sigma = np.std(arr) print mu, sigma # Some functions allow you to specify an axis to work along, in case of multidimensional arrays arr2d = np.random.rand(3,5) print arr2d print np.mean(arr2d, axis=0) print np.mean(arr2d, axis=1) # Trigonometric functions # Note: Numpy works with radians units, not degrees arr = np.random.rand(5) print arr sn = np.sin(arr*2*np.pi) cs = np.cos(arr*2*np.pi) print sn print cs # Exponents and logarithms arr = np.random.rand(5) print arr xp = np.exp(arr) print xp print np.log(xp) # Rounding arr = np.random.rand(5) print arr print arr*5 print np.round(arr*5) print np.floor(arr*5) print np.ceil(arr*5) # EXERCISE 5: Make a better version of Exercise 3 with what you've just learned arr = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]], dtype='float') # What we had: print np.array([(arr[:,0]+arr[:,1]+arr[:,2])/3,(arr[0,:]+arr[1,:]+arr[2,:])/3]) # Now the new version: # EXERCISE 6: Create a Gabor patch of 100 by 100 pixels import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Step 1: Define the 1D coordinate values # Tip: use 100 equally spaced values between -np.pi and np.pi # Step 2: Create the 2D x and y coordinate arrays # Tip: use np.meshgrid() # Step 3: Create the grating # Tip: Use a frequency of 10 # Step 4: Create the Gaussian # Tip: use np.exp() to compute a power of e # Step 5: Create the Gabor # Visualize your result # (we will discuss how this works later) plt.figure(figsize=(15,5)) plt.subplot(131) plt.imshow(grating, cmap='gray') plt.subplot(132) plt.imshow(gaussian, cmap='gray') plt.subplot(133) plt.imshow(gabor, cmap='gray') # Check whether each element of a 2x2 array is greater than 0.5 arr = np.random.rand(2,2) print arr res = arr>0.5 print res print '--' # Analogously, check it against each element of a second 2x2 array arr2 = np.random.rand(2,2) print arr2 res = arr>arr2 print res # We can use these boolean arrays as indices into other arrays! # Add 0.5 to any element smaller than 0.5 arr = np.random.rand(2,2) print arr res = arr<0.5 print res arr[res] = arr[res]+0.5 print arr # Or, shorter: arr[arr<0.5] = arr[arr<0.5] + 0.5 # Or, even shorter: arr[arr<0.5] += 0.5 arr = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]) # The short-hand forms for elementwise boolean operators are: & | ~ ^ # Use parentheses around such expressions res = (arr<4) & (arr>1) print res print '--' res = (arr<2) | (arr==5) print res print '--' res = (arr>3) & ~(arr==6) print res print '--' res = (arr>3) ^ (arr<5) print res # To convert boolean indices to normal integer indices, use the 'nonzero' function print res print np.nonzero(res) print '--' # Separate row and column indices print np.nonzero(res)[0] print np.nonzero(res)[1] print '--' # Or stack and transpose them to get index pairs pairs = np.vstack(np.nonzero(res)).T print pairs import numpy as np # We will keep track of the sum of first occurence positions, # as well as the number of positions entered into this sum. # This way we can compute the mean. sum111 = 0. n111 = 0. sum123 = 0. n123 = 0. for sim in range(5000): # Keep track of how far along we are in finding a given pattern d111 = 0 d123 = 0 for throw in range(2000): # Throw a die die = np.random.randint(1,7) # 111 case if d111==3: pass elif die==1 and d111==0: d111 = 1 elif die==1 and d111==1: d111 = 2 elif die==1 and d111==2: d111 = 3 sum111 = sum111 + throw n111 = n111 + 1 else: d111 = 0 # 123 case if d123==3: pass elif die==1: d123 = 1 elif die==2 and d123==1: d123 = 2 elif die==3 and d123==2: d123 = 3 sum123 = sum123 + throw n123 = n123 + 1 else: d123 = 0 # Don't continue if both have been found if d111==3 and d123==3: break # Compute the averages avg111 = sum111/n111 avg123 = sum123/n123 print avg111, avg123 # ...can you spot the crucial difference between both patterns? # EXERCISE 7: Vectorize the above program # You get these lines for free... import numpy as np throws = np.random.randint(1,7,(5000,2000)) one = (throws==1) two = (throws==2) three = (throws==3) # Find out where all the 111 and 123 sequences occur find111 = find123 = # Then at what index they /first/ occur in each sequence first111 = first123 = # Compute the average first occurence location for both situations avg111 = avg123 = # Print the result print avg111, avg123 from PIL import Image # Opening an image is simple enough: # Construct an Image object with the filename as an argument im ='python.jpg') # It is now represented as an object of the 'JpegImageFile' type print im # There are some useful member variables we can inspect here print im.format # format in which the file was saved print im.size # pixel dimensions print im.mode # luminance/color model used # We can even display it # NOTE this is not perfect; meant for debugging # Alternative quick-show method from Tkinter import Tk, Button from PIL import ImageTk def alt_show(im): win = Tk() tkimg = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im) Button(image=tkimg).pack() win.mainloop() alt_show(im) # We can convert PIL images to an ndarray! arr = np.array(im) print arr.dtype # uint8 = unsigned 8-bit integer (values 0-255 only) print arr.shape # Why do we have three layers? # Let's make it a float-type for doing computations arr = arr.astype('float') print arr.dtype # This opens up unlimited possibilities for image processing! # For instance, let's make this a grayscale image, and add white noise max_noise = 50 arr = np.mean(arr,-1) noise = (np.random.rand(arr.shape[0],arr.shape[1])-0.5)*2 arr = arr + noise*max_noise # Make sure we don't exceed the 0-255 limits of a uint8 arr[arr<0] = 0 arr[arr>255] = 255 # When going back to PIL, it's a good idea to explicitly # specify the right dtype and the mode. # Because automatic conversions might mess things up arr = arr.astype('uint8') imn = Image.fromarray(arr, mode='L') print imn.format print imn.size print imn.mode # L = greyscale # or use alt_show() from above if show() doesn't work well for you # Note that /any/ 2D or 2Dx3 numpy array filled with values between 0 and 255 # can be converted to an image object in this way im ='python.jpg') # Make the image smaller ims = im.resize((800,600)) # Or you could even make it larger # The resample argument allows you to specify the method used iml = im.resize((1280,1024), resample=Image.BILINEAR) # Rotation is similar (unit=degrees) imr = im.rotate(10, resample=Image.BILINEAR, expand=False) # If we want to lose the black corners, we can crop (unit=pixels) imr = imr.crop((100,100,924,668)) # 'convert' allows conversion between different color models # The most important here is between 'L' (luminance) and 'RGB' (color) imbw = im.convert('L') print imbw.mode imrgb = imbw.convert('RGB') print imrgb.mode # Note that the grayscale conversion of PIL is more sophisticated # than simply averaging the three layers in Numpy (it is a weighted average) # Also note that the color information is effectively lost after converting to L from PIL import Image, ImageFilter im ='python.jpg') imbw = im.convert('L') # Contour detection filter imf = imbw.filter(ImageFilter.CONTOUR) # Blurring filter imf = imbw.filter(ImageFilter.GaussianBlur(radius=3)) from PIL import Image, ImageDraw im ='python.jpg') # You need to attach a drawing object to the image first imd = ImageDraw.Draw(im) # Then you work on this object imd.rectangle([10,10,100,100], fill=(255,0,0)) imd.line([(200,200),(200,600)], width=10, fill=(0,0,255)) imd.text([500,500], 'Python', fill=(0,255,0)) # The results are automatically applied to the Image object # PIL will figure out the file type by the extension'python.bmp') # There are also further options, like compression quality (0-100)'python_bad.jpg', quality=5) # EXERCISE 8: Visualize the difference between the PIL conversion to grayscale, and a simple averaging of RGB # Display pixels where the average is LESS luminant in red, and where it is MORE luminant in shades green # The luminance of these colors should correspond to the size of the difference # # Extra 1: Maximize the overall contrast in your image # # Extra 2: Save as three PNG files, of different sizes (large, medium, small) import numpy as np from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # As data for our plots, we will use the pixel values of the image # Open image, convert to an array im ='python.jpg') im = im.resize((400,300)) arr = np.array(im, dtype='float') # Split the RGB layers and flatten them R,G,B = np.dsplit(arr,3) R = R.flatten() G = G.flatten() B = B.flatten() # QUICKPLOT 1: Correlation of luminances in the image # This works if you want to be very quick: # (xb means blue crosses, .g are green dots) plt.plot(R, B, 'xb') plt.plot(R, G, '.g') # However we will take a slightly more disciplined approach here # Note that Matplotlib wants colors expressed as 0-1 values instead of 0-255 # Create a square figure plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) # Plot both scatter clouds # marker: self-explanatory # linestyle: 'None' because we want no line # color: RGB triplet with values 0-1 plt.plot(R, B, marker='x', linestyle='None', color=(0,0,0.6)) plt.plot(R, G, marker='.', linestyle='None', color=(0,0.35,0)) # Make the axis scales equal, and name them plt.axis([0,255,0,255]) plt.xlabel('Red value') plt.ylabel('Green/Blue value') # Show the result # QUICKPLOT 2: Histogram of 'red' values in the image plt.hist(R) # ...and now a nicer version # Make a non-square figure plt.figure(figsize=(7,5)) # Make a histogram with 25 red bins # Here we simply use the abbreviation 'r' for red plt.hist(R, bins=25, color='r') # Set the X axis limits and label plt.xlim([0,255]) plt.xlabel('Red value', size=16) # Remove the Y ticks and labels by setting them to an empty list plt.yticks([]) # Remove the top ticks by specifying the 'top' argument plt.tick_params(top=False) # Add two vertical lines for the mean and the median plt.axvline(np.mean(R), color='g', linewidth=3, label='mean') plt.axvline(np.median(R), color='b', linewidth=1, linestyle=':', label='median') # Generate a legend based on the label= arguments plt.legend(loc=2) # Show the plot # QUICKPLOT 3: Bar chart of mean+std of RGB values[0,1,2],[np.mean(R), np.mean(G), np.mean(B)], yerr=[np.std(R), np.std(G), np.std(B)]) # ...and now a nicer version # Make a non-square-figure plt.figure(figsize=(7,5)) # Plot the bars with various options # x location where bars start, y height of bars # yerr: data for error bars # width: width of the bars # color: surface color of bars # ecolor: color of error bars ('k' means black)[0,1,2], [np.mean(R), np.mean(G), np.mean(B)], yerr=[np.std(R), np.std(G), np.std(B)], width=0.75, color=['r','g','b'], ecolor='k') # Set the X-axis limits and tick labels plt.xlim((-0.25,3.)) plt.xticks(np.array([0,1,2])+0.75/2, ['Red','Green','Blue'], size=16) # Remove all X-axis ticks by setting their length to 0 plt.tick_params(length=0) # Set a figure title plt.title('RGB Color Channels', size=16) # Show the figure # So, copy-paste this line into the box above, before the command plt.savefig('bar.png') # There are some further formatting options possible, e.g. plt.savefig('bar.svg', dpi=300, bbox_inches=('tight'), pad_inches=(1,1), facecolor=(0.8,0.8,0.8)) # A simple grayscale luminance map # cmap: colormap used to display the values plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) plt.imshow(np.mean(arr,2), cmap='gray') # Importantly and contrary to PIL, imshow luminances are by default relative # That is, the values are always rescaled to 0-255 first (maximum contrast) # Moreover, colormaps other than grayscale can be used plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) plt.imshow(np.mean(arr,2)+100, cmap='jet') # or hot, hsv, cool,... # as you can see, adding 100 didn't make a difference here # 'Figure' objects are returned by the plt.figure() command fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,5)) print type(fig) # Axes objects are the /actual/ plots within the figure # Create them using the add_axes() method of the figure object # The input coordinates are relative (left, bottom, width, height) ax0 = fig.add_axes([0.1,0.1,0.4,0.7], xlabel='The X Axis') ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.2,0.2,0.5,0.2], axisbg='gray') ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.4,0.5,0.4,0.4], projection='polar') print type(ax0), type(ax1), type(ax2) # This allows you to execute functions like savefig() directly on the figure object # This resolves Matplotlib's confusion of what the current figure is, when using plt.savefig() fig.savefig('fig.png') # It also allows you to add text to the figure as a whole, across the different axes objects fig.text(0.5, 0.5, 'splatter', color='r') # The overall figure title can be set separate from the individual plot titles fig.suptitle('What a mess', size=18) # show() is actually a figure method as well # It just gets 'forwarded' to what is thought to be the current figure if you use # Create a new figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10)) # As we saw, many of the axes properties can already be set at their creation ax0 = fig.add_axes([0.,0.,0.25,0.25], xticks=(0.1,0.5,0.9), xticklabels=('one','thro','twee')) ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.3,0.,0.25,0.25], xscale='log', ylim=(0,0.5)) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.6,0.,0.25,0.25]) # Once you have the axes object though, there are further methods available # This includes many of the top-level pyplot functions # If you use for instance plt.plot(), Matplotlib is actually 'forwarding' this # to an Axes.plot() call on the current Axes object R.sort() G.sort() B.sort() ax2.plot(R, color='r', linestyle='-', marker='None') # plot directly to an Axes object of choice plt.plot(G, color='g', linestyle='-', marker='None') # plt.plot() just plots to the last created Axes object ax2.plot(B, color='b', linestyle='-', marker='None') # Other top-level pyplot functions are simply renamed to 'set_' functions here ax1.set_xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) # Show the figure # Create a new figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,5)) # Specify the LAYOUT of the subplots (rows,columns) # as well as the CURRENT Axes you want to work on ax0 = fig.add_subplot(231) # Equivalent top-level call on the current figure # It is also possible to create several subplots at once using plt.subplots() ax1 = plt.subplot(232) # Optional arguments are similar to those of add_axes() ax2 = fig.add_subplot(233, title='three') # We can use these Axes object as before ax3 = fig.add_subplot(234) ax3.plot(R, 'r-') ax3.set_xticks([]) ax3.set_yticks([]) # We skipped the fifth subplot, and create only the 6th ax5 = fig.add_subplot(236, projection='polar') # We can adjust the spacings afterwards fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4) # And even make room in the figure for a plot that doesn't fit the grid fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.5) ax6 = fig.add_axes([0.55,0.1,0.3,0.8]) # Show the figure # EXERCISE 9: Plot y=sin(x) and y=sin(x^2) in two separate subplots, one above the other # Let x range from 0 to 2*pi # This uses the result of the exercise above # You have to copy-paste it into the same code-box, before the # Add horizontal lines ax0.axhline(0, color='g') ax0.axhline(0.5, color='gray', linestyle=':') ax0.axhline(-0.5, color='gray', linestyle=':') ax1.axhline(0, color='g') ax1.axhline(0.5, color='gray', linestyle=':') ax1.axhline(-0.5, color='gray', linestyle=':') # Add text to the plots ax0.text(0.1,-0.9,'$y = sin(x)$', size=16) # math mode for proper formula formatting! ax1.text(0.1,-0.9,'$y = sin(x^2)$', size=16) # Annotate certain points with a value for x_an in np.linspace(0,2*np.pi,9): ax0.annotate(str(round(sin(x_an),2)),(x_an,sin(x_an))) # Add an arrow (x,y,xlength,ylength) ax0.arrow(np.pi-0.5,-0.5,0.5,0.5, head_width=0.1, length_includes_head=True) # This uses the result of the exercise above # You have to copy-paste it into the same code-box, before the # For instance, fetch the X axis # XAxis objects have their own methods xax = ax1.get_xaxis() print type(xax) # These methods allow you to fetch the even smaller building blocks # For instance, tick-lines are Line2D objects attached to the XAxis xaxt = xax.get_majorticklines() print len(xaxt) # Of which you can fetch AND change the properties # Here we change just one tickline into a cross print xaxt[6].get_color() xaxt[6].set_color('g') xaxt[6].set_marker('x') xaxt[6].set_markersize(10) # This uses the result of the exercise above # You have to copy-paste it into the same code-box, before the # Another example: fetch the lines in the plot # Change the color, change the marker, and mark only every 100 points for one specific line ln = ax0.get_lines() print ln ln[0].set_color('g') ln[0].set_marker('o') ln[0].set_markerfacecolor('b') ln[0].set_markevery(100) # Finally, let's create a graphic element from scratch, that is not available as a top-level pyplot function # And then attach it to existing Axes # NOTE: we need to import something before we can create the ellipse like this. What should we import? ell = matplotlib.patches.Ellipse((np.pi,0), 1., 1., color='r') ax0.add_artist(ell) ell.set_hatch('//') ell.set_edgecolor('black') ell.set_facecolor((0.9,0.9,0.9)) # EXERCISE 10: Add regression lines import numpy as np from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.lines as lines # Open image, convert to an array im ='python.jpg') im = im.resize((400,300)) arr = np.array(im, dtype='float') # Split the RGB layers and flatten them R,G,B = np.dsplit(arr,3) R = R.flatten() G = G.flatten() B = B.flatten() # Do the plotting plt.figure(figsize=(5,5)) plt.plot(R, B, marker='x', linestyle='None', color=(0,0,0.6)) plt.plot(R, G, marker='.', linestyle='None', color=(0,0.35,0)) # Tweak the plot plt.axis([0,255,0,255]) plt.xlabel('Red value') plt.ylabel('Green/Blue value') # Fill in your code... # Show the result import numpy as np import scipy.stats as stats # Generate random numbers between 0 and 1 data = np.random.rand(30) # Do a t-test with a H0 for the mean of 0.4 t,p = stats.ttest_1samp(data,0.4) print p # Generate another sample of random numbers, with mean 0.4 data2 = np.random.rand(30)-0.1 # Do a t-test that these have the same mean t,p = stats.ttest_ind(data, data2) print p import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats as stats # Simulate the size of the F statistic when comparing three conditions # Given a constant n, and an increasing true effect size. true_effect = np.linspace(0,0.5,500) n = 100 Fres = [] # Draw random normally distributed samples for each condition, and do a one-way ANOVA for eff in true_effect: c1 = stats.norm.rvs(0,1,size=n) c2 = stats.norm.rvs(eff,1,size=n) c3 = stats.norm.rvs(2*eff,1,size=n) F,p = stats.f_oneway(c1,c2,c3) Fres.append(F) # Create the plot plt.figure() plt.plot(true_effect,Fres,'r*-') plt.xlabel('True Effect') plt.ylabel('F') import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats as stats # Compute the pdf and cdf of normal distributions, with increasing sd's # Then plot them in different colors # (of course, many other distributions are also available) x = np.linspace(-5,5,1000) sds = np.linspace(0.25,2.5,10) cols = np.linspace(0.15,0.85,10) # Create the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5)) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(122) # Compute the densities, and plot them for i,sd in enumerate(sds): y1 = stats.norm.pdf(x,0,sd) y2 = stats.norm.cdf(x,0,sd) ax0.plot(x,y1,color=cols[i]*np.array([1,0,0])) ax1.plot(x,y2,color=cols[i]*np.array([0,1,0])) # Show the figure import numpy as np import scipy.fftpack as fft # The original data: a step function data = np.zeros(200, dtype='float') data[25:100] = 1 # Decompose into sinusoidal components # The result is a series of complex numbers as long as the data itself res = fft.fft(data) # FREQUENCY is implied by the ordering, but can be retrieved as well # It increases from 0 to the Nyquist frequency (0.5), followed by its reversed negative counterpart # Note: in case of real input data, the FFT results will be symmetrical freq = fft.fftfreq(data.size) # AMPLITUDE is given by np.abs() of the complex numbers amp = np.abs(res) # PHASE is given by np.angle() of the complex numbers phase = np.angle(res) # We can plot each component separately plt.figure(figsize=(15,5)) plt.plot(data, 'k-', lw=3) xs = np.linspace(0,data.size-1,data.size)*2*np.pi for i in range(len(res)): ys = np.cos(xs*freq[i]+phase[i]) * (amp[i]/data.size) plt.plot(ys.real, 'r:', lw=1) # Can you then plot what the SUM of all these components looks like? # ifft = inverse fft reconstructed = fft.ifft(res) plt.figure(figsize=(15,5)) plt.plot(data,'k-', lw=3) plt.plot(reconstructed, 'r:', lw=3) # Note that /some/ information has been lost, but very little print 'Total deviation:', np.sum(np.abs(data-reconstructed)) # Set components with low frequencies equal to 0 resf = res.copy() mask = np.abs(fft.fftfreq(data.size)) < 0.25 resf[mask] = 0 # ifft the modified components filtered = fft.ifft(resf) # And the result is high-pass filtered plt.figure(figsize=(15,5)) plt.plot(data,'k-', lw=3) plt.plot(filtered, 'r:', lw=3) import numpy as np from PIL import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.fftpack as fft im ='python.jpg').convert('L') arr = np.array(im, dtype='float') res = fft.fft2(arr) # Just set all amplitudes to one new_asp = np.ones(res.shape, dtype='float') # Then recombine the complex numbers real_part = new_asp * np.cos(np.angle(res)) imag_part = new_asp * np.sin(np.angle(res)) eq = real_part+(imag_part*1j) # And do the ifft arr_eq = fft.ifft2(eq).real # Show the result # Clear the high frequencies dominate now plt.figure() plt.imshow(arr_eq, cmap='gray')