#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: # %load /Users/facaiyan/Study/book_notes/preconfig.py get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns sns.set(color_codes=True) plt.rcParams['axes.grid'] = False import numpy as np #from IPython.display import SVG def show_image(filename, figsize=None, res_dir=True): if figsize: plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if res_dir: filename = './res/{}'.format(filename) plt.imshow(plt.imread(filename)) # Chapter 6 Deep Feedforward Networks # =================================== # feedforward: no feedback connections. # # input layer -> hidden layers -> output layer # # \begin{align} # y &= f(x; \theta) \approx f^*(x) \\ # &= W^T \phi(x) + b # \end{align} # # how to choose the mapping $\phi$? # # + use a very generic $\phi$, such as RBF kernel $\implies$ generation remains poor. # + manually engineer $\phi$ $\implies$ classical feature engineer. # + learn $\phi$ by deep learning. $y = f(x; \theta, w) = \phi(x; \theta)^T w$. # - advantage: only needs to find the right general function family *VS* find the right function. # ### 6.1 Example: Learning XOR # # $h = g(W^T x + c)$, where an affine transformation followed by an activation function $g$. # In[2]: show_image("fig6_2.png", figsize=(5, 8)) # default activation function is rectified linear unit (ReLU): $g(z) = max\{0, z\}$ # + advantage: # 1. piecewise linear function: very close to linear. # 2. easy to optimize with gradient-base methods. # In[3]: relu = lambda x: np.maximum(0, x) x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 1000) y = relu(x) plt.ylim([-1, 3]) plt.grid(True) plt.plot(x, y) # ### 6.2 Gradient-Based Learning # # important: # # + initialize all weights to small random values. # + initialize biases to zero or small positive values (push result to right area of ReLU). # # # #### 6.2.1 Cost Functions # # In most cases, # # + our parametric model defines a distribution $p(y | x; \theta)$, # + simply use the priciple of maximum likelihood. # # $\implies$ [cross-entropy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_entropy) as the cost function. # # # ##### Learning Conditional Distributions with Maximum Likelihood # # maximum likelihdood in neural networks => cost function is simply the negative log-likelihood == cross-entropy. # # \begin{equation} # J(\theta) = - \mathbb{E}_{x, y \sim \hat{p}_{data}} \log p_{model}(y | x) # \end{equation} # # advantage: # # + Specifying a model p(y | x) automatically determines a cost function log p(y | x). => removes the burden of designing cost functions for each model. # + Undo the exp of some output units => avoid staturate problem (flat area, very small gradient). # # unusual property of the cross-entropy cose: does not have a minimum value (negative infinity). => regularization. # # # ##### Learning Conditional Statistics # # cost L2: learn mean of y when x is given. # # cost L1: learn median of y when x is given. # #### 6.2.2 Output Units # # ##### Linear Units for Gaussian Output Distributions # # Linear output layers are often used to produce the mean of a conditional Gaussian distribution. # # 这里意思是说,给定$x$,它对应的样本集$y$应是高斯分布。而用线性模型来学习,预测的正是样本集均值$f(x) = \bar{y}$。可见,这种情况常见于回归问题。 # # # ##### Sigmoid Units for Bernoulli Output Distributions # # binary classification # # \begin{align} # P(y) &= \delta((2y - 1) z) \quad \text{where } z = w^T h + b \\ # J(\theta) &= - \log P(y | x) \quad \text{undo exp} \\ # &= \zeta ((1 - 2y) z) # \end{align} # # maximum likelihood is almost always the preferred approach to training sigmoid # output units. # # # ##### Softmax Units for Multinoulli Output Distributions # # multiple classification # # \begin{equation} # \operatorname{softmax}(z)_i = \frac{\exp(z_i)}{\sum_j \exp(z_j)} # \end{equation} # # \begin{align} # \log \operatorname{softmax}(z)_i &= z_i - log \sum_j \exp(z_j) \\ # & \approx z_i - \max_j (z_j) # \end{align} # # + Overall, unregularized maximum likelihood will drive the softmax to predict the fraction of counts of counts of each outcome observed in the training set. # # + The argument $z$ can be produced in two different ways: # 1. one vs rest: N estimators # 2. choose one class as "pivot" class: N - 1 estimators # # + softmax provides a "softened" version of the argmax. # # # ##### Other Output Types # # In general, think neural network as representing a function $f(x; \thetha) = w$, which provides the parameters for a distribution over $y$. Our loss function can then be inperpreted as $- \log p(y; w(x))$. # ### 6.3 Hidden Units # # + Rectified linear units are an excellent default choice of hidden unit. # + In practice, gradient descent still performs well enough for functions which are not actually differentiable. # # #### 6.3.1 Rectified Linear Units and Their Generalizations # # #### 6.3.2 Logistic Sigmoid and Hyperbolic Tangent # # The widespread saturation of sigmoidal units => use as hidden units is now discouraged. # # ##### 6.3.3 Other Hidden Units # ### 6.4 Architecture Design # # + layers: group of units # + chain structure # 1. the depth of the network # 2. the width of each layer # # #### 6.4.1 Universal Approximation Properties and Depth # # universal approximation theorem: large MLP will be able to **represent** any function. However, we are not guaranteed that the training algorithm will be able to **learn** that function. # # Empirically, greater depth does seem to result in better generalization. # # #### 6.4.2 Other Architectural Considerations # ### 6.5 Back-Propagation and Other Differentiation Algorithms # # chain rule: # # \begin{equation} # \frac{dz}{dx} = \frac{dz}{dy} \frac{dy}{dx} # \end{equation} # ### 6.6 Historical Notes # In[ ]: