library(ggplot2) library(tidyr) library(repr) library(dplyr) library(devtools) library(restatapi) dataset1_1 <- get_eurostat_data(id="isoc_ci_in_h", filters = list(geo = "EU28", unit = "PC_HH", hhtyp = "TOTAL"), date_filter = "2008:2018") dataset1_1$indic_is <- "INT_ACCESS" dataset1_2 <- get_eurostat_data(id="isoc_ci_it_h", filters = list(geo = "EU28", unit = "PC_HH", hhtyp = "TOTAL", indic_is = "H_BROAD"), date_filter = "2008:2018") dataset_fig1 <- rbind(dataset1_1, dataset1_2) dataset_fig1$time<-as.numeric(as.character(dataset_fig1$time)) dataset_fig1 options(repr.plot.width=20, repr.plot.height=10) ggplot(data=dataset_fig1, aes(x=time, y=values, group=factor(indic_is), color=factor(indic_is))) + geom_line() + scale_color_manual(values = c("#F06423", "#276EB4"), labels = c("Internet access", "Broadband connection"), , name = " ") + ggtitle("Internet access and broadband internet connections of households, EU-28, 2008-2018 (% of all households)") + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 100), breaks = seq(0, 180, by = 25)) + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(2008, 2018), breaks = seq(2008, 2018, by = 1)) + theme(text = element_text(size = 20)) + ylab(" ") + xlab(" ")