using Logging; disable_logging(Logging.Warn) using Printf using Base64 using Plots pythonplot(fmt=:png) showimg(mime, fn; scale="") = open(fn) do f base64 = base64encode(f) option = ifelse(scale == "", "", """ width="$scale" """) display("text/html", """""") end using SymPy using LaTeXStrings using SpecialFunctions using QuadGK using Elliptic.Jacobi: cd, sn using LinearAlgebra: det # Override the definition of SymPy.jl: # @eval SymPy function, ::MIME"text/latex", x::SymbolicObject) print(io, as_markdown("\\displaystyle " * sympy.latex(x, mode="plain", fold_short_frac=false))) end @eval SymPy function, ::MIME"text/latex", x::AbstractArray{Sym}) function toeqnarray(x::Vector{Sym}) a = join(["\\displaystyle " * sympy.latex(x[i]) for i in 1:length(x)], "\\\\") """\\left[ \\begin{array}{r}$a\\end{array} \\right]""" end function toeqnarray(x::AbstractArray{Sym,2}) sz = size(x) a = join([join("\\displaystyle " .* map(sympy.latex, x[i,:]), "&") for i in 1:sz[1]], "\\\\") "\\left[ \\begin{array}{" * repeat("r",sz[2]) * "}" * a * "\\end{array}\\right]" end print(io, as_markdown(toeqnarray(x))) end showimg("image/jpeg", "images/trigonometric1.jpg", scale="40%") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/trigonometric2.jpg", scale="40%") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/trigonometric3.jpg", scale="80%") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/trigonometric4.jpg", scale="80%") # 1の原始3乗根 x, y, z = symbols("x y z") ω₃ = factor((-1+√Sym(-3))/2) latexstring(raw"\ds ω =", sympy.latex(ω₃)) # 因数分解の公式の確認 ω = symbols("ω") f3_factored = (x+y+z)*(x+ω*y+ω^2*z)*(x+ω^2*y+ω*z) f3 = simplify(f3_factored(ω=>ω₃)) latexstring(sympy.latex(f3_factored), "=", sympy.latex(f3)) pp = y*z qq = y^3+z^3 latexstring("p=", sympy.latex(pp)) |> display latexstring("q=", sympy.latex(qq)) |> display p, q = symbols("p q") latexstring(sympy.latex(x^3 - 3p*x + q), "=", sympy.latex((x^3 - 3pp*x + qq))) # (m-y^3)(m-z^3) の係数 m = symbols("m") f2_org = (m-y^3)*(m-z^3) f2 = expand((m-y^3)*(m-z^3)) latexstring(sympy.latex(f2_org), "=", sympy.latex(f2)) |> display c2 = sympy.Poly(f2, m).all_coeffs() latexstring(raw"\text{coefficients:}\ ", sympy.latex(c2)) # 2次方程式の解 p, q = symbols("p q") equ = m^2-q*m+p^3 sol = factor.(solve(equ, m)) latexstring(sympy.latex(equ), "=0") |> display latexstring(raw"\ds m = ", sympy.latex(sol[1]), ",", sympy.latex(sol[2])) # 3次方程式の解が得られていることの確認 y = sol[2]^(Sym(1)/3) z = p/y X = -[ y+z ω*y+ω^2*z ω^2*y+ω*z ] equ = @. X^3 - 3p*X + q res = @.(simplify((f->f(ω=>ω₃))(equ))) for i in 1:3 latexstring("x_{$i}^3-3px_{$i}+q=", sympy.latex(res[i])) |> display end latexstring(raw"\ds x_1 = ", sympy.latex(X[1])) |> display latexstring(raw"\ds x_2 = ", sympy.latex(X[2])) |> display latexstring(raw"\ds x_3 = ", sympy.latex(X[3])) |> display # 3次方程式の解 (SymPyのsolve函数による直接計算) x, p, q = symbols("x p q") equ = x^3-3p*x+q sol = solve(equ, x) latexstring("x^3-3px+q=0") |> display display(L"x = x_1,x_2,x_3") latexstring(raw"\ds x_1 = ", sympy.latex(sol[1])) |> display latexstring(raw"\ds x_2 = ", sympy.latex(sol[2])) |> display latexstring(raw"\ds x_3 = ", sympy.latex(sol[3])) |> display # 展開結果の確認 w, x, y, z = symbols("w x y z") f4_org = (w+x+y+z)*(w+x-y-z)*(w-x+y-z)*(w-x-y+z) f4 = expand(f4_org) latexstring(sympy.latex(f4_org)) |> display latexstring("=", sympy.latex(f4)) |> display # 展開結果の 0,1,2,3,4 次の係数の確認. # 3次の係数は0になっている. display(L"\text{coefficients:}\ ") c4 = sympy.Poly(f4, w).all_coeffs() p = c4[3]/(-2) latexstring("p=", sympy.latex(p)) q = c4[4]/8 latexstring("q=", sympy.latex(q)) r = x^2*y^2 + x^2*z^2 + y^2*z^2 @show simplify(c4[5] - (p^2-4r)) latexstring("r=", sympy.latex(r)) # p,q,rを使った公式の確認 ff4 = w^4 - 2p*w^2 + 8q*w + (p^2-4r) simplify(f4 - ff4) |> display latexstring("w^4-2pw^2+8qw+(p^2-4r)") |> display latexstring("=", sympy.latex(f4)) |> display m = symbols("m") equ = m^3 - p*m^2 + r*m - q^2 sol = simplify(factor(equ)) latexstring(sympy.latex(equ), "=", sympy.latex(sol)) # 補助的な3次方程式の形の確認 p, q, r, m, M = symbols("p q r m M") (f3 = m^3 - p*m^2 + r*m - q^2) |> display (g3 = simplify(expand(f3(m => M+p/3)))) |> display c3 = sympy.Poly(g3, M).all_coeffs() # w, p, q, r = symbols("w p q r") # factor.(solve(w^4 - 2p*w^2 + 8q*w + (p^2-4r), w)) A = [ w x y z x w z y y z w x z y x w ] d4 = det(A) d4 == f4 sympy.Poly(d4, w).all_coeffs() # ベルヌイ多項式のリスト k = 0,1,2,…,12 B(k,x) = sympy.bernoulli(k,x) SS(k,x) = (B(k+1,x+1) - B(k+1,Sym(1)))/(k+1) x = symbols("x") for k in 0:12 latexstring("B_{$k}(x)=", sympy.latex(B(k,x))) |> display end # べき乗和の公式のリスト k = 0,1,2,…,12 x = symbols("x") for k in 0:12 latexstring("S_{$k}(x)=", sympy.latex(factor(SS(k,x)))) |> display end # a(a-1)…(a-r+1) の和 a = symbols("a", integer=true) n = symbols("n", integer=true, positive=true) ff(a,r) = iszero(r) ? typeof(a)(1) : prod(a-i for i in 0:r-1) for r in 0:4 s = sympy.Sum(ff(a,r), (a,0,n)) latexstring(sympy.latex(s), "=", sympy.latex(s.doit().factor())) |> display end # Σ_{a=0}^n a^k を a(a-1)…(a-r+1) の和に帰着する方法で計算 stirlingsecond(n,k) = sympy.functions.combinatorial.numbers.stirling(n, k, kind=2) n = symbols("n", integer=true, positive=true) SSS(k,n) = expand(sum(stirlingsecond(k,r)*ff(n+1, r+1)/(r+1) for r in 0:k)) for k in 0:12 latexstring(raw"\sum_{j=0}^n", "j^{$k} =", sympy.latex(factor(SSS(k,n)))) |> display end struct AkiyamaTanigawa{T,S<:Integer} a::Array{T,2} N::S end Base.length(AT::AkiyamaTanigawa) = AT.N function AkiyamaTanigawa(a0::AbstractArray{T,1}) where T N = size(a0,1) a = zeros(eltype(a0), N, N) a[0+1,:] = a0 for n in 0:N-2 for m in 0:N-n-2 a[(n+1)+1,m+1] = (m+1) * (a[n+1, m+1] - a[n+1, (m+1)+1]) end end AkiyamaTanigawa(a, N) end function displayAT(AT::AkiyamaTanigawa) N = length(AT) s = raw"\begin{matrix}" * "\n" for n in 0:N-1 s *= prod(x * raw"&" for x in @.(sympy.latex(Sym(AT.a[n+1,1:N-n])))) s = replace(s, r"&$"=>"") s *= "& "^n * raw"\\\\" * "\n" end s *= raw"\end{matrix}" * "\n" l = latexstring(raw"\displaystyle", s) display(l) end L = 10 a0 = 1 .// collect(1:L+1) AT = AkiyamaTanigawa(a0) displayAT(AT) [B(n,1) for n in 0:L] a, b, c = 0.8, 0.5, 1.0 f(x,y) = a*x + b*y + c x = -10:0.1:5 y = -10:0.1:15 surface(x, y, f.(x',y), colorbar=false, size=(400,300)) plot!(x, @.(-(a*x + c)/b), zero(x); label="", c=:black, lw=0.5) plot!(; ylim=extrema(y)) title!("\$z = $a x + $b y + $c\$") a, b, c = 0.8, 0.5, 1.0 f(x,y) = a*x + b*y + c x = -10:0.1:5 y = -10:0.1:15 surface(x, y, abs.(f.(x',y)), colorbar=false, size=(400,300)) plot!(title="\$z = |$a x + $b y + $c|\$") # log x は上に凸な函数 x = 0:0.01:2.0 a, b = 0.3, 1.5 f(x) = log(x) t = 0:0.01:1.0 g(a,b,t) = (1-t)*f(a) + t*f(b) h(a,b,t) = (1-t)*a + t*b plot(size=(400,250), legend=:topleft, xlims=(0,2.0), ylims=(-2.0, 0.8)) plot!(x, f.(x), label=L"y = \log\,x") plot!(h.(a,b,t), g.(a,b,t), label="") plot!([a,a], [-10.0, f(a)], label=L"x = a", ls=:dash) plot!([b,b], [-10.0, f(b)], label=L"x = b", ls=:dashdot) # exp(x) は下に凸な函数 x = -1:0.01:2 a, b = -0.3, 1.5 f(x) = exp(x) t = 0:0.01:1.0 g(a,b,t) = (1-t)*f(a) + t*f(b) h(a,b,t) = (1-t)*a + t*b plot(size=(400,250), legend=:topleft, xlims=(-1,2), ylims=(0,8)) plot!(x, f.(x), label=L"y = e^x") plot!(h.(a,b,t), g.(a,b,t), label="") plot!([a,a], [-0.0, f(a)], label=L"x = a", ls=:dash) plot!([b,b], [-0.0, f(b)], label=L"x = b", ls=:dashdot) # 上に凸な函数 f(x) = log x の接線 x = 0:0.01:2.0 μ = 0.7 f(x) = log(x) g(μ,x) = (1/μ)*(x-μ) + f(μ) plot(size=(500,350), legend=:topleft, xlims=(0,1.7), ylims=(-2.2, 0.8)) plot!(x, f.(x), label=L"y = \log\,x") plot!(x, g.(μ,x), label=L"y = a(x-\mu)+f(\mu)", ls=:dashdot) plot!([μ, μ], [-3.0, f(μ)], label=L"x=\mu", ls=:dash) plot!(size=(400,250)) # M_p(x,y) = 1 のプロット f(p,x) = iszero(p) ? 1/x : (2 - x^p)^(1/p) P = plot(size=(500,500)) ps = [-10, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 10] for p in ps a = iszero(p) ? 1/3 : 2^(1/p) if p > 0 Δx = a/1000 x = Δx:Δx:a else Δx = 3/1000 x = a+eps():Δx:3 end plot!(x, f.(p,x), label="p = $p", ls=:auto) end plot(P, xlim=(0,3), ylim=(0,3), size=(300,300)) # α_i > π ならば周長と面積をより大きくできること t = range(0, 2π, length=400) theta = 2π * [0, 3/20, 14/20, 16/20, 18/20, 1] phi = copy(theta) phi[2] = theta[3] - π phi[3] = theta[2] + π plot(size=(300,300), aspect_ratio=1, legend=false) plot!(cos.(t), sin.(t), lw=0.5, color=:black) plot!(cos.(theta), sin.(theta), color=:blue) plot!(cos.(phi), sin.(phi), ls=:dash, color=:red) showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Jikkyo20140125limitsinc.jpg", scale="60%") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Jikkyo20140125ArcLength1.jpg", scale="60%") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Jikkyo20140125ArcLength2.jpg", scale="60%") t = symbols("t") x = √(1-t^2) y = t equ = diff(x, t)^2 + diff(y, t)^2 sol = simplify(equ) latexstring("x=", sympy.latex(x), raw",\quad y=", sympy.latex(y)) |> display latexstring(raw"\ds\left(\frac{dx}{dt}\right)^2+\left(\frac{dy}{dt}\right)^2=", sympy.latex(sol)) t, x, y = symbols("t x y") equ = [y-t*x, x^2+y^2-1] s = solve(equ, [x,y]) latexstring(raw"\text{euqation:}\; ", sympy.latex(equ[1]), raw"=0,\ ", sympy.latex(equ[2]), "=0") |> display latexstring(raw"\text{solution:}\; x = ", sympy.latex(s[2][1]), ", y = ", sympy.latex(s[2][2])) |> display X, Y= s[2][1], s[2][2] sol = simplify(diff(X,t)^2 + diff(Y,t)^2) latexstring(raw"\ds X=", sympy.latex(X), raw",\quad Y=", sympy.latex(Y)) |> display latexstring(raw"\ds\left(\frac{dX}{dt}\right)^2+\left(\frac{dY}{dt}\right)^2=", sympy.latex(sol)) showimg("image/jpeg", "images/sin-sinh.jpg", scale="80%") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/hyperbolicsine.jpg", scale="80%") # Edwards曲線の公式の確認 k, y = symbols("k y") x² = (1-y^2)/(1-k^2*y^2) y² = y^2 simplify(x² + y² - 1 - k^2*x²*y²) # Edwards曲線の二通りのプロット k² = -20 y = -1:0.01:1 x = @. √((1-y^2)/(1-k²*y^2)) P1 = plot(title="\$x^2+y^2=1+k^2x^2y^2\$ for \$k^2=$k²\$", titlefontsize=10) plot!(aspectratio=1, legend=false) plot!(x, y, color=:red) plot!(-x, y, color=:red) u = 0:0.01:3 P2 = plot(title="(cd u, sn u) for \$k^2=$k²\$", titlefontsize=10) plot!(aspectratio=1, legend=false) plot!(cd.(u,k²), sn.(u,k²)) plot(P1, P2, size=(500, 260)) # (cd u, sn u)のプロット k² = -20 u = -5:0.01:5 plot(title="Jacobi's elliptic functions for \$k^2=$k²\$", titlefontsize=10) plot!(u, cd.(u,k²), label="cd u", ls=:dash) plot!(u, sn.(u,k²), label="sn u") plot!(size=(500, 200), legend=:bottomleft) showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Jikkyo20140125GaussZeta.jpg", scale="80%") f(x,y) = exp(-(x^2+y^2)) g(x,y,r) = x^2+y^2 ≤ r^2 ? exp(-(x^2+y^2)) : zero(x) h(x,y,r) = (abs(x) ≤ r && abs(y) ≤ r) ? exp(-(x^2+y^2)) : zero(x) x = range(-2, 2, length=201) y = range(-2, 2, length=201) r = 1/√2 # z = e^{-(x^2+y^2)} のグラフ surface(x, y, f.(x', y), size=(400,250), colorbar=false) # A(r) のグラフ (r=1/√2) surface(x, y, g.(x', y, r), size=(400,250), colorbar=false) # B(r) のグラフ (r=1/√2) surface(x, y, h.(x', y, r), size=(400,250), colorbar=false) # A(√2 r) のグラフ (r=1/√2) surface(x, y, g.(x', y, √2*r), size=(400,250), colorbar=false) showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Jikkyo20140125GammaLaplace.jpg", scale="80%") stirling_approx(n) = n^n * exp(-n) * √(2π*n) error(x, x₀) = x - x₀ # 誤差 relative_error(x, x₀) = x/x₀ - 1 # 相対誤差 @printf("%2s %10s %13s %13s %13s\n", "n", "n!", "Stirling", "Error", "Rel.Err.") println("-"^60) for n in 1:10 ft = factorial(n) s = stirling_approx(n) err = error(s, ft) relerr = relative_error(s, ft) @printf("%2d %10d %13.4f %13.4f %13.4f\n", n, ft, s, err, relerr) end stirling_approx1(n) = n^n * exp(-n) * √(2π*n) * (1 + 1/(12n)) @printf("%2s %10s %20s %13s %13s\n", "n", "n!", "Improved Stirling", "Error", "Rel.Err.") println("-"^65) for n in 1:10 ft = factorial(n) s₁ = stirling_approx1(n) err = error(s₁, ft) relerr = relative_error(s₁, ft) @printf("%2d %10d %20.5f %13.5f %13.5f\n", n, ft, s₁, err, relerr) end @show stirling_approx(1) @show stirling_approx1(1); @show √(2π) @show √(2π) * 13/12 @show float(ℯ); showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Jikkyo20140125Stirling.jpg", scale="80%") # 前者の問題の SymPy による解 n = symbols("n", positive=true) binom(n,k) = gamma(n+1)/(gamma(k+1)*gamma(n-k+1)) sol = limit((binom(3n,n)/binom(2n,n))^(1/n), n=>oo) latexstring(raw"\ds\lim_{n\to\infty}\left(\frac{\binom{3n}{n}}{\binom{2n}{n}}\right)^{1/n}=", sympy.latex(sol)) # 後者の問題の SymPy による解 n = symbols("n", positive=true) sol = limit((1/n)*(gamma(2n+1)/gamma(n+1))^(1/n), n=>oo) latexstring(raw"\ds\lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{1}{n}\left(\frac{(2n)!}{n!}\right)^{1/n}=", sympy.latex(sol)) showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Jikkyo20140125Beta.jpg", scale="80%") x = symbols("x", real=true) sol = 2integrate(√(x*(1-x)^2), (x,0,1)) latexstring(raw"\ds 2\int_0^1\sqrt{x(1-x^2)}\,dx=", sympy.latex(sol)) showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Gamma-Beta-01.jpg", scale="60%") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Gamma-Beta-02.jpg", scale="60%") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Jikkyo20140125Wallis.jpg", scale="50%") display("text/html", "


") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Beta-Gamma-Gauss-Kummer-01.jpg", scale="50%") display("text/html", "


") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Beta-Gamma-Gauss-Kummer-02.jpg", scale="50%") display("text/html", "


") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Beta-Gamma-Gauss-Kummer-03.jpg", scale="80%") display("text/html", "


") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Beta-Gamma-Gauss-Kummer-04.jpg", scale="60%") display("text/html", "


") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Beta-Gamma-Gauss-Kummer-05.jpg", scale="70%") display("text/html", "


") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Beta-Gamma-Gauss-Kummer-06.jpg", scale="70%") display("text/html", "


") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Beta-Gamma-Gauss-Kummer-07.jpg", scale="70%") display("text/html", "


") showimg("image/jpeg", "images/Hurwitz-Gamma.jpg", scale="70%") @show 3 + 1/(2*3) @show 3 + 1/(2*3) - 1/(8*9*3) @show 3 + 1/(2*3) - 1/(8*10*4) @show √10; @show log(2); @show sum((-1)^(k-1)/k for k in 1:10^8); @show π/4; @show sum((-1)^(k-1)/(2k-1) for k in 1:10^8);