val path = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/source/" interp.load.module(ammonite.ops.Path(java.nio.file.FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(path))) import chisel3._ import chisel3.util._ import chisel3.iotesters.{ChiselFlatSpec, Driver, PeekPokeTester} class ParameterizedScalaObject(param1: Int, param2: String) { println(s"I have parameters: param1 = $param1 and param2 = $param2") } val obj1 = new ParameterizedScalaObject(4, "Hello") val obj2 = new ParameterizedScalaObject(4 + 2, "World") class ParameterizedWidthAdder(in0Width: Int, in1Width: Int, sumWidth: Int) extends Module { require(in0Width >= 0) require(in1Width >= 0) require(sumWidth >= 0) val io = IO(new Bundle { val in0 = Input(UInt(in0Width.W)) val in1 = Input(UInt(in1Width.W)) val sum = Output(UInt(sumWidth.W)) }) // a +& b includes the carry, a + b does not io.sum := io.in0 +& io.in1 } println(getVerilog(new ParameterizedWidthAdder(1, 4, 6))) /** Sort4 sorts its 4 inputs to its 4 outputs */ class Sort4(ascending: Boolean) extends Module { val io = IO(new Bundle { val in0 = Input(UInt(16.W)) val in1 = Input(UInt(16.W)) val in2 = Input(UInt(16.W)) val in3 = Input(UInt(16.W)) val out0 = Output(UInt(16.W)) val out1 = Output(UInt(16.W)) val out2 = Output(UInt(16.W)) val out3 = Output(UInt(16.W)) }) // this comparison funtion decides < or > based on the module's parameterization def comp(l: UInt, r: UInt): Bool = { if (ascending) { l < r } else { l > r } } val row10 = Wire(UInt(16.W)) val row11 = Wire(UInt(16.W)) val row12 = Wire(UInt(16.W)) val row13 = Wire(UInt(16.W)) when(comp(io.in0, io.in1)) { row10 := io.in0 // preserve first two elements row11 := io.in1 }.otherwise { row10 := io.in1 // swap first two elements row11 := io.in0 } when(comp(io.in2, io.in3)) { row12 := io.in2 // preserve last two elements row13 := io.in3 }.otherwise { row12 := io.in3 // swap last two elements row13 := io.in2 } val row21 = Wire(UInt(16.W)) val row22 = Wire(UInt(16.W)) when(comp(row11, row12)) { row21 := row11 // preserve middle 2 elements row22 := row12 }.otherwise { row21 := row12 // swap middle two elements row22 := row11 } val row31 = Wire(UInt(16.W)) val row32 = Wire(UInt(16.W)) when(comp(row10, row13)) { row31 := row10 // preserve middle 2 elements row32 := row13 }.otherwise { row31 := row13 // swap middle two elements row32 := row10 } when(comp(row10, row21)) { io.out0 := row31 // preserve first two elements io.out1 := row21 }.otherwise { io.out0 := row21 // swap first two elements io.out1 := row31 } when(comp(row22, row13)) { io.out2 := row22 // preserve first two elements io.out3 := row32 }.otherwise { io.out2 := row32 // swap first two elements io.out3 := row22 } } // verify the inputs are sorted class Sort4AscendingTester(c: Sort4) extends PeekPokeTester(c) { poke(, 3) poke(, 6) poke(, 9) poke(, 12) expect(, 3) expect(, 6) expect(, 9) expect(, 12) poke(, 13) poke(, 4) poke(, 6) poke(, 1) expect(, 1) expect(, 4) expect(, 6) expect(, 13) poke(, 13) poke(, 6) poke(, 4) poke(, 1) expect(, 1) expect(, 4) expect(, 6) expect(, 13) } class Sort4DescendingTester(c: Sort4) extends PeekPokeTester(c) { poke(, 3) poke(, 6) poke(, 9) poke(, 12) expect(, 12) expect(, 9) expect(, 6) expect(, 3) poke(, 13) poke(, 4) poke(, 6) poke(, 1) expect(, 13) expect(, 6) expect(, 4) expect(, 1) poke(, 1) poke(, 6) poke(, 4) poke(, 13) expect(, 13) expect(, 6) expect(, 4) expect(, 1) } // Here are the testers val worksAscending = iotesters.Driver(() => new Sort4(true)) { c => new Sort4AscendingTester(c) } val worksDescending = iotesters.Driver(() => new Sort4(false)) { c => new Sort4DescendingTester(c) } assert(worksAscending && worksDescending) // Scala Code: if works == false, will throw an error println("SUCCESS!!") // Scala Code: if we get here, our tests passed! val map = Map("a" -> 1) val a = map("a") println(a) val b = map("b") println(b) val map = Map("a" -> 1) val a = map.get("a") println(a) val b = map.get("b") println(b) val some = Some(1) val none = None println(some.get) // Returns 1 // println(none.get) // Errors! println(some.getOrElse(2)) // Returns 1 println(none.getOrElse(2)) // Returns 2 class DelayBy1(resetValue: Option[UInt] = None) extends Module { val io = IO(new Bundle { val in = Input( UInt(16.W)) val out = Output(UInt(16.W)) }) val reg = if (resetValue.isDefined) { // resetValue = Some(number) RegInit(resetValue.get) } else { //resetValue = None Reg(UInt()) } reg := io.out := reg } println(getVerilog(new DelayBy1)) println(getVerilog(new DelayBy1(Some(3.U)))) // y is an integer variable defined somewhere else in the code val y = 7 /// ... val x = y match { case 0 => "zero" // One common syntax, preferred if fits in one line case 1 => // Another common syntax, preferred if does not fit in one line. "one" // Note the code block continues until the next case case 2 => { // Another syntax, but curly braces are not required "two" } case _ => "many" // _ is a wildcard that matches all values } println("y is " + x) def animalType(biggerThanBreadBox: Boolean, meanAsCanBe: Boolean): String = { (biggerThanBreadBox, meanAsCanBe) match { case (true, true) => "wolverine" case (true, false) => "elephant" case (false, true) => "shrew" case (false, false) => "puppy" } } println(animalType(true, true)) val sequence = Seq("a", 1, 0.0) sequence.foreach { x => x match { case s: String => println(s"$x is a String") case s: Int => println(s"$x is an Int") case s: Double => println(s"$x is a Double") case _ => println(s"$x is an unknown type!") } } val sequence = Seq("a", 1, 0.0) sequence.foreach { x => x match { case _: Int | _: Double => println(s"$x is a number!") case _ => println(s"$x is an unknown type!") } } val sequence = Seq(Seq("a"), Seq(1), Seq(0.0)) sequence.foreach { x => x match { case s: Seq[String] => println(s"$x is a String") case s: Seq[Int] => println(s"$x is an Int") case s: Seq[Double] => println(s"$x is a Double") } } class DelayBy1(resetValue: Option[UInt] = None) extends Module { val io = IO(new Bundle { val in = Input( UInt(16.W)) val out = Output(UInt(16.W)) }) val reg = resetValue match { case Some(r) => RegInit(r) case None => Reg(UInt()) } reg := io.out := reg } println(getVerilog(new DelayBy1)) println(getVerilog(new DelayBy1(Some(3.U)))) class HalfFullAdder(val hasCarry: Boolean) extends Module { val io = IO(new Bundle { val a = Input(UInt(1.W)) val b = Input(UInt(1.W)) val carryIn = if (hasCarry) Some(Input(UInt(1.W))) else None val s = Output(UInt(1.W)) val carryOut = Output(UInt(1.W)) }) val sum = io.a +& io.b +& io.carryIn.getOrElse(0.U) io.s := sum(0) io.carryOut := sum(1) } class HalfAdderTester(c: HalfFullAdder) extends PeekPokeTester(c) { require(!c.hasCarry, "DUT must be half adder") // 0 + 0 = 0 poke(, 0) poke(, 0) expect(, 0) expect(, 0) // 0 + 1 = 1 poke(, 1) expect(, 1) expect(, 0) // 1 + 1 = 2 poke(, 1) expect(, 0) expect(, 1) // 1 + 0 = 1 poke(, 0) expect(, 1) expect(, 0) } class FullAdderTester(c: HalfFullAdder) extends PeekPokeTester(c) { require(c.hasCarry, "DUT must be half adder") poke(, 0) // 0 + 0 + 0 = 0 poke(, 0) poke(, 0) expect(, 0) expect(, 0) // 0 + 0 + 1 = 1 poke(, 1) expect(, 1) expect(, 0) // 0 + 1 + 1 = 2 poke(, 1) expect(, 0) expect(, 1) // 0 + 1 + 0 = 1 poke(, 0) expect(, 1) expect(, 0) poke(, 1) // 1 + 0 + 0 = 1 poke(, 0) poke(, 0) expect(, 1) expect(, 0) // 1 + 0 + 1 = 2 poke(, 1) expect(, 0) expect(, 1) // 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 poke(, 1) expect(, 1) expect(, 1) // 1 + 1 + 0 = 2 poke(, 0) expect(, 0) expect(, 1) } val worksHalf = iotesters.Driver(() => new HalfFullAdder(false)) { c => new HalfAdderTester(c) } val worksFull = iotesters.Driver(() => new HalfFullAdder(true)) { c => new FullAdderTester(c) } assert(worksHalf && worksFull) // Scala Code: if works == false, will throw an error println("SUCCESS!!") // Scala Code: if we get here, our tests passed! class HalfFullAdder(val hasCarry: Boolean) extends Module { val io = IO(new Bundle { val a = Input(UInt(1.W)) val b = Input(UInt(1.W)) val carryIn = Input(if (hasCarry) UInt(1.W) else UInt(0.W)) val s = Output(UInt(1.W)) val carryOut = Output(UInt(1.W)) }) val sum = io.a +& io.b +& io.carryIn io.s := sum(0) io.carryOut := sum(1) } println("Half Adder:") println(getVerilog(new HalfFullAdder(false))) println("\n\nFull Adder:") println(getVerilog(new HalfFullAdder(true))) object CatDog { implicit val numberOfCats: Int = 3 //implicit val numberOfDogs: Int = 5 def tooManyCats(nDogs: Int)(implicit nCats: Int): Boolean = nCats > nDogs val imp = tooManyCats(2) // Argument passed implicitly! val exp = tooManyCats(2)(1) // Argument passed explicitly! } CatDog.imp CatDog.exp sealed trait Verbosity implicit case object Silent extends Verbosity case object Verbose extends Verbosity class ParameterizedWidthAdder(in0Width: Int, in1Width: Int, sumWidth: Int)(implicit verbosity: Verbosity) extends Module { def log(msg: => String): Unit = verbosity match { case Silent => case Verbose => println(msg) } require(in0Width >= 0) log(s"in0Width of $in0Width OK") require(in1Width >= 0) log(s"in1Width of $in1Width OK") require(sumWidth >= 0) log(s"sumWidth of $sumWidth OK") val io = IO(new Bundle { val in0 = Input(UInt(in0Width.W)) val in1 = Input(UInt(in1Width.W)) val sum = Output(UInt(sumWidth.W)) }) log("Made IO") io.sum := io.in0 + io.in1 log("Assigned output") } println(getVerilog(new ParameterizedWidthAdder(1, 4, 5))) println(getVerilog(new ParameterizedWidthAdder(1, 4, 5)(Verbose))) class Animal(val name: String, val species: String) class Human(val name: String) implicit def human2animal(h: Human): Animal = new Animal(, "Homo sapiens") val me = new Human("Adam") println(me.species) // Mealy machine has case class BinaryMealyParams( // number of states nStates: Int, // initial state s0: Int, // function describing state transition stateTransition: (Int, Boolean) => Int, // function describing output output: (Int, Boolean) => Int ) { require(nStates >= 0) require(s0 < nStates && s0 >= 0) } class BinaryMealy(val mp: BinaryMealyParams) extends Module { val io = IO(new Bundle { val in = Input(Bool()) val out = Output(UInt()) }) val state = RegInit(UInt(), mp.s0.U) // output zero if no states io.out := 0.U for (i <- 0 until mp.nStates) { when (state === i.U) { when ( { state := mp.stateTransition(i, true).U io.out := mp.output(i, true).U }.otherwise { state := mp.stateTransition(i, false).U io.out := mp.output(i, false).U } } } } // example from val nStates = 3 val s0 = 2 def stateTransition(state: Int, in: Boolean): Int = { if (in) { 1 } else { 0 } } def output(state: Int, in: Boolean): Int = { if (state == 2) { return 0 } if ((state == 1 && !in) || (state == 0 && in)) { return 1 } else { return 0 } } val testParams = BinaryMealyParams(nStates, s0, stateTransition, output) class BinaryMealyTester(c: BinaryMealy) extends PeekPokeTester(c) { poke(, false) expect(, 0) step(1) poke(, false) expect(, 0) step(1) poke(, false) expect(, 0) step(1) poke(, true) expect(, 1) step(1) poke(, true) expect(, 0) step(1) poke(, false) expect(, 1) step(1) poke(, true) expect(, 1) step(1) poke(, false) expect(, 1) step(1) poke(, true) expect(, 1) } val works = iotesters.Driver(() => new BinaryMealy(testParams)) { c => new BinaryMealyTester(c) } assert(works) // Scala Code: if works == false, will throw an error println("SUCCESS!!") // Scala Code: if we get here, our tests passed!