#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # Calculate the frequency of daisy drive alleles for different systems and release sizes. #

# Select values for the following: # * drive_init - the number of organisms to be released. #

# * C - either 'Single release' or 'Repeated releases every generation.' Repeated release option releases drive_init organisms. #

# * n - the number # of elements in the daisy drive ranging from 1 element (A) to 6 elements (F->E->D->C->B->A) #

# * payload_cost - the fitness cost of the payload in element A. Select none (0.02), moderate (0.1), or severe (0.4) # In[1]: num_elements = {'A':1, 'B->A':2, 'C->B->A':3, 'D->C->B->A':4, 'E->D->C->B->A':5, 'F->E->D->C->B->A':6} #print num_elements.keys() cost1_elements = {'none':0, 'minor':0.05, 'moderate':0.1} #print cost1_elements.keys() cost2_elements = {'none':0.02, 'moderate':0.01, 'severe':0.4} #print cost2_elements.keys() driveinit_elements = { 'One per thousand wild organisms': 0.001, 'One per hundred wild organisms': 0.01, 'One per ten wild organisms':0.1, 'One for every wild organism':1} #print driveinit_elements.keys() #repeated seeding frequency, or 0 if you don’t want repeated seeding C_elements = {'Repeated seeding':1, 'No repeated seeding':0} # In[2]: from IPython.display import display from IPython.display import HTML import IPython.core.display as di # Example: di.display_html('


' % str, raw=True) # This line will hide code by default when the notebook is exported as HTML di.display_html('', raw=True) # This line will add a button to toggle visibility of code blocks, for use with the HTML export version #di.display_html('''''', raw=True) # In[3]: import percache cache = percache.Cache("cache.txt") import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # In[4]: @cache def daisy_drive(n, cost2, P, C, drive_init, t_max): # create file with the input parameters for the matlab function #s = [n, cost1, cost2, P, C, drive_init, t_max] s = [n, cost2, P, C, drive_init, t_max] print s import csv with open('params.txt', 'w') as outfile: writer = csv.writer(outfile) writer.writerow(s) # execute matlab function (bash) get_ipython().system('rm T.txt') get_ipython().system('rm Y.txt') get_ipython().system('/Applications/MATLAB_R2016a.app/bin/matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "cd(\'/Users/erika/daisy_drive\');simulate_applet2()"') # read in matlab output files from numpy import genfromtxt T = genfromtxt('T.txt', delimiter=',') Y = genfromtxt('Y.txt', delimiter=',') return(T,Y) # In[5]: def plot(n, payload_cost, C, drive_init): n = num_elements[n] cost2 = cost2_elements[payload_cost] drive_init = driveinit_elements[drive_init] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3), subplot_kw={'axisbg':'#EEEEEE', 'axisbelow':True}) ax.grid(color='w', linewidth=2, linestyle='solid') if C == 'Repeated seeding': C = drive_init else: C = 0 (T,Y) = daisy_drive(n, cost2, 1, C, drive_init, 200) for i in range(0, n): if n > 1: Y_i = [b[i] for b in Y] else: Y_i = Y ax.plot(T, Y_i,lw=5, alpha=0.4) #ax.set_xlim(0, 10) #ax.set_ylim(-1.1, 1.1) return fig # In[6]: # hide silly little matplotlib warning import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # In[7]: from ipywidgets import StaticInteract, RangeWidget, RadioWidget StaticInteract(plot, n=RadioWidget(['A', 'B->A', 'C->B->A', 'D->C->B->A', 'E->D->C->B->A', 'F->E->D->C->B->A']), payload_cost=RadioWidget(cost2_elements.keys()), C=RadioWidget(C_elements.keys()), drive_init=RadioWidget(driveinit_elements.keys()) ) # In[12]: cache.close()