import numpy datadir = '../data/' num_points_to_plot = 50000 # affects size, rendering time for PDF plots. rr1 = [ x.split() for x in open(datadir + 'read2.ranks') ] rr1 = numpy.array([ (int(a), int(b)) for (a,b) in rr1 ]) rr1_x = [ a for (a, b) in rr1 ] rr1_y = [ b for (a, b) in rr1 ] rr2 = [ x.split() for x in open(datadir + 'read3.ranks') ] rr2 = numpy.array([ (int(a), int(b)) for (a,b) in rr2 ]) rr2_x = [ a for (a, b) in rr2 ] rr2_y = [ b for (a, b) in rr2 ] rr3 = [ x.split() for x in open(datadir + 'read15.ranks') ] rr3 = numpy.array([ (int(a), int(b)) for (a,b) in rr3 ]) rr3_x = [ a for (a, b) in rr3 ] rr3_y = [ b for (a, b) in rr3 ] clf() plot(rr1[:,0], rr1[:,1]) plot(rr2[:,0], rr2[:,1]) plot(rr3[:,0], rr3[:,1]) xlabel('k-mer rank') ylabel('k-mer abundance') legend(['no errors', 'single substitution error', 'multiple substitution errors']) axis([0, 80, 0, 250]) savefig('diginorm-ranks.pdf') show() import itertools, gzip def load_cmp_file(filename, limit=None): if filename.endswith('.gz'): fp = else: fp = open(filename) if limit: lines = [ line.split() for i, line in itertools.izip(range(limit), fp) ] else: lines = [ line.split() for line in fp ] lines = [ (float(a[0]), float(a[1])) for a in lines ] print 'loaded %d lines' % len(lines) return numpy.array(lines) genome_counts = load_cmp_file(datadir + 'genome-reads.fa.counts.cmp', limit=num_points_to_plot) clf() axis([0, 300, 0, 300]) #axis(ymax=1000) xlabel('read coverage by mapping') ylabel('read coverage by median k-mer count') plot(genome_counts[:,0], genome_counts[:,1], 'b.', rasterized=True) savefig('diginorm-sim-genome.pdf') show() c = numpy.corrcoef(genome_counts[:,0], genome_counts[:,1])[0,1] print c**2 ecoli_counts = load_cmp_file(datadir + 'ecoli_ref-5m.fastq.counts.cmp', limit=num_points_to_plot) # remove points from Illumina crap; see text for details. ecoli_counts = numpy.array([ (a,b) for (a,b) in ecoli_counts if b < 8000 ]) clf() #axis([0, 300, 0, 300]) #axis(xmax=200, ymax=200) #axis(ymax=10500,ymin=10000) #title('ecoli reads') xlabel('read coverage by mapping') ylabel('read coverage by median k-mer count') plot(ecoli_counts[:,0], ecoli_counts[:,1], 'b.', rasterized=True) savefig('diginorm-ecoli-genome.pdf') show() c = numpy.corrcoef(ecoli_counts[:,0], ecoli_counts[:,1])[0,1] print c**2 transcript_counts = load_cmp_file(datadir + 'transcript-reads.fa.counts.cmp', limit=num_points_to_plot) # remove points from Illumina crap; see text for details. transcript_counts = numpy.array([ (a,b) for (a,b) in transcript_counts if b < 20000 ]) clf() #axis([0, 250, 0, 250]) #title('transcript reads') xlabel('read coverage by mapping') ylabel('read coverage by median k-mer count') loglog(transcript_counts[:,0], transcript_counts[:,1], 'b.', rasterized=True) savefig('diginorm-sim-transcr.pdf') show() c = numpy.corrcoef(transcript_counts[:,0], transcript_counts[:,1])[0,1] print 'linear r^2', c**2 c = numpy.corrcoef([ math.log(z) for z in transcript_counts[:,0] ], [ math.log(z) for z in transcript_counts[:,1] ])[0,1] print 'log r^2', c**2 mouse_counts = load_cmp_file(datadir + 'mouse-5m.fq.counts.cmp', limit=num_points_to_plot) # remove points from Illumina crap; see text for details. mouse_counts = numpy.array([ (a,b) for (a,b) in mouse_counts if b < 20000 ]) clf() #axis([0, 250, 0, 250]) #title('mouse reads') xlabel('read coverage by mapping') ylabel('read coverage by median k-mer count') loglog(mouse_counts[:,0], mouse_counts[:,1], 'b.', rasterized=True) savefig('diginorm-mouse-transcr.pdf') show() c = numpy.corrcoef(mouse_counts[:,0], mouse_counts[:,1])[0,1] print 'linear r^2', c**2 za = [] zb = [] for a, b in mouse_counts: if a and b: za.append(math.log(a)) zb.append(math.log(b)) c = numpy.corrcoef(za, zb)[0,1] print 'log r^2', c**2 ecoli_cov = numpy.loadtxt(datadir + '') ecoli_cov[:,1] /= sum(ecoli_cov[:,1]) staph_cov = numpy.loadtxt(datadir + '') staph_cov[:,1] /= sum(staph_cov[:,1]) sar_cov = numpy.loadtxt(datadir + '') sar_cov[:,1] /= sum(sar_cov[:,1]) mapcov = numpy.loadtxt(datadir + '') keepcov = numpy.loadtxt(datadir + '') ecolicov = numpy.loadtxt(datadir + '') ecoli20cov = numpy.loadtxt(datadir + '') transcript_cov = numpy.loadtxt(datadir + '') mousecov = numpy.loadtxt(datadir + '') transcript_keepcov = numpy.loadtxt(datadir + '') mousekeepcov = numpy.loadtxt(datadir + '') mapcov[:,1] /= sum(mapcov[:,1]) keepcov[:,1] /= sum(keepcov[:,1]) ecolicov[:,1] /= sum(ecolicov[:,1]) ecoli20cov[:,1] /= sum(ecoli20cov[:,1]) transcript_cov[:,1] /= sum(transcript_cov[:,1]) mousecov[:,1] /= sum(mousecov[:,1]) transcript_keepcov[:,1] /= sum(transcript_keepcov[:,1]) mousekeepcov[:,1] /= sum(mousekeepcov[:,1]) plot(ecoli_cov[:,0], ecoli_cov[:,1]) plot(staph_cov[:,0], staph_cov[:,1]) plot(sar_cov[:,0], sar_cov[:,1]) xlabel("Per-base coverage of reference genome") ylabel("Fraction of total bases with that coverage") legend(["E. coli", "S. aureus single cell MDA", "SAR324 single cell MDA"]) axis(xmax=2000) savefig('/tmp/diginorm-coverage2-raw.pdf') ecoli_kcov = numpy.loadtxt(datadir + '') ecoli_kcov[:,1] /= sum(ecoli_kcov[:,1]) staph_kcov = numpy.loadtxt(datadir + '') staph_kcov[:,1] /= sum(staph_kcov[:,1]) sar_kcov = numpy.loadtxt(datadir + '') sar_kcov[:,1] /= sum(sar_kcov[:,1]) plot(ecoli_kcov[:,0], ecoli_kcov[:,1]) plot(staph_kcov[:,0], staph_kcov[:,1]) plot(sar_kcov[:,0], sar_kcov[:,1]) xlabel("Per-base coverage of reference genome") ylabel("Fraction of total bases with that coverage") legend(["E. coli", "S. aureus single cell MDA", "SAR324 single cell MDA"]) axis(xmax=100) savefig('/tmp/diginorm-coverage2-dn.pdf') fp = open(datadir + '') report = [ x.split()[:2] for x in fp ] report = [ (float(a) / 1e6, int(b)) for (a,b) in report[1:] ] report = [ (a, b, float(b)/float(a)/1e6) for (a,b) in report if a ] print report[0] x = [ a for (a,b,c) in report ] y = [ c for (a,b,c) in report ] clf() xlabel("Number of reads (m)") ylabel("Total fraction of reads kept") axis([0, 30, 0, 1.0]) plot(x,y) savefig('diginorm-accumulation.pdf') def load_endbias(filename): data = [ i.split() for i in open(filename) ] x = [ int(a) for (a,_,b,_) in data ] y = [ float(b) for (a,_,b,_) in data ] return (x, y) end_tr_x, end_tr_y = load_endbias(datadir + 'endbias-transcripts.txt') end_g_x, end_g_y = load_endbias(datadir + 'endbias-genome.txt') clf() xlabel("Distance from k-mer to end of source sequence") ylabel("Fraction of positions with missing k-mers") axis([-5,50,-.05, 1.1]) plot(end_tr_x, end_tr_y) plot(end_g_x, end_g_y) legend(['simulated transcripts', 'simulated genome']) savefig('diginorm-endbias.pdf') show()