students = ['bernice', 'aaron', 'cody'] for student in students: print("Hello, " + student.title() + "!") dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] dog = dogs[0] print(dog.title()) dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] dog = dogs[1] print(dog.title()) dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] dog = dogs[-1] print(dog.title()) dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] dog = dogs[-2] print(dog.title()) dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] dog = dogs[-4] print(dog.title()) dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] for dog in dogs: print(dog) dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] for dog in dogs: print('I like ' + dog + 's.') dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] for dog in dogs: print('I like ' + dog + 's.') print('No, I really really like ' + dog +'s!\n') print("\nThat's just how I feel about dogs.") dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] for dog in dogs: print(dogs) dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] for dog in dogs: print('I like ' + dogs + 's.') dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] dogs[0] = 'australian shepherd' print(dogs) dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] print(dogs.index('australian cattle dog')) dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] print(dogs.index('poodle')) dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] print('australian cattle dog' in dogs) print('poodle' in dogs) dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] dogs.append('poodle') for dog in dogs: print(dog.title() + "s are cool.") dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] dogs.insert(1, 'poodle') print(dogs) # Create an empty list to hold our users. usernames = [] # Add some users. usernames.append('bernice') usernames.append('cody') usernames.append('aaron') # Greet all of our users. for username in usernames: print("Welcome, " + username.title() + '!') # Create an empty list to hold our users. usernames = [] # Add some users. usernames.append('bernice') usernames.append('cody') usernames.append('aaron') # Recognize our first user, and welcome our newest user. print("Thank you for being our very first user, " + usernames[0].title() + '!') print("And a warm welcome to our newest user, " + usernames[-1].title() + '!') students = ['bernice', 'aaron', 'cody'] # Put students in alphabetical order. students.sort() # Display the list in its current order. print("Our students are currently in alphabetical order.") for student in students: print(student.title()) #Put students in reverse alphabetical order. students.sort(reverse=True) # Display the list in its current order. print("\nOur students are now in reverse alphabetical order.") for student in students: print(student.title()) students = ['bernice', 'aaron', 'cody'] # Display students in alphabetical order, but keep the original order. print("Here is the list in alphabetical order:") for student in sorted(students): print(student.title()) # Display students in reverse alphabetical order, but keep the original order. print("\nHere is the list in reverse alphabetical order:") for student in sorted(students, reverse=True): print(student.title()) print("\nHere is the list in its original order:") # Show that the list is still in its original order. for student in students: print(student.title()) students = ['bernice', 'aaron', 'cody'] students.reverse() print(students) numbers = [1, 3, 4, 2] # sort() puts numbers in increasing order. numbers.sort() print(numbers) # sort(reverse=True) puts numbers in decreasing order. numbers.sort(reverse=True) print(numbers) numbers = [1, 3, 4, 2] # sorted() preserves the original order of the list: print(sorted(numbers)) print(numbers) numbers = [1, 3, 4, 2] # The reverse() function also works for numerical lists. numbers.reverse() print(numbers) usernames = ['bernice', 'cody', 'aaron'] user_count = len(usernames) print(user_count) # Create an empty list to hold our users. usernames = [] # Add some users, and report on how many users we have. usernames.append('bernice') user_count = len(usernames) print("We have " + str(user_count) + " user!") usernames.append('cody') usernames.append('aaron') user_count = len(usernames) print("We have " + str(user_count) + " users!") usernames = ['bernice', 'cody', 'aaron'] user_count = len(usernames) print("This will cause an error: " + user_count) usernames = ['bernice', 'cody', 'aaron'] user_count = len(usernames) print("This will work: " + str(user_count)) dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] # Remove the first dog from the list. del dogs[0] print(dogs) dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] # Remove australian cattle dog from the list. dogs.remove('australian cattle dog') print(dogs) letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'a', 'b', 'c'] # Remove the letter a from the list. letters.remove('a') print(letters) dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] last_dog = dogs.pop() print(last_dog) print(dogs) dogs = ['border collie', 'australian cattle dog', 'labrador retriever'] first_dog = dogs.pop(0) print(first_dog) print(dogs) usernames = ['bernice', 'cody', 'aaron', 'ever', 'dalia'] # Grab the first three users in the list. first_batch = usernames[0:3] for user in first_batch: print(user.title()) usernames = ['bernice', 'cody', 'aaron', 'ever', 'dalia'] # Grab the first three users in the list. first_batch = usernames[:3] for user in first_batch: print(user.title()) usernames = ['bernice', 'cody', 'aaron', 'ever', 'dalia'] # Grab the first three users in the list. first_batch = usernames[0:3] # The original list is unaffected. for user in usernames: print(user.title()) usernames = ['bernice', 'cody', 'aaron', 'ever', 'dalia'] # Grab a batch from the middle of the list. middle_batch = usernames[1:4] for user in middle_batch: print(user.title()) usernames = ['bernice', 'cody', 'aaron', 'ever', 'dalia'] # Grab all users from the third to the end. end_batch = usernames[2:] for user in end_batch: print(user.title()) usernames = ['bernice', 'cody', 'aaron', 'ever', 'dalia'] # Make a copy of the list. copied_usernames = usernames[:] print("The full copied list:\n\t", copied_usernames) # Remove the first two users from the copied list. del copied_usernames[0] del copied_usernames[0] print("\nTwo users removed from copied list:\n\t", copied_usernames) # The original list is unaffected. print("\nThe original list:\n\t", usernames) # Print out the first ten numbers. numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] for number in numbers: print(number) # Print the first ten numbers. for number in range(1,11): print(number) # Print the first ten odd numbers. for number in range(1,21,2): print(number) # Create a list of the first ten numbers. numbers = list(range(1,11)) print(numbers) # Store the first million numbers in a list. numbers = list(range(1,1000001)) # Show the length of the list: print("The list 'numbers' has " + str(len(numbers)) + " numbers in it.") # Show the last ten numbers: print("\nThe last ten numbers in the list are:") for number in numbers[-10:]: print(number) ages = [23, 16, 14, 28, 19, 11, 38] youngest = min(ages) oldest = max(ages) total_years = sum(ages) print("Our youngest reader is " + str(youngest) + " years old.") print("Our oldest reader is " + str(oldest) + " years old.") print("Together, we have " + str(total_years) + " years worth of life experience.") # Store the first ten square numbers in a list. # Make an empty list that will hold our square numbers. squares = [] # Go through the first ten numbers, square them, and add them to our list. for number in range(1,11): new_square = number**2 squares.append(new_square) # Show that our list is correct. for square in squares: print(square) # Store the first ten square numbers in a list. # Make an empty list that will hold our square numbers. squares = [] # Go through the first ten numbers, square them, and add them to our list. for number in range(1,11): squares.append(number**2) # Show that our list is correct. for square in squares: print(square) # Store the first ten square numbers in a list. squares = [number**2 for number in range(1,11)] for square in squares: print(square) # Make an empty list that will hold the even numbers. evens = [] # Loop through the numbers 1-10, double each one, and add it to our list. for number in range(1,11): evens.append(number*2) # Show that our list is correct: for even in evens: print(even) # Make a list of the first ten even numbers. evens = [number*2 for number in range(1,11)] for even in evens: print(even) # Consider some students. students = ['bernice', 'aaron', 'cody'] # Let's turn them into great students. great_students = [] for student in students: great_students.append(student.title() + " the great!") # Let's greet each great student. for great_student in great_students: print("Hello, " + great_student) # Consider some students. students = ['bernice', 'aaron', 'cody'] # Let's turn them into great students. great_students = [student.title() + " the great!" for student in students] # Let's greet each great student. for great_student in great_students: print("Hello, " + great_student) message = "Hello!" for letter in message: print(letter) message = "Hello world!" message_list = list(message) print(message_list) message = "Hello World!" first_char = message[0] last_char = message[-1] print(first_char, last_char) message = "Hello World!" first_three = message[:3] last_three = message[-3:] print(first_three, last_three) message = "I like cats and dogs." dog_present = 'dog' in message print(dog_present) message = "I like cats and dogs." dog_index = message.find('dog') print(dog_index) message = "I like cats and dogs, but I'd much rather own a dog." dog_index = message.find('dog') print(dog_index) message = "I like cats and dogs, but I'd much rather own a dog." last_dog_index = message.rfind('dog') print(last_dog_index) message = "I like cats and dogs, but I'd much rather own a dog." message = message.replace('dog', 'snake') print(message) message = "I like cats and dogs, but I'd much rather own a dog." number_dogs = message.count('dog') print(number_dogs) message = "I like cats and dogs, but I'd much rather own a dog." words = message.split(' ') print(words) animals = "dog, cat, tiger, mouse, liger, bear" # Rewrite the string as a list, and store it in the same variable animals = animals.split(',') print(animals) colors = ('red', 'green', 'blue') print("The first color is: " + colors[0]) print("\nThe available colors are:") for color in colors: print("- " + color) colors = ('red', 'green', 'blue') colors.append('purple') animal = 'dog' print("I have a " + animal + ".") animals = ['dog', 'cat', 'bear'] for animal in animals: print("I have a " + animal + ".") animal = 'dog' print("I have a %s." % animal) animals = ['dog', 'cat', 'bear'] for animal in animals: print("I have a %s." % animal) animals = ['dog', 'cat', 'bear'] print("I have a %s, a %s, and a %s." % (animals[0], animals[1], animals[2])) number = 23 print("My favorite number is " + number + ".") number = 23 print("My favorite number is " + str(number) + ".") number = 23 print("My favorite number is %d." % number) numbers = [7, 23, 42] print("My favorite numbers are %d, %d, and %d." % (numbers[0], numbers[1], numbers[2])) numbers = [7, 23, 42] print("My favorite numbers are " + str(numbers[0]) + ", " + str(numbers[1]) + ", and " + str(numbers[2]) + ".") names = ['eric', 'ever'] numbers = [23, 2] print("%s's favorite number is %d, and %s's favorite number is %d." % (names[0].title(), numbers[0], names[1].title(), numbers[1]))