# !pip install geemap import os import geemap out_nlcd_qml = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~/Downloads"), "nlcd_style.qml") geemap.create_nlcd_qml(out_nlcd_qml) ee_class_table = """ Value Color Description 0 1c0dff Water 1 05450a Evergreen needleleaf forest 2 086a10 Evergreen broadleaf forest 3 54a708 Deciduous needleleaf forest 4 78d203 Deciduous broadleaf forest 5 009900 Mixed forest 6 c6b044 Closed shrublands 7 dcd159 Open shrublands 8 dade48 Woody savannas 9 fbff13 Savannas 10 b6ff05 Grasslands 11 27ff87 Permanent wetlands 12 c24f44 Croplands 13 a5a5a5 Urban and built-up 14 ff6d4c Cropland/natural vegetation mosaic 15 69fff8 Snow and ice 16 f9ffa4 Barren or sparsely vegetated 254 ffffff Unclassified """ out_qml = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~/Downloads"), "image_style.qml") geemap.vis_to_qml(ee_class_table, out_qml)