library(deSolve) #lsoda() library(reshape2) #melt() checkSize = function(param, L, W){ param_name = deparse(substitute(param)) param_size = dim(param) if(is.null(param_size)){ print(paste0("Warning: ", param_name," is a scalar value, expanding to size ", L, "x", W, ".")) param = param*matrix(1,L,W) param_size = dim(param) } else if(param_size[1]== W & param_size[2]==L & W!=L){ print(paste0("Warning: ", param_name," was given in reverse dimension order, so transposing it before use...")) param = t(param) param_size = dim(param) } else if(param_size[1]!=L | param_size[2]!=W){ print(paste0("Error: Parameter ",param_name," is of size ",param_size[1],"x",param_size[2]," and not ",L, "x",W)) stop("See above message") } return(param) } checkGreaterOrEqual = function(param, bound.l){ if (sum(param0) { param_name = deparse(substitute(param)) print(paste0("Error: At least one of the values of ",param_name," is less than ",bound.l)) stop("See message above") } } sirODE = function(times,init,params){ with(as.list(c(params,init)), { dXh = nu1-r*(Tr12*Ym+Tr11*Yh)*Xh-mu1*Xh dXm = nu2-r*(Tr22*Ym+Tr21*Yh)*Xm-mu2*Xm dYh = r*(Tr12*Ym+Tr11*Yh)*Xh-mu1*Yh-gamma1*Yh dYm = r*(Tr22*Ym+Tr21*Yh)*Xm-mu2*Ym-gamma2*Ym return(list(c(dXh,dXm,dYh,dYm))) }) } program4_4 = function (r=0.5/1e3,Tr=matrix(c(0,0.5,0.8,0),2,2,byrow = TRUE),gamma=c(0.033,0),mu=c(5.5e-5,0.143),nu=c(5.5e-2,1.443e3),X0=c(1e3,1e4),Y0=c(1,1),max_time=1000){ # Function contains default arguments if run as program4_4() # Check lengths/dimensions of inputs r = ifelse(length(r)==1,r,stop("r is not a scalar.")) max_time = ifelse(length(max_time)==1,max_time,stop("max_time is not a scalar.")) Tr = checkSize(Tr,2,2) gamma = checkSize(gamma,1,2) mu = checkSize(mu,1,2) nu = checkSize(nu,1,2) X0 = checkSize(X0,1,2) Y0 = checkSize(Y0,1,2) # Check parameter values are valid checkGreaterOrEqual(r,0) checkGreaterOrEqual(max_time,0) checkGreaterOrEqual(Tr,0) checkGreaterOrEqual(gamma,0) checkGreaterOrEqual(mu,0) checkGreaterOrEqual(nu,0) checkGreaterOrEqual(X0,0) checkGreaterOrEqual(Y0,0) if (Tr[1,1]!=0 | Tr[2,2]!=0) { print("Warning: Transmission probability between human-human or mosquito-mosquito species (i.e. T's diagonal) is non-zero'") # We print this warning as it is unusual to have non-zero T_HH & T_MM for basic vector models. } if (Tr[1,1]<0 | Tr[1,1]>1) { stop("Human-to-human transmission probability is not between zero and 1.") } if (Tr[2,2]<0 | Tr[2,2]>1) { stop("Mosquito-to-mosquito transmission probability is not between zero and 1.") } if (Tr[1,2]<0 | Tr[1,2]>1) { stop("Human-to-mosquito transmission probability is not between zero and 1.") } if (Tr[2,1]<0 | Tr[2,1]>1) { stop("Mosquito-to-human transmission probability is not between zero and 1.") } # ODE solver params = c(nu[1],nu[2],r,Tr[1,1],Tr[1,2],Tr[2,1],Tr[2,2],mu[1],mu[2],gamma[1],gamma[2]) names(params) = c("nu1","nu2","r","Tr11","Tr12","Tr21","Tr22","mu1","mu2","gamma1","gamma2") init = c(X0[1],X0[2],Y0[1],Y0[2]) names(init) = c("Xh","Xm","Yh","Ym") times = seq(0,max_time,length.out=(max_time+1)) sir_out = lsoda(init,times,sirODE,params,rtol = 1e-5) # rtol matches the original MATLAB code return(sir_out) } sir_out = program4_4() #Reproduces Keeling & Rohani's results as seen in their original MATLAB code. tic = proc.time() invisible(program4_4()) # invisible() hides function output, apart from warnings proc.time() - tic # ~0.1 secs on Dell Precision M2800 laptop library(ggplot2) library(gridExtra) g1 = ggplot([,c(1,2)]),aes(x=time,y=Xh))+ geom_line(lwd=2,colour="green")+ xlab("Time")+ylab("Susceptible humans")+ scale_y_log10() g2 = ggplot([,c(1,3)]),aes(x=time,y=Xm))+ geom_line(lwd=2,colour="green")+ xlab("Time")+ylab("Susceptible mosquitoes")+ scale_y_log10() g3 = ggplot([,c(1,4)]),aes(x=time,y=Yh))+ geom_line(lwd=2,colour="red")+ xlab("Time")+ylab("Infected humans")+ scale_y_log10() g4 = ggplot([,c(1,5)]),aes(x=time,y=Ym))+ geom_line(lwd=2,colour="red")+ xlab("Time")+ylab("Infected mosquitoes")+ scale_y_log10() grid.arrange(g1, g2, g3, g4, ncol=2) #Reproduces Keeling & Rohani's plots as seen in their original MATLAB code.