#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('run', '"Retropy_framework.ipynb"') # In[2]: show(SPY) # In[3]: show(FDN, AMZN, FB, GOOG, MSFT, SPY) # In[5]: AAPLQ = get("WIKI/AAPL@Q") # horizontal and verical marker lines show(AAPL, AAPLQ, 2, datetime.datetime(2015, 8, 25)) # moving average, disable trim-align feature show(SPY, ma(SPY, 200), ta=False) # compare asset in absolute and relative terms show(BND, SPY, VFITX) show(BND/SPY, VFITX/SPY) # In[10]: show("EUR/USD@IC", "EURUSD@CUR") # In[2]: show("IWDA@IC", get("IWDA.AS!EUR") * get("EURUSD@CUR")) # In[3]: show("MIWO00000NUS@IC", "IWDA@IC") # In[ ]: # be sure to save before you publish publish() # In[ ]: